Useful Psychology Websites

Please note that although all of the links have been checked (Nov/Dec 2007), not all of these sites have an automatic link from this page and you may need to copy the address bar into your search engine

General Psychology Sites

John Suler’s Teaching Clinical Psychology - General web site on clinical psychology

Dr Michael Fenichel’s Current topics in Psychology - An American web site but good A-Z list of resources, articles etc.

Sigmund Freud Archive site – has some good links

University site with interesting slideshows on abnormal psychology

Encyclopedia of Psychology -

The Association for the teaching of psychology -

David Baldwin’s trauma information site -

Allpsych online - Incredibly comprehensive site with really good games based on psychology

Look at this; it’s terrific on history of psychology

Psychology on the brain!

Neuroscience for kids, very easy to read -

Excellent animated slides illustrating split brain experiments. Excellent to show on a screen to a whole class to introduce the topic

Simple web page that illustrates the split brain experiment. Useful site to start with.

Slide show on the Brain and Behaviour

Useful website with pictures of the effect on the brain of Alzheimer’s disease.

Journal article of case study of experiment on self-recognition conducted on an individual who had had spilt brain surgery.

Web site with pictures of natural and surgical split brains.

Another useful slide show on the brain with pictures.

Erratic Wisdom Web site on the split brain, with links to many other related areas.

Academic style notes by Zaidel, Zaidel and Bogen on the split brain. Useful bibliography at the end.

Looks specifically at research by Hubel & Wiesel into visual receptive fields andRoger Sperry’s work on split brains. Images of the brain included.

Attractive website with good colour pictures on brain lateralization, split brain findings and the two hemispheres.

Chapter of Vihman et al’s (2006) research into the way Mono and bi-lingual Welsh and English infants listened to words

One page website of a page from Time magazine on anxiety

Web site portraying the story of Janis who has Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder or OCD.

Short letter to South Wales Argus asking teenagers to recognise stress of parents.

Daily Post article about how businessmen can take their stress on holiday.

Your Amazing Brain - How your brain works

Good Behaviourist

Site of an alphabetical list of phobias

Desensitisation - Useful website of hierarchies and desensitisation.

Video example that illustrates social learning.

Web site on string games such as ‘cat’s cradle’.

Web site on how to produce origami models to be made and copied.

Web site of short and accessible article on the work of Garcia and Gustavsonon aversion.

Useful web site on Conditioned Taste Aversion (CTA)in wildlife management

Exercise in classical conditioning. If the levels of security on your computer are high, then you may not be able to access this material

Website of several video clips of Viki the chimpanzee in exercises of imitation.

Web site of article covering issues of Pavlov and classical conditioning.

There is a sociological version of the Nature vs Nurture debate on the GCSE bit of the NGfL website


Website with a transference exercise.

Another site on transference

Stanley Milgram

Website of the story of a witness’s recollection of Jews resisting authority, presenting a personal account of the Milgram experiment

Website offering video clips of re-enactment of Milgram’s experiment.

Website of transcripts of some of the participants in Milgram’s experiment.

Website featuring audio clips of some of the participants in Milgram’s experiment.

Good worksheet focusing upon Milgram’s variations in 1963, 1964 and 1974. Other resources are available on this site

Website featuring an article of a Russian pilot who obeyed instructions even though he knew his plane would collide.

Website of abstract of research into the influence of clothing.

Useful revision web site offering multiple choice questions and a crossword

Cartoon about feeling the odd one out.

Solomon Asch

Web site featuring Asch’s original research paper

Website offering Asch’s original research paper with numbers as pdf file.

A website that offers a summary of Asch’s research

A website that offers a summary and some criticisms of Asch’s research

Somewhat messy website which looks at Jenness attempt to rpoduce an ethical version of Asch’s study.

A useful link for revision. Students can test each other on Asch’s study.

Another revision site with a link allowing students to test each other on Asch’s study.

Stanford Prison Experiment

Zimbardo’s website offering slide shows and video clips on the Stanford Prison Experiment

Useful website providing summary of the experiment plus some additional material.

Full article by Hany and Zimbardo of US prison policy 25 years after the experiment.

Website carrying Zimbardo’s concerns about misrepresentation of his experiment in the film ‘Das Experiment’.

Wikipedia site on Stanford experiment offers a clear recount of events.

Useful website on the Stanford experiment with questions for students.


Psychological Studies

Website of the Holmes-Rahe Scale

Abstract of Abe et al’s article on deceiving others

An article by Szpunar et al on neural substrates of envisioning the future

An article by Marucha, et al on Mucosal Wound Healing Is Impaired by Examination Stress

A website containing a summary of Marucha et al’s study

Useful revision website on Rahe’s work

Useful revision website on Sperry’s work

Website that looks at Oliver Sacks findings of brain damaged patients responding to a US President’s speech

Website covering stress and deprivation

Cartoon on job stress

Cartoon on executive stress

Cartoon on exam stress
Cognitive Studies

Site of a bibliography with lots of links to Bartlett

Abstract of article showing how serial reproduction paradigm can be used to investigate the issue of global versus local processing

Website of information and photos of Kanzi.

Website describing language learning of Lana, Sarah and Kanzi.

Website for revision relevant to Loftus & Palmer

Another website for revision relevant to Loftus & Palmer

Website for revision relevant to Garnder & Gardner

Another website for revision relevant to Garnder & Gardner.

Not sure what this site for National Association for the Deaf has to do with Gardner and Gardner?Check it out -

Website on animals and communication

Website of Elizabeth Loftus offering extensive bibliography

Website of academic paper examining factors that influence sightings of UFOs.

Website of online dictionary of American sign language, including video of some signs.

Website of British sign language for children and adults who are developmentally delayed

Developmental Studies

Webpage with online quiz about Gibson and Walk.

Website about case of SB who recovered from blindness (Gregory and Wallace)

Website covering correspondence about SB’s case.

Abstract of article of sensorimotor adaptation to reversing prisms.

Abstract of article on Re-acquisition of upright vision while wearing visually left–right reversing goggles

Website exploring the question: if a blind person gained sight, could they recognize objects they had previously only touched?

Website of long article of case study by Oliver Sacks

On page 3 there is brief summary of Gregory and Wallace and Oliver Sack’s study.

Website of equipment used in visual cliff and other research.

Website of the CN tower with its glass floor in Ontario.

Individual Differences Studies

Website of abstract to article by Geller et al Psychometric Properties of Darryl, a Cartoon Based Measure to Assess Community Violence-Related PTSD in Children.

Website article by Neugebauer, et al on Darryl, a Cartoon-Based Measure of

Useful revision site on David Rosenhan’s work.

Website of a discussion with David Buss

Website of abstract to article by Spitzer et al Rosenhan revisited: the scientific credibility of Lauren Slater's pseudopatient diagnosis study.

Website that describes in detail Rosenhan’s Pseudopation experiment and invites discussion.

Online journal article on Spitzer et al’s criticism of Slater’s work.

Newspaper website article about what women find attractive in men.

Extensive website exploring issues about relationships.

Webite on what women want from men.

BBC news web article: ‘Why women fall for Mr Average’

Extensive blog from an American GP on a variety of Psychological issues.

Interesting website into Mickey Rowe’s research of colour blindness.

Full article by Rowe and Jacobs into colour blindness.

Website of a cartoon about female parental investment

Website article of research into speed dating by Fisman et al ‘Revealed Preference Determinants of Mate Selection’

Links and revision

A links and revision site is at

Revision notes can be found at

A student has made a website of his notes.

Another student based notes page, more detailed than the last one

Loads of undergraduate level notes on the psychology of personality

More university level notes for you to browse

University site with interesting slideshows on abnormal psychology

Resources for students at the A and AS level. Includes summaries and exam questions
for the core studies.

Games and Puzzles, just a bit of fun, but could be of interest to psychologists as the games are psychologically based.

Encyclopedia of Psychology -

Psychade – an A level site

Rob’s psychology site – someone nice typed up his AS level notes!

The Association for the Teaching of Psychology -

The LongroadCollege site has loads of resource material, pitched at OCR

A site with notes for you to copy

Psychade – an A level site

AS key studies and some tests as well