











\title[Short title]{Title}












This is an abstract


\noindent\textsc{2010 Mathematics Subject Classification.} 11T23,

20G40, 94B05.


\noindent\textsc{Keywords and phrases.} key1, key2.


\thanks{This work was supported by ..}




\section {Equation numbering}


Let $\psi$ be a nontrivial additive character of the finite field

$\fd{_q}$ with $q=p^{r}$ elements ($p$ a prime). Then the

Kloosterman sum $K(\psi;a)$ is defined by


K(\psi;a)=\sum_{\alpha \in \fd_{q}^{*}}\psi(\alpha+a \alpha^{-1})\\

(a \in \fd_{q}^{*}).



\section {Theorem numbering}



Let $\psi$ be any nontrivial additive character of $\fd_{q}$. Then

we have


\sum_{w \in O(3,q)} \psi(Tr w)=\psi(1)qK(\psi;1).




Let $q=2^r$. Then we have the following.


\item[(a)] $T_{0}K=1+\frac{1}{2}(-1)^{r}q$.

\item[(b)] $T_{1}K=\frac{1}{2}(-1)^{r+1}q$.






T_{0}K&=\sum_{tr a=0}\sum_{x \in \fd_q^*}\lambda(x^{-1}+ax) \notag\\

&=\frac{1}{2}\sum_{x \in \fd_q^*}\lambda(x^{-1})\sum_{\alpha \in \fd_q \backslash \{0,1\}}\lambda((\alpha^2+\alpha)x) \notag \\

&=1+\frac{1}{2}\sum_{x \in \fd_q^*}\lambda(x^{-1})\sum_{\alpha \in

\fd_q}\lambda(x \alpha^2+x \alpha).


We have


\sum_{\alpha \in \fd_q}\lambda(x \alpha^2+x \alpha)


q, &\textmd{if}\;\;\; x^2+x=0\;\;(\textmd{i.e},\;\; x \in \fd_2),\\

0 ,& \textmd{otherwise}.



Thus (3) equals


1+ \frac{q}{2}\sum_{x \in



\item[(b)] This follows from (a), since $T_{1}K=MK-T_{0}K=1-T_{0}K$.





Let $\lambda$ be the canonical additive character of $\fd_q$, and let $a \in \fd_{q}^{*}$. Then we have


\sum_{ w \in O(3,q)} \lambda(aTr w)=\lambda(a)qK(\lambda ;a ).




Let $c(a)=(tr(aTrg_{1}), \cdots,tr(aTrg_{N})) \in C(O(3,q))^{\bot}$,

for $a \in \fd_q^{*}$. Then the Hamming weight $w(c(a))$ can be

expressed as follows:


w(c(a))=\frac{1}{2}q \{(q^2-1)-\lambda(a)K(\lambda;a)\}.




\section {Table and Figure caption position}



\caption{table title} TABLE HERE

%\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|} \hline

%A & B & C \\


%1 & 2 & 3\\









\caption{figure title}





L. Carlitz, \emph{Gauss sums over finite fields of order

$2^n$}, Acta Arith. 15 (1969), 247-265.


