West Cornwall Footpaths Preservation Society

West Cornwall Footpaths Preservation Society.

Minutes of the Executive Committee meeting at St. Hilary

Tuesday June 30th 2015.

1. Present: T. Eddy, P. Ellsley, J. Rogers, J. Heath, D. Barnes, M. Cassidy, M. Bateman.

P. Bowey, P. Bentley.

2. Minutes of previous meeting on March 24th 2015 were accepted as a true record.

3. Matters arising –Item 2 – The link to December 2014 minutes on website has broken down. JH will rectify. Done

Item 8 – All booked for Bring and share lunch and speaker.

Item 12 – All letters/cards/website notifications are being dealt with by TE/MC/JH. Done

Item 13 – PBw/MC have dealt with AGM details.

4. Chairman’s Remarks –TE- Very sad that our committee member and VC Peter Gilchrist died recently. Many members attended the funeral. However we will need a new member for the committee. This will be raised at the AGM. Anyone coming forward will need to be co-opted by the Executive Committee until the 2016 AGM.

Action - Add to AGM Agenda - MC

5. Treasurer’s Report – PE – Society bank balance as of 29th June 2015 is £3124.41. The majority of standing orders were paid in on 1st June. Our expenses over the next 12 months will of course reduce this figure. The 2014/15 Income v Expenditure is being calculated for the AGM. No problems are anticipated.

6. Membership Secretary’s report – PE – Three new members for 2015/16 to date. Currently membership is 344. Postal membership is 93 – they have been asked for email addresses to reduce mail out costs. Only 1 has been able to supply that information.

Annette Scott has resigned from the group as she has moved from the area. She thanks everyone for many years of enjoyable walks in lovely company.

Ian Cooke has not walked for a while but is now feeling much better and is hoping to do some short walks soon. He has sent in his subs and a donation to the WCFPS.

June Gorvin is still awaiting her operation and is still very poorly.

Resignation of PE – Kathy Fairey has shown an interest in taking over both Treasurer and Membership Secretaries and has helped with the mailing out of the walks programme for July- December. She does mainly short walks, knows a lot of our members and has a genuine commitment to the WCFPS. She has helped to enter the data for standing order payees. PE will be happy to help in the transition to the new post if Kathy or anyone else is voted on at the AGM. Kathy seems very straight, well organised, extremely efficient and computer literate.

TE thanked Peter for making arrangements for the takeover of his roles in the Society and thanked him for his work over the last few years. JR said that Peter had done a good job in modernising and computerising the payment/membership systems.

7. Secretary’s Report – MC – Nothing to report.

8. Social Secretary’s Report – PBw – 20 places are available on the Fal River trip in September 2015.

Action - Bring up at AGM – PBw

There was a problem getting into the hall for our meeting.

Action - Ring night before to confirm/remind the caretaker – PBw.

Action – Annual/ biannual bus trip – Bring up at AGM - PBw

9. Walks Secretary’s Report-JH – The autumn programme came together reasonably well with almost all walks submitted via web form. Only half a dozen posted and a few phone calls as the details were the same as on record from previous programmes. As usual it was the last few dates which needed swapping which created most difficulty. Every walk day has 2 options except November 27th which is missing a long walk. Will ask at AGM for a leader if possible.

E/M/H grading has been given for each walk. Mostly M/E on programme. Feedback needed about our grading system.

The membership secretary distributed the programme on time.

Action - The walk number analysis will be done at the next meeting- JH. Done (nxt meeting was the AGM!!) ?? Facebook.

10. Website Officers report – JH – 40 to 50 views weekly on Home page and Next Walks page. This seems to be enough to get the word around about any changes. The number of hits on the home page doubled when news of Peter G’s funeral was posted.

At some stage in the near future WCFPS needs to rent its own website space instead of using JH own space. This will then be open to updating by several committee members. The cost is relatively minor and we will be able to refresh the look of the site.

MB asked if it could be made possible to see whole walks list on website. We can do but need to be careful about putting everyone’s phone number on it. The list will need to be password controlled to limit access to WCFPS members.

11. Rights of way Officer’s Report – JR-

Path clearing. – April – Noonzerras West of St Buryan. None in May/June. Ideally the group would like a months’ notice of a blocked path to have chance to clear it.

Marazion Marsh – In April a meeting with RSPB warden Jenny Parker, CC Ranger Hamish Gordon, and RA Robert Fraser, agreed that that the RSPB will lower a sluice at end of summer to try to alleviate the flooding.

Chyrose Farm – Nr Morvah –We have had a request from the planning inspectorate for a report for forthcoming written (not public) inquiry about the footpath diversion.

Boskennal Barton – Evidence is being gathered for an inquiry – no date yet.

Tresowes Farm, Germoe – Dot Davies had a problem with slurry backed up against a stile – with gentle prompting the farmer dug it out.

Enforcement meeting with Linda Holloway CC. - a) 200 cases reported last year of Ploughing and cropping obstruction in West Cornwall. Farmers get a 14 day initial warning, subsequent offences a 5 day warning and then a prosecution. She will follow up reports to her directly or via JR.

b) Farmers can make a temporary footpath diversion if they want to help timid/anxious walkers avoid animals etc. The original path is not closed and may still be used.

c) After the recent trampling of a dog walker in a field of cattle the HSE wants evidence of any intimidating animals (cattle, horses etc.) on Public Footpaths. Any dog attacks must be reported to Police. Need evidence of more than one incident for a court case. MB asked about the rules of livestock on paths. Only certain breeds allowed.

Action - JR will provide a script for the website – JH to put on website.

JR reported that he is moving home so the next sub-committee meeting will be at Dot Davies home. If this is unsuitable/not available for any reason can the sub-committee book a venue such as the one at St Hilary for their monthly meetings?

After thinking about our role and the work the Rights of Way group do for us it was agreed.

12. Items for AGM – Red Wellie – Not sure when and to whom it was last awarded.

Action – Look at past AGM reports to find it – MC

Catering – Cakes and tea/coffee. PBw will ask for volunteers for making cakes.

Copies of the Agenda are on Walks list but MC will print a few to bring. Also print a few sets on minutes.

TE will ask that the minutes be taken as read to make the meeting a little quicker.
13. AOB – We have received a card from Gilly Gilchrist thanking us for support at Peter’s send off. Also some walk books which we will give out to any members who would like one.

PE asked about doing Long and Short walks on different days in one week so we have more walking opportunities. Will make a bit more work.

Action – Ask at the AGM – JH. Done

14. Next meeting Tuesday September 15th 2015 at 10.00am at St Hilary.

Action – PBw to book the room.

Meeting closed 1145am.