Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Rajdeep Roy
US IEF Fulbright Post-Doctoral Fellow
MS 32, Redfield Lab, Woods Hole Oceanography Institute,
MA, 02453
Ph: 508-289-4838
C.S.I.R Research Associate, Chemical Oceanography Division
National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa,India, 91-403004.
Biogeochemistry with special emphasis on phytoplankton blooms and its relation withbiogenic trace gas production
- Ph.D completion Date: 08/04/2010
Ph.D. thesis title: “Influence of phytoplankton community structure on the abundance and emissions of volatile halogenated organic carbons (VHOC) in the Arabian Sea”.
- M.Sc. in Environmental Sciences (2003), BangaloreUniversity, Bangalore, India
- B.Sc. (Chemistry, Microbiology, Zoology). Bangalore University, Bangalore, India.
- United States Indian Education Foundation (USIEF, Fulbright) Post Doc Fellowship (2011-2012)
- Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) Research Associate ship (2010-2011)
- CSIR Senior Research Fellow (April 2008- August 2009)
- CSIR Junior Research Fellow (September 2004- March 2008)
- POGO Training on ecosystem dynamics and satellite retrieval of primary productivity parameters to understand climatic impact under Dr. Trevor Platt (DalhousieUniversity HalifaxCanada) held at NIO Kochi.
- SOLAS training on Air-Sea gas exchange studies in “Corsica, France” under Prof. Peter Liss.
- GC IRMS Training in analysis of C14 and N15 in sediments held at NIO, Goa.
- Sedimentary biomarkers extraction by Dionex ASE-200.
- Sedimentary biomarkers analysis by GC-MS-MS (Thermo Scientific)
- Flowcytometry analysis of phytoplankton in the Arabian Sea
- Analysis of phytoplankton and bacterial pigments by HPLC.
- Analysis of dissolved volatile and semi volatile gases by GC/GCMS.
- Analysis of nutrients, COD, BOD, TCO2.
- HPLC/HPLC MS analysis of vitamins, antibiotics, Amino acids and other byproducts.
- Analysis of pesticides, by GC, GCMS, LCMS.
- Analysis of PAH compounds and pesticides in different matrix by GC, GCMS, LC and LCMS.
- Dionex ASE-200 pressurized solvent extractor for sediment biomarker extraction.
- HPLC/ (HPLC-MS, Thermo) with UV- Vis detector, Photodiode Array detector, (MODEL -AGILENT, SHIMADZU).
- Gas Chromatography, GC-MS (TOF, Triple Quadrapole) -Electron Capture Detector (GC-ECD/FID/TCD) MODEL - AGILENT, VARIAN, CHEMITO.
- Particle Size analyser (Flow Cytometer).
- UV –Vis scanning Spectrophotometer (SHIMADZU).
- Fluorometer (Turner design).
- France,
- South Africa
- Chile.
- China
- UK
- US
- Arabian Sea, onboard FORV Roger Revelle. Scripps Institute of Oceanography (August –September 2007).
- South Atlantic Ocean (LOHAFEX Expedition) FORV Polarstern (AWI) (January-March 2009).
- HPLC analysis of phytoplankton pigments.
- GC analysis of various trace gases including halogenated carbons.
- SF6 instrumentations set up and analysis for enrichment cruises.
- Operation of CTD for collection of seawater samples and CTD data reduction.
- Measurements of various chemical parameters in seawater samples, including CO2, SiO2, NO3, PO4, O2 and salinity.
- Roy, R., Prathihary, A., Mangesh, G., Naqvi. S.W.A., 2006. Spatial variation of phytoplankton pigments along the southwest coast of India. Estuarine Coastal Shelf Science 69, 189-195.
- Kurian, S., Shenoy, D.M., Gauns, M., Pratihary, A.K., Roy, R., Narvekar, G., Paul, J.T., 2007. Water column characteristic following the September 2004 stench event off southern Malabar Coast. Indian journal Of Marine Science 36, 199-205.
- Naqvi, S.W.A., Naik, H., Pratihary, A.K., Narvenkar, A.K. Roy, R., Thorat, B.R., Kurian, S., Gauns, M. Narvekar, P.V., 2009. Intensification of seasonal oxygen-deficient zone over the western Indian Shelf. Geochemica Cosmochimica Acta 73, A930.
- Roy, R., .2010. Temporal variability of chlorine and bromine contaning halocarbons and phytoplankton pigments in coastal Arabian Sea. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. 88, 211-217.
- Roy, R., Pratihary, A., Narvenkar, G., Naqvi, S.W.A., 1; Mochemadkar, M., Gauns, M., 2011.The relationship between volatile halocarbons and phytoplankton pigments during a Trichodesmium bloom in the coastal eastern Arabian Sea.Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science.
- M.V.Maya, S.G.Karapurkar, H.Naik, R.Roy, D.M.Shenoy, and S.W.A.Naqvi. 2011. Intra-annual variability of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes in suspended organic matter in waters of the western continental shelf of India. Biogeosciences Discussion.
- P. V. Bhaskar*Ө Roy, R, D.M. Shenoy, Mangesh Gauns,. V.D. Rao and S. Mochemadkar.2011. An unusual phytoplankton bloom and its implications off the west coast of India. Accepted, Journal of Earth System Science.
- Sunita Mochemadkar; Mangesh Gauns; Anil Pratihary; Roy, R., K S Karupaswamy*; P.V. Narvekar, SWA Naqvi. 2011.Nutrient enrichment experiment. Accepted,Indian Journal of Marine Sciences.
- Narvenkar, G., Naqvi, S. W. A., Kurian, S., Shenoy, D.M., Pratihary, A.K., Naik, H., Patil, S., Roy, R., Sarkar, A., and Gauns, M.: Dissolved methane in Indian freshwater reservoirs. Under Review,Water Research.
Papers/ Posters presented in National and International Conferences
- Bhaskar, P. V., Mangesh, Gauns., D.M. Shenoy., V.D. Rao., Roy, R.,and S. Mochemadkar. 2006. What controls the total Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and Dimethylsulfide (DMS) concentrations during a prasinophyte dominated bloom event?. In: Abstract of “SIBER”, NIO, Goa, India.
- Roy, R., Pratihary, A., Narvenkar, G., Naqvi, S.W.A., 1; Mochemadkar, M., Gauns, M., 2007. Trichodesmium bloom in the Arabian Sea: Spatio-Temporal variability of halocarbons in relation to phytoplankton pigments. SOLAS Summer School, Corsica, France. (Poster).
- W. Naqvi., M. Gauns., H. Naik., A. Pratihary., R. Roy., G. Narvenkar., S. Mochemadkar., S. Kurian., K. Reshma., P. Narvekar. 2008. Enhanced respiration in pelagic zones. IMBER IMBIZO, Miami, US. (Poster).
1. Dr. M. Dileep Kumar
Scientist G
Chemical Oceanography Division
National Institute Of Oceanography
Dona Paula Goa
FAX: 08322450-602
2.Dr. Shubha Sathyendranath
Remote Sensing, Modelling and Optics
I hereby mention that the particulars mentioned above are true to the best of my knowledge.
Date: 2nd September2011
Place: NIO, GoaRajdeep Roy