Tata Steel – Swinden Technology Centre Library

Journals and Magazine Holdings List

Held at the National Materials and Minerals Archive (NMMA)

last edited 29th June 2017

Journal Title / Beginning / End / Notes
ABB Reviews / 1988 / 1997
Acero NASJ / 1995 Vol. I / Vol. II, no.11 1996 / Renamed Acero Steel
Acero Steel / Vol. II, no.12
Jan.-Feb. 1997 / Vol. IV, no.28 Sept.-Oct. 1999 / Previously Acero NASJ
ACOM: Avesta Corrosion Management / 1-2 1986 / 1-1998
Acta Materialia / Vol. 44, no.1, Jan. 1996 / Vol.84, Feb. 2015 / Previously Acta Metallurgica
Acta Metallurgica / Vol.5, no.1, Jan. 1957 / Vol.43, no.12, Dec. 1995 / Renamed Acta Materialia - Vol.30 1983 missing nos. 4 and 5
Acta Metallurgica Sinica / Vol.17 no.5 1981 / Vol.27 no.1 1991 / A few issues missing
Advanced Materials & Processes, incorporating Metal Progress / Vol.1 no.1 Sept. 1985; vol.130 no.5 Nov. 1986 / Vol. 167 no.9, Sept. 2009 / After vol.2 no.9, became vol.130 no.5 Nov. 1986 with Metal Progress. Missing Oct. 2000, Apr. & Oct. 2001, Apr. 2004, Aug.2009.
AISE Steel Technology / Vol.76 no.11, Nov. 1999 / Vol.80 no.11-12, Dec. 2003 / Incorporated in Iron & Steel Technology
AI&SE Yearly Proceedings/Association of Iron and Steel Engineers Year Book / 1946 / 1975 / Reprinted from Iron & Steel Engineer vols. 23-52
American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal / Vol.41 no.1, 1980 / Vol.64 no.6, Nov.-Dec. 2003 / Missing Jan.-July 1985, May-June 1986, Feb. 1981, 1993 nos.4-8,10-11, 1995 nos.3-6, 1996 no.4.
Incorporated in Journal Occupational & Environ. Hygiene
American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers (AIME) Transactions / Vol. 69, 1923 / Vol.249, 1970 / Missing Vol.248 1970. (For earlier and later volumes see Minerals and Mining Library 73-19-1.)
American Society for Testing Materials Proceedings / 37th Annual Meeting, Vol.34, 1934, part II, Technical Papers / 73rd Annual Meeting, Vol.70, 1970, Committee Reports / + Five-year indices 1956-1960, 1966-1970. Missing Technical Papers 1966-1970.
Analytical Chemistry / Vol.52, no.1, 1980 / Vol.72, no.14, July 2000 / A few issues missing. Later issues filed at Teesside.
Annals of Occupational Hygiene / Vol.30 no.1, 1986 / Vol.54 no.8, Nov. 2010 / Missing vol.51 nos.4-5, vol. 52 nos. 4,7-8, vol.53 nos.2-3.
Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials / Vol.17 no.1, Jan. 1970 / Vol.49 no.6, 2002 / A few issues missing
Applied Acoustics / Vol.68 no.10, Oct. 2007 / Vol.70 no.11-12, Dec. 2009
Applied Spectroscopy / Vol.63 no.5, May 2009 / Vol.66 no.4, Apr. 2012 / + SAS Membership Directory 2009
The App-Frod Record, the works newspaper of the Appleby-Frodingham Steel Company / No.56, 1st Jan. 1953 / No.601, 23rd Dec. 1964
Architects’ Journal / Vol.221 no.1, 13 Jan. 2005 / Vol. 241 no. 5, 6 Feb. 2015 / Missing the oddissue and all 2007-Sept. 2011
Architects’ Journal Focus / No.1, 2005 / No.5, 2005 / Missing no.2
Architects’ Journal Specification / No.07/05, 2005 / 2014 / Issues for some months only
Architects’ Journal Supplements / 2014
Archiv fűr das Eisenhuttenwesen / 1932 / 1984 (1985 changed title – see Steel Research) / Loose issues 1932-1934, 1939-1941 incomplete. Bound vols. 8-12, July 1934-June 1939. Later missing issues March, May 1968; 1979.
ASM News / Vol.19, no.1, Jan. 1988 / Vol.10, no.10, Oct. 1989 / Two stray issues only held
ASM Transactions Quarterly / Vol.54, no.3, Sept. 1961 / Vol.62, no.4, Dec. 1969
Atmospheric Environment / Vol.19 no.1, 1985 / Vol.26B no.1, Mar.1992 / Missing no.7A 1990
Atmospheric Pollution Bulletin, Warren Spring Laboratory, section 2 / Vol.29 no. 8, Nov. 1961 / Apr. –Nov. 1965
Atom / No 99
Jan 1965 / No 437,
Feb 95
Atomic Spectroscopy / 2011
Vol. 32 no. 1 / 2016
Vol. 37 no. 4
Automatic Welding / Vol.1
Jan. 1964 / Vol.38
Automatica / Vol.6 No.1
Jan. 1970 / Vol.18 No.6
Automotive Engineer / Vol.10 No1
Feb.1985 / Issue.5
Avesta Stainless Bulletin / No.1
Nov.1977 / No.4
The Ball Bearing Journal / Jan.1961 / No.25
Nov.1994 / A few issues missing
Bander Bleche Rohre / Vol.1
Jan.1980 / Vol.6
BARC News / No.297, Oct. 2008 / Jan.-Feb. 2015
BCIRA Journal / Vol.1
Jan.1971 / Vol.35, No.6
BCIRA Research / Vol.36, No1
Jan.1988 / Vol.38,No.3
Jul.1990 / Discontinued
BCIRA Technology / No.1
Sep.1990 / No.2
BCIRA News and Statistics / No.1
May.1984 / No.22
BCRA Quarterly / No.1
Oct.1983 / No.60
Jul.1998 / Missing a few
BCRA Review / 1981 / 1982 / Ceased publication
BCRA Quarterly Gazette / No.45
1962 / No.72
Berg Und Hutten Monatshefte / Vol.1
Jan.1980 / Vol.12
BHP Review / No.1
Dec.1948 / No.3
BHP Technical Bulletin / 1957 / 1982 / A few issues missing
BISF Quarterly Report / 1947 / 1967
Blast Furnace Steel Pl / Vol.39, No.1
1951 / Vol.59, No.4
Apr.1971 / Missing Nos.9,10,11 from 1956
Bleche Rohre Profile / Mar.1977 / Dec.1986
Bollettino Tecnico Finsider / 1976 / 1988
Bridge Design and Engineering / No.7
May.1997 / No.50
2008 / Missing a few from 2005 and 2006
British Corrosion Journal / Vol.1
1965 / Vol.37
2002 / Few months missing from 1973.
Changed to Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology
IOM3 title
British Engine Technical Report / Vol.5 1963 / Vol.14 1981
The British Foundryman / Vol.1
1968 / Vol.70
1985 / Title change to Foundryman
The British Iron and Steel Research Association Annual Report / 1945, 1954, 1962, 1965, 1966, 1967 only / 1967 / All other years missing
British Journal of Applied Physics / Vol.16, No.1
1965 / Vol.2, No.12
British Journal of Industrial Medicine / Vol.26, No.1
1969 / Vol.50, No12
1993 / Changed title to Occupational and Environmental Medicine
The British Journal of Non Destructive Testing / Vol.8
Sep.1966 / Vol.36
Mar.1994 / Changed Title to Insight
British Steel / Apr.1968 / Spring.1978
British Steel Maker / Jan.1935 / Dec.1982 / Issues missing
British Welding Journal / Vol.1, No.1
JaN.1954 / Vol.15, No.12
Dec.1968 / Missing issues from Dec.1958 Feb.1960,and 68
Brown Boveri Review / No.1/2
Jan.1961 / Vol.74
Dec.1987 / A few issues missing
Brunels Steel World Quarterly / 1992 / 1994
B.S.C.R.A News / 1963 / 1968
Building Research Establishment Digest / 1960 / 1983
Building With Steel / Vol.1, No.1
Jan.1960 / Vol.9, No.5
Jun.1984 / Several issues missing
Building / 2011 / 2013
Building Today / Jan.1989 / Jul.1990
Bulletin of the Bismuth Institute / Oct.1981 / Oct.1981
Bulletin of the Institute of Metals / Vol.1, 1951-53 / Vol.8, 1966 / IOM3 title
Bulletin TWI / Vol.37, No.1
1996 / Aug.2008
Bulletin Technique USINOR / 1970 / 1972
Business Voice / Dec.2000 / Nov.2004
BWRA Bulletin / Apr.1949 / Vol.5, No.3
Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly / Vol.1, No.1
Jul.1962 / Vol.38, No.5
Cast Metals / Vol.1, No.1
1988 / Vol.6, No.4
Cast Metals Research Journal / Vol.1, No1
Jun.1965 / Vol.11, No.3
Dec.1975 / Issues missing
Casteel / Vol.5, No2
Fall.1970 / Vol.8, No3
Summer.1974 / Issues missing
Castings a Journal for the Foundryman / Vol.16, No.7
July.1970 / Vol.28, No.12
CEGB Research / No.2
May.1975 / No.17
April.1985 / All 1980 and 1982 missing plus others
Cenim Revista De Metalurgia / Vol.3, No1
Jan.1967 / Vol.17, No5
Oct.1981 / Various issues missing
Ceram Research Progress / No.1
Jul.1986 / No.14
The Chartered Mechanical Engineer / Vol.1, No.1
Jan.1954 / Apr.1988 / Various issues missing
Chemical Society Annual Reports / Vol.41, 1944 / Vol.72, 1975 / Missing vol.42, 1945
Chemosphere / Vol.54, No.1
Jan.2004 / Vol.87, No.4
China Steel Technical Report / No.4
Dec.1990 / No.6
China’s Refractories / Vol.16, No3
2003 / Vol.21, No.12
CDS Centre De Documentation Siderurgique / No.7/8
1967 / No.11/12
1979 / Changed title to CIT from CDS
Ciria Bulletin / No.4
Jul.1967 / No.6
Civil Engineering / Jan.1975 / Dec.1988
CNRM Centre National De Recherches Metallurgiques / No.1
Oct.1964 / No.25
C2 Coating & Converting / Issue 37 / Issue 57
Combustion and Flame. Quarterly Journal of the Combustion Institute / Vol.1, No.1
Mar.1957 / Vol.19, No.1
Combustion Science and Technology / Vol.1, No.4
Feb.1970 / Vol.5, No.2
Composites / Vol.2, No.2
Mar.1971 / Vol.13, No4
Concast News / Vol.2
1963 / Vol.20
1981 / Title changed to Concast Standard News
Concast Standard News / Vol.28
1989 / Vol.33
1994 / Issues missing
Concast Technology News / Vol.20
1981 / Vol.27
Connect TWI / Dec.1989 / Dec.2006
Construction Steelwork and Metals / Jan.1969 / May.1974 / Issues missing
Construction News / Issue.2706
Feb.2011 / Issue.7453
Construction News Supplements / 2007 / 2016
Central Solutions International / Vol.73, No.9
Sep.2000 / Vol.77
Corrosion / Vol.11, No.3
Sep.1946 / Vol.57, No.8
Dec.2001 / Issues missing
Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology / Vol.38, No.1
Mar.2003 / Vol.41, No.4
Corrosion Management / 1994 / 2013
Corrosion Prevention and Control / Vol.11, No.1
Jan.1964 / Vol.52, No.4
Dec.2005 / Issues missing
Corrosion Science / Vol.10, No.1
Jan.1970 / Vol.41, No.2
Corrosion Technology / Jan. 1963 / Oct. 1964
CORUS Automotive / 2004 / 2007
CORUS Metal Works / 2001 / 2004
CORUS News / 1999 / 2008
CORUS RD&T (Research Development Technology) Magazine / Jul. 2000 / 2010
CORUS World / Feb. 2000 / 2006
CRM Metallurgical Reports / No.26
Mar. 1971 / No.60
Dec 1982
Czechoslovak Heavy Industry / No.12
1964 / No.12
1975 / Issues missing
DEMAG News / 1949 / 1970 / Issues missing
Denki Seiko – Electric Furnace Steel / Apr. 1983 / Aug. 1996
DEW Technische Berichte / 1961 / 1974 / Issues missing
Drilling and Production Practice / 1955 / 1970
The Economist / Jun. 2012 / Jun. 2015
Effluent Water Treatment Journal / Jan. 1970 / Vol. 26, No. 2 Feb. 1986
EHS Today / 2008 / 2012 / Ceased publication
Electrical Review / Jun. 2001 / Nov. 2014
Electric Furnace Proceedings AIME / Vol.1, 1943 / Vol.55, 1997 / missing vols. 34 and 37
Electronics & Power / Jan. 1980 / Dec. 1987
Electrowarme International / Jan. 1971 / No.5
Oct. 1988 / issues missing
ETA – Elektrowarme im Technischen Ausbau / No.1
Jan 1977 / No.6
Nov. 1988
The ENDS Report / 2011 / 2012
Energy & Buildings / No. 1
2002 / No. 2/3
Mar. 2011
Energy & Environmental Science / Vol. 1 No. 1 Jan. 2008 / Vol. 5 No. 12 Dec 2012 / ceased publication
Energy Resource Environmental & Sustainable Management / 2007 / 2008 / 3 years only
The Engineer / No.1
Jan 1976 / July 2012
Engineering / Vol. 22 No. 1 Jan 1981 / Vol. 250
Dec 2009 / issues missing
Engineers Digest / Jan 1980 / Feb 1990
Engineering Failure Analysis / Vol. 1 No. 1 Mar 1994 / Vol. 45
Oct. 2014 / 2009 missing
Engineering Fracture Mechanics / Vol. 8 No. 1 1976 / Vol. 72 No. 1 Jan 2005 / 1995 and 1996 missing
EM&D Journal of Engineering Materials, Components & Design / Vol. 13 No. 1 Jan. 1970 / Vol. 26 No. 12 Dec 1982 / ceased publication
EIB – Environmental Information Bulletin / Jan 1998 / Nov 1999
Environmental Manager / Vol. 1
May 1995 / May 2000 / 1998 missing
Environment Science and Technology / Vol. 45 No. 2 2011 / Vol. 45 No. 5 2012
The Environmentalist / 2014 / 2016 / Issues missing
ESC Review / No. 1 Autumn.1965 / No. 8
Autumn. 1968
EUREKA News / Jan 1992 / Jan 1996
European Coatings Journal / 2008 / 2016 / Issues missing
European Railway Review / Vol. 17 No. 6 Nov 2011 / Vol. 20 No. 5 2014
Evolution / No.1
1994 / No.4
Fairplay Insights for Profitable Shipping / 2010 / 2013
Fairplay International Shopping Weekly / 2008 / 2013
Fairplay Solutions / 2008 / 2013
Fatigue of Engineering Materials and Structures / 1979 / Vol.39, No.1
Jan.2016 / Title changed to Fatigue and Fracture of.....in 1985
Fils Tubes Bandes et Profiles (FTPB) / No.75
Feb.1980 / No.107
Filtration / Vol.3, No.1
Jan.2003 / Vol.13, No.1
Filtration and Separation / Jan.1970 / Vol.50, No.2
Finite Element News / No.1
Apr.1977 / No.6
FIRE The Journal of Fire Protection Profession / Vol.82
Jan.1990 / Vol.84
Fire International / No.78
Jan.1982 / No.132
Fire Prevention / No.151
Jul.1982 / No.246
Fire Prevention Fire Engineers Journal / 2007 / 2007
Fire Protection Association / 2008 / 2010
Fire Risk Management / 2008 / 2013
Fire Safety Engineering / Vol.1, No.1
Feb.1994 / Jan.2010 / 2000 and 2001 missing
Foundryman / Vol.80, Part.7
Aug.1987 / Vol.92, Part.12
Foundry Management and Technology / Jan.1970 / Dec.1998
Foundry Trade Journal / Vol.130, No.2822
Jan.1971 / Vol.189, No.3728
Foundry Trade Journal International / Mar.1985 / Sep.1991 / 1988 and 1989 missing
Freiberger Forschungshefte / 1971 / 1976
French Railway Review / Vol.1, No.1
Apr.1983 / Vol.2 No.6
French Techniques / 1976 / 1982 / Issues missing
Fuel Society Journal / Vol.12
1961 / Vol.20
Fuji Steel News / Vol.1, No.1
Jan.1965 / Vol.6, No.1
Furnaces International / Vol.1
May.2003 / Vol.2
Jan.2004 / discontinued
The GEC Journal of Research / Vol.8, No.1
1990 / Vol.15, No.2
1998 / continued as The GEC Journal of Technology
GEC Review / Vol.3, No.1
1987 / Vol.14, No.1
GEC Journal of Science and Technology / Vol.27, No.3
1960 / Vol.48, No.1
1983 / 1969,1970 and 1971 missing
Giesserei Forschung / No.1
1969 / No.4
Giesserei Forschung in English / Vol.21
1969 / Vol.24
Giesserei Gemein Schaft Sorgan / No.1
Jan.1973 / No.26
Giesserei Zeit Schrift / Jan.1970 / Dec.1972
Ground Engineering / Jan.1993 / Jul.2016 / 2009 and2010 missing
Harvard Business Review / Vol.83, No1
Jan.2005 / Vol.86, No.6
Health and Safety Bulletin / May.2013 / Apr.2014
Health and Safety at Work / Oct.2003 / Nov.2016 / issues missing
Health and Safety – Tips and Advice - Indicator / 2010 / 2011
Heat Engineering / Jan.1971 / Apr.1986
Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow / Feb.1977 / Dec.1995 / discontinued
Heat Treatment of Metals / No.1
1974 / No.1
1994 / issues missing
Heat Treating Progress / Dec.2000 / Vol.9, No.7
Heating Piping and Air Conditioning / Vol.43, No.1
Jan.1971 / Vol.54, No.6
Jun.1982 / issues missing
Hotline / No.123
Mar.2011 / No.144
Hydraulics & Pneumatics / May.2007 / Mar.2011
I&CS The Industrial and Process Control Magazine / Jan.1974 / Aug.2000 / title changed to Control Solutions
IEE Communications Engineer / Feb.2003 / Jan.2006
IEE Electronics System and Software / Apr.2003 / Nov.2006
IEE Proceedings-A Science Measurement and Technology / Vol.127, No.1
Jan.1980 / Vol.153, No.6
IEE Proceedings-B Electrical Power Applications / Vol.127, No.1
Jan.1980 / Vol.1, No.6
IEE Proceedings-C Generation Transmission and Distribution / Vol.127, No.1
Jan.1980 / Vol.148, No.5 Sep.2001 / discontinued
IEE Review / Jan.1988 / Dec.2006
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications / Vol.8, No.1
Jan.1972 / Vol.45, No.6
IET Communications Engineer / Feb.2006 / Dec.2008
IET Communications Electrical Power Applications / 2008 / 2012
IET Electronics / 2006 / 2008
IET Engineering and Technology / Apr.2006 / Dec.2015
IET Proceedings B – Electric Power Applications / 2009 / 2012
IET Proceedings Science Measurement and Technology / Jan.2008 / Jan.2013
Industrial Corrosion / Jan.1982 / Jul.1994
Industrial Engineering / Jan.1969 / Dec.1975
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry / Jan.1970 / Dec.1970 / ceased Publication
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Fundamental / Vol.1, No.2
Jan.1962 / Vol.14, No.1
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Process Design and Development / Vol.1, No.1
Jan.1962 / Vol.14, No.14
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Product Research and Development / Vol.1, No.1
Mar.1962 / Vol.14, No.4
Industrial Heating / No.1
1969 / Mar.2013 / only January in 1971 Issues
Infact / No. 53 March 1964 / No. 141 Dec 1986
Insight / Vol.36, No. 4 Apr. 1994 / Vol. 58 No. 10 Nov. 2016
British Foundrymen’s Association Proceedings / 1916 / 1919 / changed title to Institute of Foundrymen Proceedings
Institute of British Foundrymen Proceedings / Vol. XV 1921 / Vol. XLIX 1956
Institution of Civil Engineers Proceedings / Vol. 1 No. 1 Jan. 1952 / Vol. 73 Dec. 1982 / missing Vol. 53-57 and various issues
Institution of Mechanical Engineers Proceedings / Vol. 1 Jan. 1929 / Vol. 189 Jan. 1975
Institution of Petroleum Review / Jan. 1964 / Dec. 1967
Instrumentation / Vol. 9 Mar. 1959 / Vol. 22 1972
Intech / 2002 / 2012
Interface / Vol. 17 No. 1 Spring 2008 / Vol. 19 No. 4 Winter 2010
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives / Vol. 22 No. 4 2002 / Vol. 31 No. 1 Jan. 2011
International Journal of Fatigue / Vol. 13 No. 1 Jan. 1991 / Vol. 67 2014 / 2009 missing
International Journal of Fracture / Vol. 10 No. 1 Mar. 1974 / Vol. 64 No. 4 Dec. 1993
International Journal of Fracture Mechanics / Vo. 1 No. 1 Mar. 1965 / Vol. 9 No. 4 Dec 1973
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer / Vol. 1 No. 4 Jan. 1961 / Vol. 23 No. 12 Dec. 1980
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment / Vol. 1 No. 1 1996 / Vol. 16 No. 4 2011
International Journal of Materials & Product Technology / Vol. 1 No. 1 Jul. 1986 / Vol. 1 No. 14 1999 / ceased publication
International Journal of Powder Metallurgy / Vol. 1 No. 1 1965 / Vol. 17 No. 2 April 1981
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping / Vo. 1 No. 1 Jan. 1973 / Vol. 44 No. 1 1990
International Materials Reviews / Vol. 32 No. 3 1987 / Vol. 41 No. 4 1996 / IOM3 title
International Metallurgical Reviews / Mar. 1972 / Vol. 31 No. 6 1986 / IOM3 title
International Petroleum Times / Apr. 1978 / Dec. 1980
IRJ – International Railway Journal & Rapid Transit Review / Nov. 1988 / Dec. 1990
IRJ - International Railway Journal / 2014 / 2016
International Science and Technology / Jan. 1962 / Dec. 1967
International Sheet Metal Review / Vol. 6 No. 5 Sep. 2004 / Vol. 11 No. 6 2009
Investigation of Air Pollution / 1966 / 1981
Iron Age / Vol. 187 No. 1 Jan. 1961 / Dec 1983
Iron and Metalworking International / Jan. 1962 / Dec. 1983 / issues missing
Iron Age Metals Producers / Jan. 1984 / Apr. 1993 / 1989 missing – changed title to Iron Age New Steel
Iron Age New Steel / Jan. 1994 / Sep. 2001
Iron and Coal Trades Review / Jan. 1950 / Dec. 1961
Iron and Steel / No. 12 Jul. 1939 / Dec. 1972
Iron and Steel Engineer / Jan. 1941 / Vol. 76 No. 10 Oct. 1999 / Continued as AISE Steel Technology,
Issues missing
Iron and Steel International / Vol. 46 No. 3 Jun. 1973 / 1996
Iron & Steel Technology / Vol. 1 No. 1 Jan 2004 / Vol. 13 No. 11 Nov. 2016
I&SM – Iron and Steel Maker / Vol. 2 No. 1 Jan. 1975 / Vol. 30 No. 12 Dec. 2003
Ironmaking and Steelmaking / Vol. 1 No. 2 1974 / Vol. 37 No. 7 2010 / IOM3 title
ISIJ / Vol. 29 No. 1 1989 / Vol. 55 No. 4 2015 / 2009 missing
Japan Iron & Steel Monthly / Aug. 1969 / Oct. 1973
Japanese Railway Engineering / Vol. 2 No. 2 Jun. 1961 / Vol. 7 No. 4 Dec. 1966
Japan Steel Notes / 1967 / 1975
JCT Coatings Tech / 2008 / 2009
Jernkontorets Annaler / Vol. 149 No. 1 1965 / 1985 / 1968, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978 missing
JFE Technical Report / No. 1 Oct. 2003 / No, 12 Oct 2008 / Formerly Kawasaki Steel Technical Report and NKK Technical Review
Joining of Materials / Jul. 1988 / 1989
JOM / Jan. 1989 / Jul. 2017 / 2006, 2011 missing – previous title Journal of Metals
JAPCA – Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association / Vol. 31 No. 1 Jan. 1981 / Vol. 51 No. 7 Jul. 2001 / title changed at 1988 to Journal of Air and Waste Management Association
JCT - Journal of Coatings Technology / Vol. 48 no. 612 Jan 1976 / Vol. 64 No. 805 Feb. 1992 / Issues missing
Journal of Coating Technology and Research / Vol. 5 No. 3 Sep. 2008 / Vol. 10 No. 2 2013
Journal of Constructional Steel Research / Vol. 1 No. 3 May 1981 / Vol. 102 Nov. 2014
Journal of Electrochemical Society / Vol. 147 No. 7 2000 / Vol. 158 No. 3 2011
Journal of Electron Microscopy / Vol. 13 No. 1 1964 / Vol. 31 No. 4 1982
Journal of the Filtration Society / Apr. 2001 / Oct. 2002 / ceased publication
Journal of Fuel and Heat Technology / Vol. 14 No. 7 Jul. 1966 / Vol. 19 No. 3 May 1972
Journal of Heat Treating / Jun. 1979 / 1992
Journal of the Institute of British Foundrymen / 1947 / 1956
Journal of the Institute of Energy / Mar. 1979 / Sep.1980
Journal of the Institute of Fuel / Jan. 1970 / Dec. 1978
Journal of the Institute of Metals - JIM / Vol. XIX 1918 / Dec. 1973 / IOM3 title,several years missing
see IOM3 technical journals
Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute / 1875 / 1973 / IOM3 title, 1869-1874 missing, see IOM3 technical journals
Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute indexes / 1890 / 1973 / IOM3 title
Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute – Special Volume visit to America / 1890 / IOM3 title
Iron and Steel Institute Carnegie Scholarship Memoirs / 1909 / 1938 / IOM3 title
Iron and Steel Institute Symposium on the Welding of Iron and Steel / 1935 2 vols. / IOM3 title
Iron and Steel Institute Symposium on Steelmaking / 1938 / IOM3 title
Journal of Materials / Vol. 1 no. 1 Mar. 1966 / Dec. 1972
Journal of Materials for Energy Systems / Jun. 1979 / Mar. 1987
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance / Vol. 9 No. 1 1987 / Vol. 20 No. 3 Apr 2011
Journal of Materials Processing Technology / Vol. 216 Feb. 2016 / Vol. 219 May 2015
Journal of Materials Science / Vol. 10 No. 1 Jan. 1975 / Vol. 17 No. 12 Dec .1982 / 1979 all missing
Journal of Materials Science Letters / Vol. 1 No. 1 Jan 1982 / Vol. 1 No. 12 Dec. 1982
Journal of Mechanical Working Technology / Vol. 1 No. 1 Jul. 1977 / Vol. 2 No. 3 Dec. 1978
Journal of Metallurgical Club / No. 25 1990 / No. 29 1995
Journal of Metals / Jan. 1949 / Vol. 40 No. 12 Dec 1988 / Continued as JOM
Journal of Non-Destructive Evaluation / Vol. 1 No. 2 June 1980 / Vol. 32 No. 1 Mr 2013
Journal of Occupational Medicine / Vol. 29 no. 1 Jan. 1987 / Vol. 32 No. 3 Mar. 1990
Journal of Oil & Colour Chemists Association / Vol. 53 No. 1 Jan. 1970 / Vol. 74 No. 1 Jan. 1991 / Continued as Surface Coating International
Journal of Physics – D Applied Physics / Vol. 3 No. 1 Jan. 1970 / Vol. 13 No. 12 Dec. 1980
Journal of Physics – E Scientific Instruments / Jan. 1962 / Dec. 1989
Journal of Physics – F Metals Physics / Vol. 2 No. 1 Jan. 1972 / Vol. 2 No. 6 Nov. 1972
Journal of Pipelines / Vol. 1 1981 / Vol. 1989
Journal of Science and Technology / Vol. 36 No. 2 1969 / Vol. 39 No. 1 1972
Journal of Sheffield University Metallurgical Society / Vol. 1 1962 / Vol. 15 1976
Journal of the Society of Environmental Engineers / No. 52 Mar. 1972 / Vol. 20 Mar. 1981
The Journal of the Society of Occupational Medicine / Vol. 39 No. 3 Autumn 1989 / Vol. 41 No. 4 Winter 1991
Journal of Sound of Vibration / Vol. 90 No. 1 Jan. 1985 / Vol. 143 No. 3 Dec. 1990
The Journal of Strain Analysis / Vol. 1 No. 1 Oct. 1965 / Vol. 2 No. 6 Nov. 1997
Journal of Structural Division – Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers / Vol. 98 No. ST1 Jan. 1972 / Vol. 108 No. ST12 Dec. 1982
Journal of Structural Engineering / Vol. 98 No. 1 Jan. 1983 / Vol. 136 No. 3 Mar. 2010
Journal of Electrochemical Society / Vol. 143 No. 1 Jan. 1996 / Vol. 146 No. 12 Dec. 1999
Journal of the Association of Refractories of Japan / Vol. 27 No. 1 Mar. 2007 / Vol. 28 No. 2 Jun. 2008
Journal of the West of Scotland Iron and Steel Institute / Vol. 54 1946 / Vol. 81 1973-1974 / Some volumes missing
Der Karlibreur / 1964 / 1990 / Issue no. 30 1979 missing
Kawasaki Newsletter / 1982 / 1990
Kawasaki Newsletter Giho / 1983 / 1985
Kawasaki Steel Technical Bulletin / 1975 / 1978
Kawasaki Steel Technical Report / No. 1 Sep. 1980 / No. 48 Mar. 1983
Knowledge Management / Oct. 1998 / Jan. 2000
Kobe Steel Report / Vol. 4 No. 1 Feb. 1980 / Vol. 16 No. 66 Jun. 1992
Kobelco Technical Bulletin / 1981 / 1987
Kobelco Technology Review / No. 1 Feb. 1987 / No. 32 Dec. 2013
Krupp Technical Review / No. 1 1964 / No. 2 1966
Land Contamination and Reclamation / Vol. 4 No. 3 1996 / Vol. 12 No. 4 2004
Lubrication Engineering / Vol. 58 No. 11 Nov. 2002 / Vol. 59 No. 9 Sep. 2003 / continued as Tribology & Lubrication Technology after Sept 2003