General Membership Meeting Minutes
Endeavour PTSA 2.6.20 2013-2014
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Meeting called to order at 9:01 AM in the Multi-Purpose Room. Notice was posted on the Reader Board, PTSA website and in the Jaguar Print. Attendance was taken and quorum was present.
Levy Presentation - Cecilia Lee
- A 3-item levy package is on the February ballet, including levies for (1) Maintenance and Operations for 2015-2018 as a supplement to state funding, (2) Transportation to purchase 70 buses in 2015 at a cost of $1.7 million and (3) Critical Repairs and Technology. The levy rate is $4.83 for every $1000 in property value, an increase of 9 cents over the last levy. Council endorsed the levy package and recommended that we do the same. Jill Bengis moved that the levy be endorsed by the Endeavour PTSA. Jennie Schmidt seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
President's Report - Sarah Ransom
- Proposed Standing Rules were distributed and discussed. Jennie Schmidt moved that the date onthe Standing Rulesbe changed to 2013-2014 and that we accept them with that change. Jill Bengis seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
- The proposed Mission and Goals for 2013-2014 were read, with the "Be the Difference" theme and logo for the year discussed. Lisa Baisler moved to accept the 2013-2014 Mission and Goals, Theme and Logo and Corene Caley seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
- The Washington State PTSA is putting together its platform this year and bringing together legislative representatives from each school to vote on proposals and create the agenda pursued by the organization at the state level. Based on enrollment numbers, we are allowed 4 votes at the Legislative Assembly, which takes place October 18-19th. Sarah Ransom will attend and anyone interested should contact Sarah. The cost is $140 for each participant and will be paid by our PTSA.
- The Board thanked Alison Takenaka for her service to the Board and support of e-Kids and Caring Thru Sharing.
Secretary's Report - Sally Morgan
- Minutes were submitted for approval. They were changed to read that the first and last names of all old and new bank signing Board members will be recorded in the Minutes going forward. Kim Olson was also incorrectly listed as the Merlin Parent Representative and that was struck. Stephanie Mallory moved to accept the Minutes with these changes and Corene Caley seconded. The motion was approved unanimously.
- Guests were asked to sign the attendance sheet and Sarah noted the excellent turn-out and thanked everyone for coming.
Treasurer's Report - Janet Bien
- Janet discussed the August audit of the January 1st and June 30th time period. The audit report was read and it was noted that all finances are in order and in conformance with Money Matters. She noted that we have received a report from the school confirming that the money we gave the school was spent in accordance with its purpose.
- Distributed the budget for this year, noting changes that we need to make andwhat has been spent so far as of September 22nd.
- We added revenue for the Theresa Bateman author assembly on October 11th. We expect to net about $150 on related book sales.
- We decreased expected revenue for Movie Day/Nights to reflect one less movie event.
- We need to increase popcorn sales by $50 to cover popcorn tax.
- A line item was added to cover $1,075 for the Jaguar art work above the cafeteria door. This was a 5th Grade gift and paid for with funds from last year but expensed this year, so we need to add it so that it is reflected in this year's budget.
- A reallocation of $2,000 for new sound systems in each classroom. We put $15,000 toward the sound system and the first phase was installed in common areas. The 2nd phase was installed in half of the classrooms and we now need to complete the third phase with installations in remaining classrooms. We are reallocating funds from the DVD library update and grade level grants in order to cover this expenditure. The cost involved has also changed because the work order was extended between the school and vendor.
- Janet asked for comments and questions and the changes noted were discussed. Caroline Burton-Moore moved to accept the changes as written and Andie Adee seconded. If we raise enough funds this fall, we may still be able to fund grade level grants. The motion carried unanimously.
Principal's Report - Kathy Connally
- Everyone was thanked for a great start to the school year. Curriculum Night was also a huge success with a great turnout. The school is working with the District to improve the parking lot situation.
- A District Safety Committee was formed which is hiring an outside consultant to audit our safety procedures. We will be the first school audited beginning next Monday.
- Juli Trochim was introduced as the school's new Dean of Students. She will be helping with the safety audit.
- Parent education nights are being planned, including one to help our English language learners.
- The PTSA was thanked for helping to make the new sound system possible.
Issaquah Schools Foundation (ISF) President- Deborah Rosman
- Discussed the District's funding gap that the ISF is aiming to bridge. ISF works to improve education at all levels with classroom enrichment grants, afterschool homework programs in all high schools and middle schools, funding of state curriculum adoption, promotionof professional development/connecting teachers with kids and promotion of financial literacy and Pre-K summer school for Title 1 schools.
- At Endeavour, ISF has funded character-building initiatives, K-5 art lessons and leveled reading book classrooms. They are now working to help fund a student needs program with backpacks and breakfast bars, the new writing curriculum and highly capable programs for Merlin/Sage.
- ISF's "All In For Kids" campaign this year has a $440,000 goal. The average donation is $320 but donations at any level are greatly appreciated. The ISF website has more information.
VOLUNTEERS - Lisa Baisler
- The new PTSA website has significantly streamlined the ability to coordinate volunteers.
- We now have Chairs for Reflections and Movie Night. We are still looking for Chairs for Art Walk, Science Fair, Math and Robotics Clubs and the Auction.
- The biggest volunteer effort of the year is underway with Walkathon. A sign-up sheet is available.
WAYS & MEANS - Corene Caley and Andie Adee
- Encouraged parents to look at all of the great things the PTSA does to raise funds and all of the great events and programming we have coming up.
- Just over $30,000 has been raised so far for Walkathon, with a goal of $40,000 and matching funds can be requested from employers who offer that benefit, as well.
- Our next fundraiser is selling chocolate bars. Participants will get neon plush gorillas for selling a box of chocolate. Top sellers will get a giant 5-pound chocolate bar and the grand prize is a giant plush dog. If two or more boxes are sold, students will get their name entered in a drawing for the dog. There is a 50-cent profit for each $1 candy bar and the goal is to raise $9,000 in sales.
- Movie Day is coming up after school on Wednesday October 15th.
- Safeway Club Cards have allowed us to raise $1,000 in past years but we raised only $100 with them last year. They need to be renewed ever year and we hope to raise more with this program now that a Safeway is opening in Issaquah Highlands. Target also offers a similar program.
- Room parents for 4th and 5th Grade are covered. We still need room parents for three and possibly four lower grade-level classrooms, however.
MEMBERSHIP - Jessica Mills (reported by Sarah)
- We are currently at 88% membership. With 655 students, we need 655 adults, so we really need only 326 memberships because each membership is for 2 adults.
- Sarah asked guests to let any Board member know if they would like more information about the benefits of membership.
ISF - Kathryn Terry
- Nothing to report in light of prior ISF discussion.
IFC - Kris Couch (not present)
- Legislative Assembly was previously discussed.
- Discussed Safeway, eScript and how to register your card. Bartell's might also participate.
- Corene reported that Alison Takenaka was home with a sick child but wanted to be on record as saying thank you to the PTSA/Board.
- Destination Imagination - Parents are not volunteering because there is no place to meet and they do not want to run it in heir homes. Kathy Connally offered to meet and talk about possible options in the building.
Meeting adjourned at 10:09 AM.