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Using Excel to Rock at Life (ahaha get it?!)

Part 1: Human Trophic Ecology

  1. Download the excel file from the class webpage – “More Excel Practice Data”
  2. Today you’re going to look at all of the cool math functions excel can do; these skills can be applied to any college level science, math, business, etc. course!
  3. The data in the table A (the first tab at the bottom titled “American Trophic Ecology”) shows the average food consumed by one American in a day.
  4. Resize the top of the columns so you can read the full headings.
  5. You want to determine the total calories of each item eaten by multiplying the portion and the calories per one serving size. To do this you will insert a formula in each cell of the “Total Calories” column.
  6. Click on the cell “D2” (will be directly under the “Total calories per item” column heading.
  7. Type an equal sign, then the name of the first cell you want to multiply (B2) and asterisk and the second cell you want in the equation (C2). It will look like: =B2*C2
  8. Hit enter and you should see your answer.
  9. Select cell D2 again, and you will see there’s a small green box in the lower right-hand corner. If you drag that box all the way down the column until “Coffee” you will see the answers fill in for each of the other food items.
  10. If you click on any of those boxes, you will see the equation (excel modifies it for each subsequent row – how cool!)
  11. Now, you will use the SUM function to find the total calories of the entire day.
  12. Select the cell to the right of the “Total Calories =” (cell D20)
  13. Type in the word SUM (must be in capital letters) followed by an equal sign. Then, either select all of the numbers preceding it in the column and then type an end parenthesis OR type in the range of cells you want included in the addition, D2:D19, and then end parenthesis. Either way your equation in the cell should read =SUM(D2:D19) Then hit enter and it will calculate it for you!
  14. You can also determine the average number of calories in each item using the AVG function.
  15. Select the cell to the right of “Average Calories”
  16. Type in the equation: =AVG(D2:D19) and hit enter!
  17. And the MAX and MIN functions to determine the items with the highest and lowest calorie counts respectively!
  18. =MAX(D2:D19)
  19. =MIN(D2:D19)

Part 2: Population Density and Growth Rate

  1. Use the second tab “Population Density”.
  2. Determine the population density of each country. (Review step 5 from above… this time your equation will be dividing - / - not multiplying!)
  3. Which country has the highest population density? (MAX function)
  4. What is the average population density for the world based on these results? (AVG function)
  5. Switch to the third tab, “Growth Rate and Doubling Time” – resize the columns so you can see the full headings.
  6. Determine the growth rate (r) of each population using the following equation:

Crude births – crude deaths = r%=(B2-C2)/10 and drag it down the column.


  1. Determine the doubling time for each population=70/D2