Afterschool Program Director Survey2012-13
Use the following scale to respond to the questions below:
Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable/No Answer Disagree Strongly Disagree
Please circle your response. You may write any comments to the side or on a separate page. We realize some of the questions may not pertain to you so we have included an N/A choice.
- The afterschool program is effectively coordinated with school day learning (i.e., afterschool program has a direct correlation/link to the school day curriculum).
Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable/No Answer Disagree Strongly Disagree
- The 21st CCLC/SAC grant provides an effective framework to enhance students’ educational outcomes.
Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable/No Answer Disagree Strongly Disagree
- DESE clearly defines expectations and reporting requirements for the afterschool grant my program was awarded.
Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable/No Answer Disagree Strongly Disagree
- The afterschool program receives adequate support (technical assistance and training) for Kids Care Center data entry.
Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable/No Answer Disagree Strongly Disagree
- The afterschool program receives little or no support from school day teachers.
Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable/No Answer Disagree Strongly Disagree
- The afterschool program is effectively coordinated with school day teachers to link afterschool program learning with the regular school day curriculum.
Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable/No Answer Disagree Strongly Disagree
- The Missouri AfterSchool Network (MASN)/Missouri Resource Center Consultants (AREs) provide effective support (technical assistance, training, resources) for my program.
Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable/No Answer Disagree Strongly Disagree
- The afterschool program director has established an advisory council/board.
Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable/No Answer Disagree Strongly Disagree
- The afterschool program director reports to the advisory council/board on financial matters.
Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable/No Answer Disagree Strongly Disagree
- The afterschool program director reports to the advisory council/board on students’ progress and program outcomes.
Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable/No Answer Disagree Strongly Disagree
- A sustainability plan is in place to maintain the afterschool program when DESE grant funding ends.
Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable/No Answer Disagree Strongly Disagree
- The afterschool program currently charges fees to help sustain the afterschool program.
Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable/No Answer Disagree Strongly Disagree
- The afterschool program will charge fees in the future to help sustain the afterschool program.
Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable/No Answer Disagree Strongly Disagree
- The community provides additional resources (cash/in-kind) for the afterschool program.
Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable/No Answer Disagree Strongly Disagree
- The afterschool program enrollment meets or exceeds the targeted participation levels identified in the grant application.
Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable/No Answer Disagree Strongly Disagree
- The afterschool program offers activities that promote parental involvement with students.
Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable/No Answer Disagree Strongly Disagree
- The afterschool program offers needed services to the adult family members of students served (GED, ELL, technology, family literacy, career/job training, etc.).
Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable/No Answer Disagree Strongly Disagree
- The afterschool program director disseminates information about the afterschool program (goals, student progress, outcomes, etc.) to the school administrators/principals and community.
Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable/No Answer Disagree Strongly Disagree
- The afterschool program director provides parents with adequate information about theirchild (academically, socially, behaviorally, etc.) as well as program information (policies, procedures, events, activities, etc.).
Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable/No Answer Disagree Strongly Disagree
Your input is very valuable to us. Thank you for taking time to complete this survey.