Imperialism - Progressives Test


Use the following graph to answer the question(s).

1. In which decade did the number of women employed in manufacturing increase most?

a. 1860s c. 1880s

b. 1870s d. 1900s

2. How do the changes shown in this graph relate to Progressive reforms?

a. As more women entered the Progressive movement, the number of women workers decreased.

b. Progressives encouraged women to leave urban manufacturing jobs to take rural farming jobs.

c. As more women entered the industrial workforce, more women began to work for better living and working conditions and voting rights.

d. The Women’s Trade Union League organized to limit the number of women working in manufacturing.

3. What social problem did Upton Sinclair’s novel The Jungle describe?

a. the struggles of black Americans

b. the living and working conditions in Chicago’s stockyards

c. the ruthless business methods of John D. Rockefeller and Standard Oil

d. the conflict between California farmers and the Southern Pacific Railroad

Use the excerpt and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following questions.

Local Union Catechism

Q. What is the Women’s Christian Temperance Union?

A. It is an organization of Christian women banded together for the protection of the hoe, the abolition o the liquor traffic and the triumph of Christ’s golden rule in custom and law.

Q. How can a women become a member of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union?

A. By signing the pledge and paying yearly dues.

Q. What is the pledge?

A. Pledge--“I hearby solemnly promise, God helping me, to abstain from all distilled, fermented, and malt liquors, including wine, beer, and cider,and to employ all proper means to enforce the Eighteenth Amendment.”

Q. What are the membership dues?

A. One dollar per year.

Q. To whom should dues be paid?

A. To the treasurer of the local union...

--Handbook for the Women’s Christian Temperance Union, 1920

4. For what purpose was the Women’s Christian Temperance Union formed?

a. to become a third political party c. to protect the home and ban liquor

b. to gain universal voting rights d. to improve workers’ conditions

5. The efforts of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union eventually led to which change?

a. suffrage c. workplace reform

b. prohibition d. minimum wage

6. Which legislation gave the government the authority to set and limit shipping costs?

a. the Elkins Act c. the Mann-Elkins Act

b. the Hepburn Act d. the Payne-Aldrich Act

7. Theodore Roosevelt supported powerful corporations that

a. were efficient. c. controlled railroads.

b. did business fairly. d. bullied smaller companies.

Use the information below to answer the question.

8. In which branches of government was Roosevelt active?

a. executive and legislative c. executive and judicial

b. judicial and legislative d. none of the above

9. Why did Roosevelt run for the Presidency in 1912?

a. Roosevelt disliked living as a private citizen.

b. Taft’s political decisions angered Roosevelt.

c. The Republican Party offered no other strong candidate.

d. Taft asked Roosevelt to run again.

10. Which political party did Woodrow Wilson represent in the 1912 presidential election?

a. the Democratic Party

b. the Progressive Party

c. the Republican Party

d. the Congressional Government Party

Use the table and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following questions.

11. Wilson’s New Freedom worked to improve which of the following?

a. public education c. economic policy

b. international relations d. social welfare

12. How did Wilson compensate for the reduced government income resulting from his lowering of tariffs?

a. cutting government expenses c. taxing businesses

b. creating an income tax d. charging federal interest on loans

13. During the 1902 coal miners’ strike in Pennsylvania, President Roosevelt

a. remained neutral.

b. prohibited the miners from forming a union.

c. ordered the National Guard to stop the strike.

d. threatened to send federal troops to take control of the mines.

14. In 1914, Congress formed the Federal Trade Commission to

a. inspect food and medicines sold across state lines.

b. protect labor unions from being attacked as trusts.

c. monitor business practices that might lead to monopoly.

d. identify those activities in which businesses could not engage.

15. Hawaii was annexed in

a. 1887, when King Kalakaua amended the constitution.

b. 1893, when Queen Liliuokalani was overthrown.

c. 1893, when Sanford Dole was head of the new government.

d. 1898, during the Spanish-American War.

16. Why did United States Navy Commodore George Dewey lead an attack on ships in the Manila Bay during the Spanish-American War?

a. Manila Bay was ruled by Spain, and the ships belonged to the Spanish.

b. The United States used the war with Spain as an excuse to take over other territories.

c. Dewey wanted to attack Spain and gain control over Cuba.

d. The Philippines joined the war in support of Spain.

17. The “Rough Riders” were

a. Cuban revolutionaries who battled the Spanish for independence.

b. a volunteer cavalry unit in the Spanish-American War.

c. newspaper owners who influenced public opinion by exaggerating the truth.

d. Spanish generals in Cuba who mistreated the civilian population.

18. The Platt Amendment

a. expanded the rights of Cubans.

b. allowed Cuba to sign treaties with other countries without U.S. approval.

c. gave the United States the right to preserve order as needed in Cuba.

d. established a civil government in Cuba.

Use the chart to answer the question(s).

19. This chart shows that Presidents Roosevelt and Wilson

a. better managed U.S. interests overseas than did President Taft.

b. believed in a policy of non-interference in Latin America.

c. feared that Latin America countries would invade the United States.

d. resorted frequently to the use of U.S. troops in Latin America.

20. What new relationship with Hawaii did Congress approve in 1898?

a. independence c. secession

b. statehood d. annexation

21. The 1898 Treaty of Paris dealt with which territory or territories?

a. Cuba

b. Cuba and Puerto Rico

c. Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and other former Spanish territories

d. Cuba, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, the Philippines, and other former Spanish territories

22. The Teller Amendment stated that

a. Spain had no right to mistreat the people of Cuba.

b. the United States could not go to war.

c. the United States could not develop colonies.

d. the United States could not annex Cuba.

23. America’s Open Door Policy in China was designed to

a. convert China to a U.S. territory.

b. increase Chinese immigration to the United States.

c. gain political influence with the Chinese emperor.

d. provide access to trade in China without controlling territory.

24. Roosevelt’s “big stick” diplomacy

a. depended on a strong military to achieve America’s goals.

b. aimed to increase American investment in business and banks throughout Central America and the Caribbean.

c. sought to conserve forests for lumber supplies for the military.

d. worked to promote human rights, national integrity, and opportunity around the world.

25. How did the United States get access to the Canal Zone in Panama?

a. The U.S. military took control of the area by using money and investments.

b. Panama negotiated with the United States to become an independent country.

c. The U.S. military backed rebels who soon controlled independent Panama.

d. Spain gave control of Columbia and the canal area to the U.S. government.

Use the table and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following questions.

26. Which diplomatic style most promoted military action?

a. Big Stick c. Moral

b. Dollar d. none of the above

27. What was one result of “moral diplomacy?”

a. Imperialists gained power in the government.

b. Latin American countries were completely freed from American intervention.

c. American imperialism and conquest decreased.

d. Military strength developed under Roosevelt and Taft diminished under moral diplomacy.

28. Journalists who wrote about social ills and political corruption were known as…

a. Flappers

b. Muckrakers

c. Hackers

d. Junkers

29. Which event led to the United States declaration of war against Spain?

a. Spanish destruction of US owned businesses in Cuba

b. The annexation of Cuba by the United States

c. The sinking of the USS Maine

d. Spain issued an ultimatum to the United States

30. The construction of the Panama Canal was important because…

a. It was a stabilizing force in Central and South American disputes

b. The canal encouraged foreign investment in American activities

c. It facilitated the movement of ships between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

d. It improved American relations with countries in the region

31. Alfred Thayer Mahan urged the United States to…

a. Focus only on North America

b. Develop a strong naval power

c. Pursue permanent alliances with foreign nations

d. Implement a humane policy in regards to native peoples

32. The United States justified continued intervention into Cuban affairs with the…

a. Lott Amendment

b. McKinley Amendment

c. Roosevelt Amendment

d. Platt Amendment

33. Imperialism is defined as…

a. Forming and maintaining an Empire

b. Intense devotion to one’s country

c. The build-up of military strength

d. Ruling in the manner of a monarch

34. Jane Addams, in an effort to assist people settling in Chicago, offered English and citizenship classes and childcare at…

a. Gable House

b. Hull House

c. Root House

d. Sanger House

35. The Progressives sought to…

a. Remove immigrants from the United States

b. Implement religion in schools

c. Reform and improve society

d. Increase taxes on the wealthy

36. The Roosevelt Corollary stated…

a. Territories under American control could not enter into foreign agreements

b. The Monroe Doctrine was null and void

c. The United States would use military force to prevent the intervention of European countries in neighboring countries

d. The United States was going to right past wrongs and set a more humble example of leadership

37. The United States sought to “open the door” to China because…

a. It gave the United States access to a large Chinese market

b. The United States would be the first Western country to be allowed entry

c. The United States acquired territory in China

d. The United States obtained a strategic naval base in the South China Sea

38. Theodore Roosevelt’s action of putting aside 200 million acres of land for nation forests, mineral reserves and water protection reflects his…

a. Commitment to conservation

b. Willingness to use unconstitutional powers to serve his own agenda

c. Desire to be remembered as a president who supported unpopular issues

d. Reluctance to have himself viewed as a Progressive

39. Progressives believed child labor reform was necessary because…

a. Children were working long hours and in unsafe conditions

b. European nations had been reducing their need for child labor

c. Their candidate needed a “winning” issue

d. The negative publicity the nation received reduced foreign investment in American industries

40. The Ballinger-Pinchot Affair involved…

a. A diplomatic incident between the United States and France

b. A regulation of trusts

c. The illegal employment of women

d. Conservation policy

41. In the 1912 Campaign, Theodore Roosevelt ran for president as a candidate of the…

a. Bull Moose Party

b. Democratic Party

c. Labor Party

d. Socialist Party

Political Cartoons

44. What is the United States seem to be patrolling?

a. Western Hemisphere

b. Latin America

c. Europe

d. the World

45. What are the other wanting from the United States?

a. leave them alone

b. play forward on their basketball team.

c. solve their problems

d. none of these

People Matching

51. Oliver Kelley 54. William J. Bryan 57. Theodore Roosevelt

52. Gifford Pinchot 55. Queen Liliuakalani 58. George Dewey

53. John Hay 56. Jose Marti

A. The Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, Farmer’s Union

B. Placed in charge of the National Parks Services by President Roosevelt.

C. Open Door Policy with China.

D. “Cross of Gold” speech. Ran for president on the Bimetallism platform.

E. Leader / Royalty of Hawaii

AB. Cuban nationalist leading a revolt against Spain.

AC. Led the Rough Riders up San Juan hill in Spanish American War.

AD. Led the US Navy to victory in Manila Bay defeating the Spanish in the Spanish – American War.