USF Sarasota-Manatee Campus Indicators

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Teaching & Learning / 1.Resident Faculty
2.Complete Programs
3.Student FTE
4.Students Served
5.% of FTE from Distance Learning / 6.Undergrad Degrees
7.Graduate Degrees
8/9.AA Transfer Success Rates
11/12.Employment & Placement Data (FETPIP)
and Innovation / 13. Research Grants Submitted
18.External Funding Proposals / 14.Research Grants Received
15.Private Donations
Public Service &
Community Engagement / 17.Donors / 19.Faculty Service
20.Student Service
21/22.Operating Budget & Reserves
USFSM Funding per Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Student

1. Resident Faculty

College / No. / Percent Holding
a Terminal Degree
CAS / 33 / 85%
COB / 16 / 81%
COE / 13 / 100%
CHTL / 11 / 64%
TOTAL / 73 / 84%

USFSM Faculty Webpages

·  College of Arts & Sciences

·  College of Business

·  College of Education

·  College of Hospitality & Technology Leadership

2. Complete Programs

USFSM Academic Program Listings

·  Undergraduate Programs

·  Graduate Programs

·  Certificate Programs

2013-14: 16 bachelor’s degrees, 9 master’s degrees, 17 certificate programs, and 1 hosted program.

3. Student Full-Time Equivalents (FTE)

3a. Undergraduate Student Full-Time Equivalents (FTE)

3b. Graduate Student Full-Time Equivalents (FTE)

Benchmark – Final (INFOCENTER)
Undergraduate FTE = 40 Student Credit Hours (SCH)
Graduate FTE = 32 Student Credit Hours (SCH)

4. Students Served

Note: Students served is based on funding campus annual unduplicated headcount from the DataWarehouse. Decrease in students served from 07-08 to 08-09 is due to enrollments in Tampa CAS courses that were funded by USFSM in 2007-08. 2007-08 unduplicated headcount less the Tampa course enrollments was 3,648.

5. Percent of FTE from Distance Learning

Note: Distance learning includes courses fully online and blended (>50% online).

6. Undergraduate Degrees Awarded

7. Graduate Degrees Awarded

8. & 9. AA Transfer 4-Year Success Rate*

*Percent of AA transfers who, within four years, are still enrolled in or have graduated from USFSM or transferred out of USFSM to another SUS institution and are still enrolled or graduated from that institution.

10. Internship Opportunities

Comprehensive Internship Report

11. Percent of Bachelor’s & Master’s Graduates Found Employed

12. Estimated Average Quarterly Earnings of Bachelor’s & Master’s Graduates


Full FETPIP reports are available on the USFSM IR Website

13. Research Grants Submitted

14. Research Grants Received

15. Private Donations Total

15a. Scholarship Donations

15b. Operating & Facility Donations

16. Endowment Principal and Annual Earnings

17. Private Donors

18. External Funding Proposals

19. Average Percentage of Faculty Assignments Devoted to Service

20. Student Service

Note: 2007-08 thru 2009-10 data from USFSM Graduating Student Survey. 2010-11 from National Survey of Student Engagement. Data not available for 2011-12. 2012-13 data will be available in mid-August 2013.

21. & 22. Operating Budget & Reserves

USFSM Funding per Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Student

Notes: (1) FTE is based on actual FTE, not funded FTE; (2) FTE for these metrics uses the standard IPEDS definition of FTE, equal to 30 credit hours for undergraduate and 24 for graduates; and (3) actual funding per student is based on actual tuition and E&G (does not include local fees) collected.