Crossroads CareWork and lifting equipment procedure
Use of mobility aids procedure for managers
1.1The intended outcome of this document is to protect staff and service users from the risk of accidents or harm when care and support involve the use of mobility aids.
Please note:where reference is made to ‘staff’ within this policy, the term will include volunteers as appropriate to the context and their use within individual schemes.
1.2Mobility aids include:
- hoists – manual and tracker
- hoist slings and attachments
- monkey poles
- wheelchairs – manual and electric
- bath aids – various, including manual and electric seats
- stand aids
- walking frames
- slide sheets
- stair lifts
- raised toilet seats. (The list is not exhaustive).
2.1 Crossroads Care seeks to comply with the following:
- Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER)
- Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER)
- Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974.
2.2 The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations require that all equipment used for lifting people (including slings and attachments)will be inspectedat least every six months and a certificate made available.
3.0 responsibilities OF MANAGERS
3.1 Managers will have systems in place to ensure staff work to thisprocedure, to the health and safety guidance for staff (F.01b) and guidance for volunteers (F.01c) at all times.
4.1 All work equipment usedwill be fit for purpose and allow for a safe system of work.
4.2 All machinery and mechanical work equipment will be repaired and maintained by an authorised competent person.
4.3 The removal, modification, opening of guards or inspection covers shall be carried out by
authorised competent contractors only.
4.4 Before care is provided a designated person, as identified in the scheme’s health and safety policy (seeF.01a) will:
- make a visual check to ensure any equipment to be used is fit for purpose
- confirmwho owns the equipment
- ensure it has a current inspection certificate - any equipment that does not have a current inspection certificate will not be used.
4.5Managers need to ensure there are systems in place to check that any equipment used remains fit for purpose and continues to be properly maintained. This could include checking where applicable that:
- specified maintenance and inspection requirements are carried out as scheduled
- a record iskept of any certificates issued
- inspection stickers placed on equipment by a person designated to carry out the maintenance remain in date and a record of expiry dates is kept
- an assessment of the continuing suitability of equipment is included in a service user’s annual review.
4.6Managers will also ensure that staff members who are required to operate mobility aid equipment receive the necessary information / instruction / training prior to the provision of care.
4.7Staff will be instructed to report to the designated person / person on call immediately any work equipment they are required to use that:
- is not fit for purpose
- is defective and / or unsafe to use
- is carrying an out of date inspection certificate / sticker.
Staff will be instructed not continue to use such equipment where it could foreseeably lead to loss, harm or injury to themselves, a service user or other person who may be affected by that activity. In such an event the care planner will need to carry out an interim risk assessment of the service until the problem has been addressed.
5.1 General learning and development requirements relating to this procedure are contained in the learning and development policy, procedure and guidance (E.13a, E.13b and E.13c).
5.2 Managers are responsible for assessing the roles undertaken by volunteers (including trustees) within their scheme and the level of briefing / induction those volunteers require in relation to the health and safety guidance for volunteers (F.01c).
6.1 All managers, care planners and other staff members involved in the implementation of this procedure are required to evidence that they have received, read and understood its contents.
Evidence required:
- title and reference number of the document
- name and signature of the staff member
- job title
- date.
Responsibility for following the use of mobility aids procedure rests with the individual staff member. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary proceedings.
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Policy/Work&liftingequipment/2012/08/APf007Last updated July 2014
© Carers Trust 2014 Review due July 2015