Associate Professor

University at Albany

Albany, NY 12222

Phone: (518)-442-4426

Cell: (914)-830-9083



  • Ph. D. in Accounting and Information Systems, University of Kansas.
  • Bachelor of Technology in Aeronautical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India.


Certified Management Accountant (June 1989). Scored second highest total score in the examination and was awarded the Robert Beyer Silver Medal.

Work Experience:

1999- PresentAssociate Professor of Business and Law at the School of Business, SUNY at Albany.

2010- 2011Academic Fellow, Office of Chief Accountant, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Washington D.C.

2005- 2006Visiting Associate Professor at Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College, City University of New York.

2001- 2004Chair, Department of Accounting and Business Law, School of Business, SUNY at Albany

1991- 1999Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Management, Rutgers University.

Awards and Honors:

Selected as the Academic Fellow by the Office of Chief Accountant, United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). 2010

Awarded Dean’s Award for Outstanding Faculty Service.School of Business, University at Albany, 2002.

Nominations for teaching awards at RutgersUniversity and SUNY-Albany.

Awarded Honors in Ph.D. A distinction conferred to 10% of all awarded Ph.D. degree at the University of Kansas.

Robert Beyer Silver Medal, recognizing the second highest total score in the nation in CMA examination (June 1989).

Paul Landis Dissertation Fellowship (August 1990).

Incoming Graduate Student Fellowship (January 1987).

National Talent Search Scholarship, awarded by National Council for Education, Research and Training, (NCERT), India (August 1979).


Saurav K. Dutta, Statistical Technique for Forensic Accounting (in progress) Financial Times Press.


  1. Saurav K. Dutta and Rajendra P. Srivastava, "Aggregation of Evidence in Auditing: A Likelihood Perspective" Auditing: A Journal of Practice andTheory, Supplement 1993, pp. 137- 160, with Discussant’s Comments by Ganesh Krishnamoorthy and James Loebbecke.
  2. Saurav K. Dutta, "A Decision Support System for Planning an Efficient Audit". Artificial Intelligence in Accounting and Auditing Vol. III, Ed. Miklos A. Vasarhelyi, Markus Wiener Publishers, Princeton NJ. (1995) pp. 119-150.
  3. Saurav K. Dutta and Rajendra P. Srivastava , “A Bayesian Perspective on the Strength of Evidence in Auditing", In Indian Journal of Accounting Vol. XXVII, June 1996 pp.4-18.
  4. Saurav K. Dutta, Suresh Radhakrishnan and Bin Srinidhi, “How Professional and Regulatory Bodies Facilitate Quality Management- An Analysis Using the Cascaded House of Quality”, The Quality Management Journal (1996), Vol 3:(2), pp. 52- 62.
  5. Rajendra P. Srivastava, Saurav K. Dutta and Robert W. Johns, “An Expert System Approach to Audit Planning and Evaluation in the Belief-Function Framework”, International Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management. Vol. 5:3, September 1996, pp. 165-183.
  6. Saurav K. Dutta, Lynford E. Graham and Rajendra P. Srivastava “A Framework for Harmonizing Financial Statement User Needs with Accounting and Auditing Standards”, Indian Accounting Review. Vol. 1:1, June 1997, pp. 33-50.
  7. Saurav K. Dutta, Keith E. Harrison and Rajendra P. Srivastava, “Audit Risk Model Under the Risk of Fraud”. Applications of Fuzzy Logic and Theory of Evidence in Accounting (1998), pp.221-243.
  8. Saurav K. Dutta and Rajendra P. Srivastava, “A Theoretical Investigation of Belief Revision in Auditing", Soft Computing in Financial Engineering. Editors, R. Ribeiro, R. R. Yager, H-J. Zimmerman and J. Kacprzyk. Physica-Verlag, Heildelberg (1998), pp. 483-498.
  9. Saurav K. Dutta and Lynford E. Graham, “Considering Multiple Materialities for Account Combinations in Audit Planning and Evaluation: A Cost Efficient Approach", Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, Spring 1998, pp. 151-171.
  10. Saurav K. Dutta and Lynford E. Graham, “Business Viability Risk Assessment Modeled Through a Bayesian Network”, Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting. 1999, pp. 97-130.
  11. Saurav K. Dutta, Raef Lawson and David Marcinko, “How Nanotechnology Revolution will Affect Cost Management”, Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance. 2006 pp. 37-46.
  12. Saurav K. Dutta and Raef Lawson, “The Coming Nanotech Revolution: Accounting Challenges”. Cost Management. May- June 2006, pp. 39-48. Accompanies
  13. Saurav K. Dutta and Raef Lawson, “Boosting the Stature of Management Accountants on Campus”, Strategic Finance. December 2007.
  14. Saurav K. Dutta and Raef Lawson, “Tale of Two Technologies: The Financial Chapter”, International Journal of Technology Management. 2008 (Lead Article). Volume 42, Issue 3, pg. 205- 225.
  15. Saurav K. Dutta and Raef Lawson, “Incorporating Carbon Accounting in Company Value Chain”, Cost Management. Volume 22, Issue 2. March 2008. (Lead Article)

Reprinted in Communication of Finance and Accounting (in Chinese), March/2008, pp. 24-27.

  1. Saurav K. Dutta, Raef Lawson and David Marcinko, “Environmental Initiatives under Current Business Tools and Paradigms”, Emerging Issues and Challenges in Business and Economics: Selected contributions from 8th Global Conference. 2009. Pp. 549-558.
  2. Saurav K. Dutta and Raef Lawson, “Aligning Performance Evaluation and Reward Systems with Corporate Sustainability Goals”, Cost Management, November 2009, Volume 23, Issue 6, pp. 15-23.
  3. Saurav K. Dutta, Raef Lawson and David Marcinko, “Enhancing Environmental Awareness of Future Business Leaders”. International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development 2010, Vol.9: 1,2,3 pp. 181-193. (Lead Article)
  4. Saurav K. Dutta and Raef Lawson, “Analysis of Accounting Academe’s Response to Structural Changes in the Profession using the Disruptive Technology Framework”. International Journal of Critical Accounting 2010, Vol. 2: (1) pp. 19-34.
  5. Saurav K. Dutta, Raef Lawson and David Marcinko, “A System of Cost Variances to Evaluate Sustainability Efforts”. Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance, 2010 (March-April), pp 55-60.
  6. Saurav K. Dutta, Dennis Caplan and Raef Lawson, “Lehman’s Shell Game: Poor Risk Management”. Strategic Finance, 2010 (August). Cover article.
  7. Saurav K. Dutta, Raef Lawson and David Marcinko, “Paradigms for Sustainabile Development: Implications of Management Theories”. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. 2012Vol. 19: pp 1-10 (Lead Article). (Impact Factor of Journal 1.448).
  8. Dennis Caplan, Saurav K. Dutta and David Marcinko, “Lehman on the Brink of Bankruptcy: A Case about Aggressive Application of Accounting Standard”. Issues in Accounting Education. 2012 Vol. 27: 2 pp. 441-459.

Working Papers

  1. Saurav Dutta, Raef Lawson and David Marcinko, “Alignment of Performance Measurement to Sustainability Objectives: A Variance Based Framework”.
  2. Dennis Caplan and Saurav Dutta, “An Analytical Approach to Determine the Nature and Extent of Financial Statement Footnote Disclosure”.
  3. Saurav Dutta, Dennis Caplan and David Marcinko, “Growing Pains at Groupon”.
  4. Lynford Graham, Jean C. Bedard, Richard Cleary and Saurav Dutta, “Controlling Multilocation Audit Risk”.

Conference Presentations and Invited Seminars:

  1. Saurav K. Dutta and Rajendra P. Srivastava, "Aggregation of Evidence in Auditing: A Bayesian Perspective". At the Audit Judgment Symposium at the University of Southern California, (February 1992).
  2. Saurav K. Dutta and Rajendra P. Srivastava, "Auditors Committed Fraud with Probability". At the Bayesian Decision Conference, (February 1992).
  3. Saurav K. Dutta and Rajendra P. Srivastava, "Belief Revision in Auditing: A Theoretical Perspective". At the Conference on Decision Sciences at Reno, Nevada on (March 1992).
  4. Rajendra P. Srivastava, Saurav K. Dutta and Robert W. Johns, “An Expert System Approach to Audit Planning an Evaluation in the Belief-Function Framework”. At the Annual American Accounting Association Meeting (August 1992).
  5. Saurav K. Dutta, "One-Step-Look-Ahead Approach to Efficient Audit Planning". At the Conference on Expert Systems in Auditing, Accounting and Telecommunication (November 1992). New Jersey
  6. Saurav K. Dutta and Rajendra P. Srivastava, "Belief Network for Going Concern Decisions". At the Audit Judgment Symposium at University of Southern California, Los Angeles, (February 1993).
  7. Saurav K. Dutta, Rajendra P. Srivastava and Theodore J. Mock, "Tutorial on Belief Functions" At the Annual American Association Meeting (August 1993).
  8. Saurav K. Dutta and Lynford E. Graham, “An Analytic Framework for Incorporating User Materiality into Financial Reporting: Implications for Auditing”. American Accounting Association Annual Meeting (August 1995).
  9. Saurav K. Dutta and Lynford E. Graham, “An Analytic Framework for Incorporating User Materiality into Financial Reporting: Implications for Auditing”. Auditing Midyear Meeting, San Antonio, Texas (January 26-27, 1996).
  10. Saurav K. Dutta and Lynford E. Graham “A Belief Network Model of Business Viability". In the Northeast Regional Conference of the American Accounting Association (April 1996).
  11. Saurav K. Dutta and Lynford E. Graham, “A Belief Network Model of Business Viability”, In the Annual American Accounting Association Meeting (August 1996).
  12. Saurav K. Dutta and Lynford E. Graham, “The Sensitivity of Efficient Audit Planning to Multiple Materiality Constraints, Differing Rates of Anticipated Error and Differing Audit Costs,” Presented at the Midyear Auditing Meeting (January 1999).
  13. Saurav K. Dutta, David Mest and Bin Srinidhi, “The Effect of Information on Short Term Price Reversals”, presented at CUNY-Baruch College, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, FMA Annual Meeting (2001), American Accounting Association/ Taiwan Accounting Association First Globalization Conference (2000). (Summary published in the Proceedings).
  14. Saurav K. Dutta and Lynford E. Graham, “The Sensitivity of Efficient Audit Planning to Multiple Materiality Constraints, Differing Rates of Anticipated Error and Differing Audit Costs”. Presented at Northeast Regional American Accounting Association Meeting, 2002.
  15. Saurav K. Dutta “ Basics of Cost Accounting”, 8-Hour Professional Seminar conducted for Lorman Educational Services at Albany and Buffallo, NY (November, 2002 and January 2003).
  16. Saurav K. Dutta, David Mest and Bin Srinidhi, “Evidence on Short Term Overreaction to Large Price Changes” Annual Meeting of the Academy of Accounting and Finance (2005).
  17. Saurav Dutta and Raef Lawson, “Tale of Two Technologies: The Financial Chapter” At ATINER Conference, June 2006. Athens, Greece.
  18. Saurav K. Dutta and Raef Lawson, “How Nanotechnology Revolution will Affect Cost Management”, At the Annual Meeting of American Accounting Association, August 2006. WashingtonD.C.
  19. Saurav K. Dutta and Raef Lawson, “The Influence of Accounting and Financial Factors on the Choice of Organizational Structure for the Development of New Technology”, Global Conference of Business and Economics. October 2006. Harvard University, Boston, MA.
  20. David Marcinko and Saurav Dutta, “A Simple Teaching Approach for Multiple Product CVP Analysis using Pictures”, Northeast Regional American Accounting Association Meeting, April 2007. Hartford, CT.
  21. Saurav Dutta and Raef Lawson, “An Analysis of Accounting Academe’s Response to Structural Changes in the Profession using the Disruptive Technology Framework”, Presented at the Critical Perspective in Accounting Conference, April 2008, New York, New York.
  22. Saurav K. Dutta, Raef Lawson and David Marcinko, “Enhancing Environmental Awareness of Future Business Leaders”. 8th Global Conference in Business and Economics. Florence, Italy. October 2008.
  23. Saurav K. Dutta, Raef Lawson and David Marcinko, “An Examination of Trade-offs between Social, Organizational and Managerial Goals under Alternative Management Theories”. Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association, August 2009, New York, New York.
  24. Saurav K. Dutta, “Use of Statistical Evidence in Financial Litigation”. AICPA National Forensics Conference, September 2009, Orlando, Florida.
  25. Saurav K. Dutta, Raef Lawson and David Marcinko, “Incoroporating Sustainability into Traditional Management Control” Annual Conference of the American Accounting Association , August 2010, San Francisco, CA
  26. Saurav K. Dutta, “Statistics and Forensic Accounting” AICPA National Forensics Conference, September 2010, Boston, MA.
  27. Saurav K. Dutta, “Lehman Bankruptcy and Ensuing Disclosures on Leverage for Financial Institutions”, an invited seminar for European financiers and regulators held at Euromed Management, Marseilles, France, October 2010.
  28. Saurav K. Dutta, Raef Lawson and David Marcinko, “Management Paradigms in Sustainability Reporting”, Global Conference on …. , Las Vegas, Nevada, January 2011.
  29. Saurav K. Dutta and Raef Lawson, “Adapting Variance Analysis to Evaluate Investments in Sustainability”, Annual Meeting of the European Accounting Association, Rome, Italy, April 2011.
  30. Saurav K. Dutta, Raef Lawson and David Marcinko, “Alignment of Performance Measurement to Sustainability Objectives: A Variance Based Approach”, American Accounting Association’s Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. August 2012. (Also presented at the University of Maryland).
  31. Lynford Graham, Jean Bedard, Richard Cleary and Saurav Dutta, “Controlling Multilocation Audit Risk”, American Accounting Association’s Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. August 2012.
  32. Saurav Dutta, David Marcinko and Dennis Caplan, “Illustrating the Difference Between IFRS and US GAAP: Accounting for Repurchase Agreements”. American Accounting Association’s Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. August 2012.

Administrative Experience:

As Chair of Department of Accounting and Law, School of Business, University at Albany for three years (2001-04), engaged in many curriculum revision initiatives which include:

  • Redesigning the entire Accounting Curriculum to adhere to the 150-hr licensure requirement in the State of New York. The new curriculum was approved by the State Education Department the SUNY-Board of Regents
  • Designed a new MS program in Accounting in Financial Reporting.
  • Introduced a new track of concentration in the MBA in Information Assurance.
  • Introduced an Honors track in the BS (Accounting) degree.
  • Helped redesign the Executive MBA curriculum at SUNY-Albany.
  • Successfully recruited faculty at both senior and junior levels.
  • Aided University Development Office in their fundraising initiatives with the accounting firms and accounting alumni.

Additionally, I was involved in the maintenance of accreditation process for the Accounting Department (our Department is separately accredited in addition to the School) as well as the School of Business. Performed all the preliminary work for the maintenance including:

  • Preparing Annual Maintenance Report for three years;
  • Preparing the Strategic plan, mission and objectives for the Department;
  • Outlining the Learning Objectives for each Accounting program and course;
  • Designing processes and databases to collect data on alumni, placement and student satisfaction.

Academic Service:

School of Business Personnel Committee (2011-12).

Serving on University Senate Committee on Academic Freedom, Freedom of Expression and Community Responsibility. (2010 - )

Elected to the University Senate at the University at Albany.

Served on the University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee.

Served on the School’s Personnel Committee.

Developed exam bank and updated training material for the CMA examination. This was a project authorized by the Institute of Management Accountants.

Area Co-ordinator of Auditing for the Northeast Regional AAA Meeting held at Albany, NY, 2003.

Served on the Committee designing curriculum for Executive MBA program at the University at Albany.

Served on the Communication Committee of the Auditing Section.

Served on the Membership Committee of the AI/ES Section.

Reviewer for “The Accounting Review”

Reviewer for “Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Finance and Accounting”.

Associate Editor for “Indian Accounting Review”

Reviewer for “Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory”,

Reviewer for Annual Meetings and Regional meetings of the AAA.

Reviewer for “International Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management”,

Reviewer for "International Journal of Approximate Reasoning",

Reviewer for "Journal of Expert Systems in Accounting and Auditing",

Presented "Auditing Update" at the Accounting Update Conference held at RutgersUniversity.

Co- Organized "Conference on Expert Systems in Auditing, Accounting and Finance" held at RutgersUniversity on Nov. 20-21, 1992.

Professional/ Consulting Service:

As a Consultant to the Office of Mortgage Settlement Oversight, designed, monitored and evaluated statistical testing procedures.

As an Academic Fellow at the Securities and Exchange Commission, worked on various projects including: conversion to IFRS; cost-benefit analysis of ICFRs; design of a decision support system to aid SEC enforcement actions; close interaction and oversight of the PCAOB’s inspection process; involved in various IOSCO projects of overseeing IFAC and IAASB.

Aided in the design of the audit of payments to the survivors of Holocaust victims by Swiss Banks. Amounts totaling over 500 million Swiss Francs. (2009 – ongoing).

Aided in designing of the claims payment and verification process to the victims of BP oil spill. 2010 – ongoing.

Aided the NY Attorney General’s Office with statistical testing of adequacy of rebates by a global vendor, leading to a settlement of over $10 million. 2009-10.

Participating as an SME (Subject Matter Expert) to help the IMA (Institute of Management Accountants) to update and revise the training material for the CMA examination. (2009).

Designing and performing statistical analysis on validity and completeness of claims filed for settlement (Global Crossing) worth over $500 million in 2007.

Designed a statistical test to attest proper processing of claims for the largest corporate settlement (MCI-Worldcom) in the US.

Participated as a SME (Subject Matter Expert) for an Institute of Management Accountant Project to develop training materials for the CMA examination in 2006.

Helped evaluate a system supporting hedge accounting for a Fortune 50 company 2005-07.

Designed and conducted a statistical test to assess proper assignment of fair value to assets on acquisitionon an SEC investigation in 2002.

Designed and conducted a statistical test to verify the validity of claims processed for the largest corporate settlement (Cendant) at that time for Eisner LLP in 1999.

Conducted professional seminars on the best practices in Cost Accounting for practicing corporate accountants.

Conducted a Financial Analysis Seminar at Dai-Ichi-Kangyo Bank in New York City.

Developed a six-week accounting program for Prudential Insurance Company. The course was presented to their international managers.

Conducted accounting courses for Merrill Lynch.