Manipulative Activities
Toss & TagUse age-appropriate objects for throwing and catching.
After introducing/reviewing the cue for throwing and catching to be focused on during this lesson (for ex. throwing: "follow through to your partner"; "twist your body"; catching: "give with your body"; "pull the ball in to your body"), students are arranged in a scattered formation with one ball for every two students (allow them to choose an object to throw).
As a musical selection is played or when the signal is given, the children proceed to throw and catch back and forth counting each throw. When the music stops, the person that is holding the ball must chase and try and tag the other until the music comes on again. When the music starts again, students begin to throw and catch again (you might allow--or require--students to quickly change the object with another pair). Observe students during the activity to see if they are using the cues introduced when throwing and catching; give feedback based upon their use of these cues.Take It Home
Equipment is scattered behind safety lines (or mark area with cones) along two sides of the playing area. Two taggers (wearing pinnies) are chosen to begin protecting the objects from being "taken" by the non-taggers. At the "go" signal, non-taggers (who are standing at "home" behind their safety lines try to retrieve one object at a time from behind the taggers line and take it back "home" without getting tagged. Non-taggers are "safe" any time they get accross into the "home" area with the piece of equipment. If tagged before that they must return to the starting line and try again. If he/she has a piece of equipment in his/her hand when tagged, he/she puts it back and returns to the starting line. Start a new game when all the equipment has been "taken" to the "home" area or 4-5 minutes has elapsed.
Variation: Divide class into two groups. This time without taggers see which group can get all the equipment home in the shortest amount of time.
Two Pass CatchingStudents should have already learned the basics of catching and throwing. Spread many balls of different sizes around the gym or outdoor area. Each student has a partner, and the object is to pick up any ball, complete 2 passes with the partner, set the ball down, and move to another ball. To make this more challenging set a number for them to try to reach or you could set a time limit. Variation: Two teams on either side of the line. On the signal "Go", players pick up balls, complete 2 passes, and roll the ball to the other side. The object is to get rid of the balls on your side.
Hula Hoop Pass and Tag
Students are spread throughout the playing area in groups of 8 students.
In each group, three fourths (6 of 8) of the students will be standing inside hula hoops which represent personal space and one fourth of the students will be standing in general space (around/among/in between the students with the hula hoops). Each group will be given 2 balls. The balls will be given to the students who are standing in the hula hoops.
- Students that are in the hula hoops are in personal space. Their objective is to complete passes to students that are open (in other hoops) and stay in their hoop.
- Students that are outside the hula hoops are in general space. Their objective is to tag (gently) a student inside a hula-hoop while the student in the hula-hoop is in possession of a ball.
- If a student in general space tags a student in a hula hoop, the students switch roles.
- The student who was previously in the hoop must try to tag a student inside another hula-hoop when they catch a ball.
- In order for students to stay in a hula hoop they must successfully pass the ball to a student in another hula-hoop who is open (does not have a ball) before being tagged.
- If students make a bad pass (not capable of being caught by another student in a hula hoop) the student in general space retrieves the ball and takes the place of the student in the hula-hoop who threw the unreachable pass.
- If the receiving student touches the pass but does not catch it, the student in general space retrieves the ball and takes the place of the student in the hula-hoop who tried to catch the pass.
Aerobic Hula Hoop Bowling
Divide the students into groups of three, one bowler, one hoop holder and one ball retriever. The bowler tries to roll the ball through the hoop and score one point. The hoop holder stands on one side of the hoop, hoop touching floor and should not be moved. After the ball is rolled the retriever gets the ball and becomes the bowler. The bowler becomes the hoop holder and the hoop holder becomes the retriever. This rotation continues for 1-2 minutes. The group with the highest points is the winner.
Scarf Toss
Part 1 - Partners, each with a scarf, toss their scarf and trade places with each other and catch their partner’s scarf. If successful, back-up.
Part 2 - Same procedure of tossing and trading places, but on the way across, each partner picks up their beanbag, then catch their partner’s scarf. If successful, back-up.