Using IF statements in Excel
Premiership Score Table
Begin by starting your model as below. Be careful to put the scores in the correct cells exactly as below. You will be able to add some of your teams and scores later.
The scores are the Variables as these are values that can change.
We will now create an IF statement that will check if the first number is greater than the second number. This will decide if the result is a home win or away win.
For example… If B3 > D3 then it must be an Home Win, otherwise it’s an Away Win
Insert an IF statement into cell E3 as below. Press enter after you have entered the IF statement.
Try altering the result in cells B3 and D3 to see how the result in the IF statement changes.
Now drag the IF statement from E3 down to E5.
You’ll see there is now a problem when 2 teams draw there match. The IF statement only checks if the first score is greater than the second, it doesn’t check if the 2 scores are the same.
Instead the IF statement has to perform 2 checks…
IF B3 > D3 then “Home Win”, IF B3 = D3 then “Draw”, otherwise “Away Win”
The IF statement needs to look like the following…
Now drag this down and test to see if it works.
Now you can add some of your own teams and scores. Be realistic about the number of goals each team scores.
Once you have completed add a conditional format to the results cells. Highlight the range of cells and click on Format – Conditional Formatting
You then need to set 3 rules for Home Win, Away Win and Draw and set a different format for each. See if you can do this.