Using Poll Everywhere
Your instructor will be using a web-based polling system to ask questions during class. You can submit your answers to these questions using either

  • a text message to 99503
  • a web form at

To submit answers with the web form, you can use any device that uses a wi-fi connection, e.g., your laptop, your smart phone, your iPod Touch.
You will preface each answer you send with a keyword* or number associated with that question or answer:

hist I've never taken an astrophysics course.
89055 I strongly disagree

* Keywords are not case sensitive.

Don't worry about remembering all of this! Instructions for submitting answers are displayed on screen along with the questions your instructor poses during class.

Before you can use Poll Everywhere, you'll need to create an account. Follow the instructions below very carefully.

  1. Click the link provided by your instructor to go to your course's Poll Everywhere Participant Registration page.
  2. Under User Information, enter your name, UNC-CH Onyen email address, and a password. This password does not need to be your Onyen password; in fact, we recommend using a different password.
  3. Under Optional Information, do not change Existing User or Email. This information links your account to your instructor's course account.
  4. Leave Mobile Number blank for the moment. You'll provide this information on the next screen.
  5. Review the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy information. Your account is free, so reviewing the Refund & Payment policy is optional. Click the check box and then the Register button. Your Personal Info page opens.
  6. On the right side of the screen, click the organization link. Click the Edit link and enter your name/PID. Click Update. Then click Personal Info on the left side of the screen.
  7. Under Email, clear the checkbox to avoid receiving periodic email from the Poll Everywhere company.
  8. Enter your Mobile Number, including the area code. Poll Everywhere promises to not send unsolicited text messages or calls to your phone. For additional information,
  9. Update the Time Zone to Eastern Time.
  10. Click Update Profile. The Phone Number Certification page opens. To associate your phone number with your personal account, send a text message to Poll Everywhere. Simply follow the on-screen instructions. Once your text has been received, you'll receive a confirmation text.
    Now you're ready to use Poll Everywhere. Notice that you can create your own polls, too. Your free account allows up to 30 answers to be submitted to any poll that you create.