Manheim Rock-N-Glow 5k Sponsorship Levels
Glow Sponsor$5,000 SOLD OUT
*Largest, most prominent company logo on back of race t-shirt*Corporate item in race registration bags
*Prominent recognition at Kick-Off*Mention in press release and on social media
*Company logo on event poster/signs*Logo on Newsletter and race eblasts
*Prominent recognition on website with *Event day table
logo linked to your company website*Logo along race course in lighting
*Five free race registrations*Company banner placed above start/finish line
*Thank you gift package*Exclusive Business Showcase
Lightning Sponsors $2,500(1 Available)
*Large size company logo on back of race t-shirt*Corporate item in race registration bags
*Recognition at Kick-Off* Mention in press release and on social media
*Company logo on event poster/signs*Logo on Newsletter and race eblasts
*Recognition on website with logo *Event day table
linked to your company website*Logo along race course in lighting
*Three free race registrations*Company banner placed on stage
Blaze Sponsors $1,000(2 Available)
*Medium size company logo on back of race t-shirt*Corporate item in race registration bag
*Company logo on event poster/signs*Mention on social media
*Recognition on website with logo*Logo on Newsletter and race eblasts
linked to your company website*Event day table
*Two free race registrations*Logo along race course in lighting
Flash Sponsors $500(7Available)
*Small size company logo on back of race t-shirt*Mention on social media
*Website listing*Corporate item in race registration bags
*One free race registration* Event day table
Ignite Sponsors $250(5 Available)
*Company name listing on back of race t-shirt*Mention on social media
*Website listing*Event day table
General Sponsors
Table Sponsors$100
*Table set-up day of event, includes 10 x 10 space
*Electric service needed None 110 Volt 220 Volt
*It is the responsibility of the all participants to provide a canopy, tables, napkins, utensils, etc. All participating restaurants must be on Market Square by 5:00pm to set up for the event.
Services Provided/Items Provided at the Event:
*Table Sponsor included in Glow, Lightning, Blaze, Flash, Medal, Sports Bag, and Water Table Sponsorships!
Medal Sponsor $2000Exclusive
*Company name on Medalribbon*Special recognition on social media
*Recognition of sponsor where*Event day table
“all runners to receive a medal” is mentioned*Corporate item in race registration bags
*Special recognition at day of race*Two free race registrations
*Team in your company ware can distribute medals *Company banner placed on stage
at the end of the race*Mention in press release and on social media
Sports Bag Sponsors $500SOLD OUT
*Logo on Registration Bags*Event day table
*Website listing*Mention on registration pick up notifications
*Signage and table set up at registration pick up*Mentions on social media
Water Table Sponsors $100(3 Available)
*Sign/banner at water table *Event day table
*Team in your company ware can participate*Mention on social media
in handing out water during race
Sponsorship Form
Sponsorship Contact Information
Please complete all sections.
Company: ______
Contact Name:______
Select your Sponsorship Level
Lightning Sponsor$2,500Bag Sponsor$500
Blaze Sponsor $1,000Medal Sponsor $2,000
Flash Sponsor $500Water Table Sponsor$100
Ignite Sponsor $250Table Sponsor$100
- Please remit payment to Manheim Chamber of Commerceat 13 East High Street, Manheim, PA 17545 by April 31, 2017.
- Sponsorships awarded in the order they are received with payment in full.
- Please refer to to review updated sponsorship availability.
Please contact Kelly Lauver at or 717-665-6330 with any questions or to remit payment by credit card.
15 East High Street • Manheim, PA 17545 • 717-665-6330 •