English IV

Course Syllabus


Teacher: Pam Seay

Room: 2

Contact: 2:00 – 3:30 each day

Phone: 260-4888, ext. 124

Email address:

Web page: http://alternativeschool.anderson5.net/

A. Description

English IV students are introduced to the major influences of British literature. From the songs of the ancient heroes to the literature of the Renaissance, students will learn the impact that this literature has had on the development of our own modern literature.

B. Organization

English IV is an independent study. English IV students study literature, reading comprehension, vocabulary, and functional text. Through the study of British literature covering the period from 449 to the present, students analyze literary elements and devices, text structure, author’s purpose, and historical significance. Students develop strategies for reading comprehension and vocabulary acquisition through explicit instruction, teacher modeling, and apply these strategies to complex texts. Students write a variety of essays with an emphasis on responding to literature through analysis and synthesis.

C. Course Objectives, Common Core Standards E4 – 1 through E3 – 7

1. The student will read and comprehend print and nonprint literary texts from a variety of cultures and eras.

2. The student will read and comprehend print and nonprint informational texts.

3. The student will use word analysis and vocabulary to read fluently.

4. The student will write with a clear focus, use coherent organization, and include sufficient detail.

5. The student will write using standard English conventions.

6. The student will write for a variety of purposes and audiences.

7. The student will access and use information for a variety of purposes.

D. Yearly Pacing Guide

1st Nine Weeks

·  Anglo-Saxon 449 – 1066

·  Medieval 1066 – 1485

2nd Nine Weeks

·  English Renaissance 1485 – 1625


·  Seventeenth Century 1625 – 1660

3rd Nine Weeks

·  Restoration 1660 – 1798

·  Romantic 1798 – 1832

·  Victorian 1833 – 1901

4th Nine Weeks

·  Modern 1901- 1950

·  Contemporary 1951 – present

Heart of Darkness

E. Text and Required Supplies

Holt Elements of Literature Sixth Course

Compass Learning Program

F. Grading Plan

70 %

·  Quizzes

·  Notes

·  Writing Assignments


·  Chapter Tests

G. Classroom Rules and Procedures

·  All rules in the ACAS handbook will be followed.

·  Come into the room quietly. Wait for directions.

·  Restroom – Students must be accompanied by a TA or teacher.

·  No sleeping during class time. This will result in a loss of seat hours

·  Computer use

o  Do not go into games or any type of music.

o  Do not go into other student’s work.

o  Do not go into internet sites unless they are approved by me.

o  Do not go into your home emails.

o  Do not download any programs from the internet.

o  Do not change any programs on the computer.

o  Do not use other student’s passwords.

Do not change any settings on the computer – this includes the display settings.

·  All letters and drawings will be taken up and given to the proper person for discipline.

·  Practice your Four Promises in my classroom.

·  My class is a Love and Logic classroom. Please follow the procedures of Love and Logic.

H. Emergency Procedures

1. Evacuation Procedures – see instructions posted in the classroom

2. First Aid Kit – located under green file boxes. You may use band aids

in box when needed.

3. Let me know when you need to see the nurse, guidance office, Ms.

Tarallo, or Ms. Moore. I will email the information to them.

I. State Standards and State Testing

·  Course objectives are the major headings for the English IV state standards.

·  .English IV standards are posted on my page on the school’s website.

·  Students who have not passed their HSAP test will take the test again 1st semester.

J. Communicating with Parents

·  Parent letter will be sent home with each student outlining expectations, book policy, and computer work at home.

·  As necessary, parents will be contacted by phone, email, or conferences concerning student progress or lack of progress.

Course Content

English VI

1st Nine Weeks

Anglo-Saxon: 449-1066
Historical Overview: 449-1066
e4001Anglo-Saxon: 449-1066
e4501Odyssey Writer 1: Analyze historical impact on literature
Lesson Quiz: Historical Overview: 449-1066
Beowulf Excerpt: Part 1
e4002Beowulf, Excerpt, Part 1
e4502Odyssey Writer 2: Analytical essay
Lesson Quiz: Beowulf Excerpt: Part 1
Beowulf Excerpt: Part 2
e4003Beowulf, Excerpt, Part 2
e4503Odyssey Writer 3: Analyze changes in English language
Lesson Quiz: Beowulf Excerpt: Part 2
Movie - Beowulf
Vocabulary: Word Choice and Personal Style
e4006Vocabulary: Word Choice and Personal Style
e4506Odyssey Writer 4: Creative writing: focus on personal style
Lesson Quiz: Vocabulary: Word Choice and Personal Style
Chapter Test: Anglo-Saxon: 449-1066
Medieval: 1066-1485
Historical Overview: 1066-1485
e4007Medieval: 1066-1485
e4507Odyssey Writer 5: Analyze historical impact on literature
Lesson Quiz: Historical Overview: 1066-1485
"Robin Hood and Allen-a-Dale"/"Fair Rosamond"
e4008"Robin Hood and Allen-a-Dale" and "Fair Rosamond"
e4508Odyssey Writer 6: Analyze author's purpose
Lesson Quiz: "Robin Hood and Allen-a-Dale"/"Fair Rosamond"
Le Morte d'Arthur, Excerpt
e4009Le Morte d'Arthur, Excerpt
e4509Odyssey Writer 7: Creative writing with archetypes
Lesson Quiz: Le Morte d'Arthur, Excerpt
Movie – King Arthur or Robin Hood
The Canterbury Tales: The Prologue
e4010The Canterbury Tales: The Prologue
e4510Odyssey Writer 8: Analytical response to literature
Lesson Quiz: The Canterbury Tales: The Prologue
The Canterbury Tales: 3 Tales
e4011Canterbury Tales: 3 Tales
e4511Odyssey Writer 9: Analytical response to literature
Lesson Quiz: The Canterbury Tales: 3 Tales
Paston Letters
e4012Paston Letters
e4512Odyssey Writer 10: Analytical response to literature
Lesson Quiz: Paston Letters
Story Weaver: Tapestries of the Middle Ages
e4013Story Weaver: Tapestries of the Middle Ages
e4513Odyssey Writer 11: Historical significance of tapestries
Lesson Quiz: Story Weaver: Tapestries of the Middle Ages
Vocabulary: Analogies and Word Relationships
e4014Vocabulary: Analogies and Word Relationships
Lesson Quiz: Vocabulary: Analogies and Word Relationships
Chapter Test: Medieval: 1066-1485
2nd / Nine Weeks
English Renaissance: 1485-1625
Historical Overview: 1485-1625
e4015English Renaissance: 1485-1625
e4515Odyssey Writer 13: Analyze historical impact on literature
Lesson Quiz: Historical Overview: 1485-1625
The King James Bible: A Brief History Excerpt
e4017The King James Bible: A Brief History Excerpt
e4517Odyssey Writer 14: Analyze nonfiction text
Lesson Quiz: The King James Bible: A Brief History Excerpt
Macbeth: Act I
e4018Macbeth: Act I
e4518Odyssey Writer 15: Analyze historical context
Lesson Quiz: Macbeth: Act I
Macbeth: Act II
e4019Macbeth: Act II
e4519Odyssey Writer 16: Analyze characters
Lesson Quiz: Macbeth: Act II
Macbeth: Act III
e4020Macbeth: Act III
e4520Odyssey Writer 17: Analyze theme
Lesson Quiz: Macbeth: Act III
Macbeth: Act IV
e4021Macbeth: Act IV
e4521Odyssey Writer 18: Analyze foreshadowing
Lesson Quiz: Macbeth: Act IV
Macbeth: Act V
e4022Macbeth: Act V
e4522Odyssey Writer 19: Analyze drama
Lesson Quiz: Macbeth: Act V
Movie Macbeth
Vocabulary: Denotation and Connotation
e4023Vocabulary: Denotation and Connotation
e4523Odyssey Writer 20: Denotation and connotation
Lesson Quiz: Vocabulary: Denotation and Connotation
Chapter Test: English Renaissance: 1485-1625
Seventeenth Century: 1625-1660
Historical Overview: 1625-1660
e4024Seventeenth-Century England: 1625-1660
e4524Odyssey Writer 21: Analyze historical impact on literature
Lesson Quiz: Historical Overview: 1625-1660
Shakespeare, Jonson, and Donne Poetry
e4025Shakespeare, Jonson, and Donne Poetry
e4525Odyssey Writer 22: Compare and contrast poetry
Lesson Quiz: Shakespeare, Jonson, and Donne Poetry
Andrew Marvell and Omar Khayyam Poetry
e4026Andrew Marvell and Omar Khayyam Poetry
e4526Odyssey Writer 23: Analyze poetry
Lesson Quiz: Andrew Marvell and Omar Khayyam Poetry
Paradise Lost, Excerpt
e4028Paradise Lost, Excerpt; and Andrew Marvell's Response
e4528Odyssey Writer 24: Analyze allusions
Lesson Quiz: Paradise Lost, Excerpt
Chapter Test: Seventeenth Century: 1625-1660
3rd Nine Weeks Restoration/Enlightenment
Historical Overview: 1660-1798
e4029Restoration and Enlightenment: 1660-1798
e4529Odyssey Writer 25: Analyze historical impact on literature
Lesson Quiz: Historical Overview: 1660-1798
"An Essay of Dramatic Poesy"
e4030"An Essay of Dramatic Poesy"
e4530Odyssey Writer 26: Analyze author's style
Lesson Quiz: "An Essay of Dramatic Poesy"
e4527Odyssey Writer 27: Compare and contrast accounts
Lesson Quiz: Plague
Gulliver's Travels, Excerpt
e4031Gulliver's Travels, Excerpt
e4531Odyssey Writer 28: Analyze theme
Lesson Quiz: Gulliver's Travels, Excerpt
The Journals of Captain James Cook, Excerpt
e4033The Journals of Captain James Cook, Excerpt
e4533Odyssey Writer 29: Response to expository text
Lesson Quiz: The Journals of Captain James Cook, Excerpt
Samuel Johnson's Dictionary, Excerpts
e4034Samuel Johnson's Dictionary, Excerpts
e4534Odyssey Writer 30: Response to expository text
Lesson Quiz: Samuel Johnson's Dictionary, Excerpts
William Blake Poetry
e4035William Blake Poetry
e4535Odyssey Writer 31: Write poetry
Lesson Quiz: William Blake Poetry
Chapter Test: Restoration/Enlightenment
Romantic: 1798-1832
Historical Overview: 1798-1832
e4036Romantic: 1798-1832
e4536Odyssey Writer 32: Analyze historical impact on literature
Lesson Quiz: Historical Overview: 1798-1832
William Wordsworth and Lord Byron Poetry
e4037William Wordsworth and Lord Byron Poetry
e4537Odyssey Writer 33: Analyze Romantic poetry
Lesson Quiz: William Wordsworth and Lord Byron Poetry
Don Juan, Excerpt
e4039Don Juan, Excerpt
e4539Odyssey Writer 34: Response to literature
Lesson Quiz: Don Juan, Excerpt
Percy Bysshe Shelley and John Keats Poetry
e4040Percy Bysshe Shelley and John Keats Poetry
e4540Odyssey Writer 35: Analyze poetry
Lesson Quiz: Percy Bysshe Shelley and John Keats Poetry
e4541Odyssey Writer 36: Analyze cultural significance
Lesson Quiz: Frankenstein
Chapter Test: Romantic: 1798-1832
Victorian England: 1833-1901
Historical Overview: 1833-1901
e4043Victorian England: 1833-1901
e4543Odyssey Writer 37: Analyze historical impact on literature
Lesson Quiz: Historical Overview: 1833-1901
"The Signalman"
e4044"The Signalman"
e4544Odyssey Writer 38: Analyze plot structure
Lesson Quiz: "The Signalman"
"The Three Strangers"
e4045"The Three Strangers"
e4545Odyssey Writer 39: Analyze literary elements
Lesson Quiz: "The Three Strangers"
Victorian London
e4046Victorian London
e4546Odyssey Writer 40: Synthesize information from various texts
Lesson Quiz: Victorian London
Media: Evaluate Print Media
e4047Media: Evaluate Print Media
e4547Odyssey Writer 41: Evaluate print media
Lesson Quiz: Media: Evaluate Print Media
Vocabulary: Resources and Digital Tools
e4048Vocabulary: Resources and Digital Tools
e4548Odyssey Writer 42: Resources and digital tools
Lesson Quiz: Vocabulary: Resources and Digital Tools
Chapter Test: Victorian England: 1833-1901
Movie Jane Eyre
Wuthering Heights
4th Nine Weeks
Modern: 1901-1950
Historical Overview: 1901-1950
e4049Modern Era: 1901-1950
e4549Odyssey Writer 43: Analyze historical impact on literature
Lesson Quiz: Historical Overview: 1901-1950
"The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb"
e4050"The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb"
e4550Odyssey Writer 44: Analyze literary elements
Lesson Quiz: "The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb"
"The Other Side of the Hedge"
e4051"The Other Side of the Hedge"
e4551Odyssey Writer 45: Analyze allegory
Lesson Quiz: "The Other Side of the Hedge"
"The New Dress"
e4052"The New Dress"
e4552Odyssey Writer 46: Analyze writing style
Lesson Quiz: "The New Dress"
"The Rocking-Horse Winner"
e4053"The Rocking-Horse Winner"
e4553Odyssey Writer 47: Analyze use of irony and dialogue
Lesson Quiz: "The Rocking-Horse Winner"
Pygmalion, Acts 2 and 3
e4055Pygmalion, Acts 2 and 3
e4555Odyssey Writer 48: Summary
Lesson Quiz: Pygmalion, Acts 2 and 3
William Butler Yeats and Dylan Thomas Poetry
e4056William Butler Yeats and Dylan Thomas Poetry
e4556Odyssey Writer 49: Analyze poetry
Lesson Quiz: William Butler Yeats and Dylan Thomas Poetry
Neville Chamberlain: Speech to Parliament
e4057Neville Chamberlain: Speech to Parliament
e4557Odyssey Writer 50: Analyze speech
Lesson Quiz: Neville Chamberlain: Speech to Parliament
Chapter Test: Modern: 1901-1950
Contemporary: 1951-Present
Historical Overview: 1951-Present
e4058Contemporary: 1951-Present
e4558Odyssey Writer 51: Analyze historical impact on literature
Lesson Quiz: Historical Overview: 1951-Present
Stories in Six Words
e4059Stories in Six Words
e4559Odyssey Writer 52: Creative writing
Lesson Quiz: Stories in Six Words
"A Shocking Accident"
e4061"A Shocking Accident"
e4561Odyssey Writer 54: Response to literature
Lesson Quiz: "A Shocking Accident"
"Something for the Time Being"
e4062"Something for the Time Being"
e4562Odyssey Writer 55: Analyze characters
Lesson Quiz: "Something for the Time Being"
Functional Text: Workplace Documents
e4063Functional Text: Workplace Documents
e4563Odyssey Writer 53: E-mails, memos, summaries
Lesson Quiz: Functional Text: Workplace Documents
"Death by Landscape"
e4064"Death by Landscape"
e4564Odyssey Writer 56: Analyze story structure
Lesson Quiz: "Death by Landscape"
The Role of DNA in Criminal Investigations
e4065The Role of DNA in Criminal Investigations
e4565Odyssey Writer 57: Analyze expository text
Lesson Quiz: The Role of DNA in Criminal Investigations
Author Study: Bowler, Pratchett, Kinsella
e4066Author Study: Bowler, Pratchett, and Kinsella
e4566Odyssey Writer 58: Write a summary
Lesson Quiz: Author Study: Bowler, Pratchett, Kinsella
Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Origins
e4067Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Origins
e4567Odyssey Writer 59: Greek and Latin origins
Lesson Quiz: Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Origins
Chapter Test: Contemporary: 1951-Present
Novel Study
Heart of Darkness, Background
e4069Heart of Darkness, Background
e4569Odyssey Writer 60: Write a summary
Lesson Quiz: Heart of Darkness, Background
Heart of Darkness, Chapter 1
e4070Heart of Darkness, Chapter 1
e4570Odyssey Writer 61: Analyze story structure
Lesson Quiz: Heart of Darkness, Chapter 1
Heart of Darkness, Chapter 2
e4071Heart of Darkness, Chapter 2
e4571Odyssey Writer 62: Analyze character
Lesson Quiz: Heart of Darkness, Chapter 2
Heart of Darkness, Chapter 3
e4072Heart of Darkness, Chapter 3
e4572Odyssey Writer 63: Analyze theme
Lesson Quiz: Heart of Darkness, Chapter 3
Chapter Test: Novel Study

Grammar, Compostition, and Research will be included during the each nine weeks.

Students may be assigned other novels to complete the required 120 hours.

Tentative Yearly Schedule

Anglo-Saxons 449 to 1066

Songs of Ancient Heroes

·  Video – A Tribal Legacy

·  DVD and book – Beowulf


Middle Ages 1066-1485

The Gift of Story

·  Video – To Be a Knight

·  Book

o  Ballads

§  Lord Randall

§  Edward, Edward

§  Get Up and Bar the Door

o  Canterbury Tales

§  The Prologue

§  Pardoner's Tale

§  Wife of Bath

o  The Death of Arthur

·  DVD - Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

·  DVD - King Arthur

The Renaissance 1485 -1660

Love, Death, and Time

Spenser - Sonnet 30

Sonnet 75

Shakes peare - Sonnet 29