4thGrade Reading Mastery Check #1


When people imagine the desert they think of only rocks, dirt, and the heat. The desert is actually home to many living things. Many animals such as snakes, hawks, and mice live in the desert. All of these animals enjoy the desert heat. Desert plants such as cactus, shrubs, and grasses are used as homes and also for food. All of these living things depend on each other to survive. Deserts are full of interesting and beautiful things.

Use the passage above to answer questions 1 and 4.

1)In the following sentence what is a synonym for the word enjoy? (

“All of these animals enjoy the desert heat.”

  1. like
  2. hate
  3. live
  4. enter

2)In the following sentence what is an antonym for the word beautiful? (

“Deserts are full of interesting and beautiful things.”

  1. wonderful
  2. pretty
  3. ugly
  4. sandy

3)Which sentence from the passage contains an opinion? (∆)

  1. "Deserts are full of interesting and beautiful things."
  2. "The desert is actually home to many living things."
  3. "Desert plants such as cactus, yucca, shrubs, and grasses are used as homes and also for food."
  4. "All of these living things depend on each other to survive."

4)Which of these sentences is a fact? (∆)

  1. Snakes live in the desert.
  2. Snakes are the cutest reptiles in the world.
  3. Snakes are ugly reptiles with long bodies.
  4. The snake’s tongue is creepy.

5)In the following sentence what is an antonym for the word sink? (

“Will the egg sink in the water?”

  1. drop
  2. float
  3. crack
  4. hatch

6)The words______and ______are homophones. (

  1. pretty, ugly
  2. ant, aunt
  3. funny, silly
  4. bunny, money

7)What is a synonym for the word speedy? (

  1. grumpy
  2. slow
  3. fast
  4. stop

8)Which of these sentences is an opinion? (∆)

  1. Fresh foods can be frozen.
  2. Frozen foods have more salt than fresh foods.
  3. Frozen foods taste as good as fresh foods.
  4. Fresh foods spoil faster than frozen foods.

9)Which of these sentences is a fact? (∆).

  1. Mercury is the warmest planet because it is the closest to the Sun.
  2. Jupiter is the best planet because it is the largest one in the Milky Way.
  3. Neptune would be the worst planet to live on because it is so cold.
  4. Earth is the most boring planet because we know so much about it.

10) Which of these sentences is a fact? (∆)

  1. The king looks handsome when wearing his crown.
  2. The king built a palace on the farmland next to the river.
  3. The king is the most giving person in the country.
  4. The king is tall and an excellent basketball player.

All living things depend on the Sun. The Sun is a major source of energy. The Sun is the prettiest star in the sky. It is the only star we can see during the day. This giantstar gives us heat and light and gives plants energy to grow. The Sun is alsoused topower many things. This natural resource is thought to be one of the most importantresources we have on Earth.

11) Which of these sentences is an opinion? (∆)

  1. “The Sun is a major source of energy.”
  2. “It is the only star we can see during the day.”
  3. “This giant star gives us heat and light and gives plants energy to grow.”
  4. “The Sun is the prettiest star in the sky.”

The caribou and the smilodon are both mammals. The smilodon lived in the arctic regions during the Ice Ages, as did the caribou. Like the smilodon, the caribou was able to protect itself from predators.

Although the caribou and the smilodon were both mammals, they were very different in many ways. The caribou was a plant-eater, unlike the smilodon which ate meat. The caribou had blunt, rounded teeth for eating plants, whereas the smilodon had sharp, pointed ones. The smilodon became extinct at the end of the Ice Ages, in contrast to the caribou which still lives in the arctic regions today.

12)How are the caribou and the smilodonsimilar?

  1. They are both birds, live in the arctic, and protect themselves.
  2. They are both extinct.
  3. They are both plant eaters.
  4. They are both mammals, live in the arctic, and protect themselves.

13)Read the sentence from the passage. What signal word lets you know the author was contrasting the caribou and smilodon?

The caribou was a plant-eater, unlike the smilodon which ate meat.

  1. ate
  2. unlike
  3. because of
  4. then

Passage 1
Manatees travel very well underwater. They can swim up to 20 miles per hour. However, they usually move at speeds between 2 to 6 miles per hour.
Passage 2
Manatees spend most of their time eating plants and resting. The rest of their day is spent visiting with other manatees, traveling, and exploring.

14)Passage 1 is different from Passage 2 because it talks about?

  1. How manatees spend their time.
  2. How manatees move under water.
  3. What they eat.
  4. What they look like.

15)How are passages 1 and 2 alike?

  1. Both passages tell about the speed of manatees.
  2. Both passages are only the author’s opinion.
  3. Both passages tell what a manatee looks like.
  4. Both passages give facts about manatees.

16)In the sentence:

Both manatees and seals are excellent swimmers.

Which word in the sentence is acomparison signal word?

  1. both
  2. because
  3. are
  4. as a result