Use of the Pupil Premium in 2011/12 and plans for next academic year

We were allocated £66,240 for the academic year 2011/2012. We received this money inregular instalments and these funds are in addition to the main school budget (the general annual grant).

The aim of this funding is to raise the achievement of disadvantaged students increasing their rates of progress and attainment. This will be monitored against reports contained within RAISEOnline (RoL), copies of these reports are appended to this document.

Curriculum support: £48,638

  • Steps for Success programme providing a range of support sessions for students, including learning styles, revision techniques and subject specific sessions.
  • Additional support sessions for OCR National ICT students
  • Revision resources and practice exam papers for students in a range of subjects
  • Travel to vocational learning programmes
  • Additional teaching in Maths to allow greater intervention with students
  • Support for the RAP program

Careers advice and guidance for Y9, 10, 11: £4,817

With changes to the school curriculum (e.g. introduction of the EBACC), the development of apprenticeships, the introduction of university fees and the general challenging economic climate, the need for sound impartial careers information advice and guidance has never been more compelling.

In recent years our students have benefited hugely from the support of our Careers Advisor, particularly those with special needs or from disadvantaged backgrounds where the advice and guidance given may not always be in the student’s best long-term interests. From September 2012 we will ensure that all students on FSM in Years 9, 10 and 11 will be seen by the Careers Advisor at last once a year. The Pupil Premium funding will allow us to employ the Careers Advisor for two days per week.

SEN: Nurture group: £3,688

Vulnerable students are supported via the lunch lounge which is open every lunchtime and breaktime, this is staffed by the SENCO and Teaching Assistants and provides a safe place for students to go, develop social skills and be supported wherever necessary.

There is also a homework club which provides structured support and help for students with homework and an ICT suite is staffed by a 6th Form supervisor 2 days a week to allow all students ICT access.

Student Support Worker £15,516

The student support worker provides wide ranging support to the student body, full details of this support and his case load is available in his termly reports. The student support worker also oversees the peer mentoring programme.

Gifted and Talented £266

Our G&T co-ordinator is ensuring that the needs of students who are recognised as gifted or talented are being met. This occurs in various ways: liaising with departments to ensure the curriculum is challenging, monitoring the progress of targeted students, interviewing students and working with subject leaders on appropriate interventions to ensure that students meet their targets.Enrichment activities in the form of visits to universities such as Bournemouth University have also proved very successful as part of the work related learning week.

KS3 Intervention plan:

The KS3 curriculum provides extensive differentiation. Initially there is Wave 1 with class teachers setting differentiated objectives and providing additional support to students as needed, there is the Wave 2 with additional support provided via tutor time sessions and withdrawal from lessons and Wave 3 with alternative curriculum including Learning Support and Literacy and Thinking Skills rather than MFL.

KS3 English and Maths coordinators also meet regularly with the Head of Year 9 to review student progress and identify where additional support is required.

Additional funding has also supported the development of a targeted reading programme at Key Stage 3.

Attendance Support £2,500

There is also a dedicated team of guidance and welfare administrators who will monitor the target group of students on a lesson by lesson basis, with immediate intervention when required.In addition to the routine monitoring of attendance, a member of the school’s Senior Leadership Team focuses specifically on students eligible for the pupil premium and works closely with the locality team to develop strategies to reduce absenteeism, improve the support given during periods of unavoidable absence from school and share good practice.

Plans for next year

Gifted and Talented

Our G&T co-ordinator is ensuring that the needs of our learners who are recognised as gifted or talented are being met. Additional funds would allow us to provide further enrichment activities such as visits to universities, interview skills courses and presentations in school by motivational speakers from the public and private sector.

Student Support Worker

The future of this project is receiving additional financial support from the Pupil Premium after other funding was withdrawn; the value of the work of this project is extremely high and ensures student success.

SEN: Nurture

Current work will continue but an additional TA has been appointed to oversee specific intervention with students.

Maths Teaching

Overstaffing in Maths allows continued additional support to be offered to students to help meet their needs.

Key Stage 4 Intervention

It is planned to continue to offer support and intervention at Key Stage 4 with the Steps for Success Programme.

RAISEOnline Reports 2011