Year 8 Summer Term Curriculum

Year 8 Summer Term Curriculum

Year 8 Summer Term Curriculum


In the first half of term, the boys will be primarily focused on three main elements: comprehension skills, creative writing and understanding grammar rules. This is to ensure they are as well-prepared for the main components of their summer assessment as possible. In the second half of term, the boys will welcome the opportunity to enjoy a much more creative curriculum. Tasks will include a number of activities including a script-writing project, a radio play/comedy sketch and a debating project.


After the UKMT Junior Maths Challenge, the focus will be on developing problem solving skills and mathematical reasoning and preparing for Year 9 Maths.Additionally we will cover Pythagoras, simultaneous equations and standard form. This will help prepare the boys for Year 9 Maths and provide them with solid foundations on which to build the skills required for the new Maths IGCSE examinations.


In Biology, boys will complete their study of the human organism by learning about reproduction, and how to keep healthy in general. They will also learn about the Genetics concepts of Variation and Adaptation, and will study some aspects of Plants as living organisms. The boys will greatly benefit from the school’s newly developed Eco Garden, where they will informally monitor environmental and climatic conditions, whilst planting seeds and tending to the growing areas. To provide further context to their Physics learning the boys will build compressed air rockets, focusing on how to improve them in iterative cycles. To bring our cognitive and STEM initiatives to a conclusion, the boys will complete the Thinking Science intervention and hand in final drafts of their Crest projects for assessment.


Students will carry on with their foundation course in German and Spanish in order to help them with language options at their next school. They will be preparing for the summer exam i.e. a CE paper and a German/Spanish test just before half-term. They will then tackle further preliminary GCSE language work by designing presentations on various aspects of French culture.


This term the boys will completing their global challenge, preparing for their final exam and looking at a mini-study of the physical and economic development of the USA.


This term the boys will be learning about the way in which Americans’ historical consciousness is rooted in their recent (last hundred years) past and considering what it is to be ‘modern.’ They will continue to hone their powers of written and oral argument, and use with ease sources of various types both provided in lessons and found themselves. They will end the term by considering the extent to which the lessons of History should, and do, make them hopeful.


In Classics, the boys will revise participles, and explore the plural of neuter nouns. In preparation for Y9, the boys will also learn about the ablative case and prepositions. The cultural context will be Roman religion. In mythology, we will learn about the foolish king Midas.

Religious Studies:

Pupils will study the main beliefs of Sikhism and Hinduism. In anticipation of the Philosophy part of their future Religious Studies courses, they will be encouraged to continue to develop their own opinions on moral issues, and challenge themselves to analyse the religious aspects of current affairs.


This term the pupils will be continuing to develop their self-portraiture project. Inspired by Artists from Hans Holbein to Andy Warhol, pupils will transfer their faces onto canvas before developing their own concept for an acrylic painting of themselves.


This term the boyswill be working in teams and deconstruct an Office PC/Computer. They will investigate how each part is different from a Gaming PC/Computer looking at purpose, function, specification and cost. They will then learn how to build an Office PC/Computer from scratch. (All parts will be in a “shop”).


Boys will continue to develop their musical skills and understanding of their chosen instrument through whole class band.


This term rehearsals will continue for the farewell production of ‘Private Peaceful’ by Michael Morpurgo which will be performed in The Lalani New Barn Theatre at the end of June.


In Physical Education, the boys will be given the opportunity to improve on the skills which they learnt in Year 7. We will be basing our athletics programme on a combination of the English Schools Athletics Award and the National PE and School Sport Programme (TOPS). Students will build on techniques previously introduced in both Track and Field events. After Sports Day this year the boys will be given a “Leavers’ Choice” of P.E. activities.


The boys will be given the opportunity to improve their skills and tactical understanding of Cricket by participating in a variety of games-based skills practices and small-sided games. Emphasis will be placed on recognising the strengths and limitations in the performance of others in the team with a view to boys using this information supportively in team play.