US HistorySemester 1 Exam Study GuideMr. Waxer

1. Statement of the reasons for the colonies to separate from Britain
2. refusal to buy certain goods as an act of protest
3. British law that taxed colonial newspapers and other printed materials
4. to cut off from outside contact
5. A ____ is a group of armed citizens who serve as soldiers during an emergency
6. People who remained faithful to Great Britain
7. Plan of government that describes the different parts of the government and their duties and powers
8. Branch of government that interprets the laws
9. Branch of government that executes the laws
10. Branch of government that makes the laws
12. Nation formed by secessionist southern states
14. legal means of forcing people to serve in the armed forces
15. Law that ordered all citizens to assist in the return of runaway enslaved people
17. Addition to the Constitution that ended slavery
18. Legislation stating that all persons born or naturalized in the United States were citizens and no state could restrict their rights
19. With the ratification of the ____, African American males gained the right to vote
20. President Lincoln issued the ____ to free enslaved people in areas under Confederate control.
21. General who led the Confederate Armies
22. ____ of Mississippi was elected president of the Confederate States of America
23. Industrialist who made his money in steel
24. Inventor who developed the idea of a central electric power
25. Industrialist who established Standard Oil
26. What caused Jamestown’s near failure?
27. New France was shaped mainly by…
29. How did the rapid spread of English settlements affect Native Americans?
30. Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia are known as…
31. In colonial South Carolina and Georgia, most slaves worked…
32. The Great Awakening is best described as…
33. The Sugar Act and Stamp Act are examples of how the British…
34. The Revolutionary War began with the Battle of…
35. The idea of natural rights is best defined as…
37. What was a major advantage of the American side in the Revolutionary War?
38. The colonists protested the Stamp Act because they believed in…
39. In the pamphlet Common Sense, the author argues that the colonies should…
40. The introduction to the Declaration of Independence is sometimes called…
41. One of the biggest problems facing Washington and his troops was…
42. During the war, American trade was severely disrupted due to
43. The Three-Fifths Compromise resolved the issue of… / 44. Which of the following was added to the Constitution to help gain the support of anti-Federalists?
45. The system of checks and balances is designed to ensure that…
46. James Madison is called the “Father of the Constitution” because he…
47. According to the Great Compromise, the number of representatives in the Senate would be…
48. Anti-Federalists opposed the Constitution because they believed that it would…
49. The main argument in support of the Bill of Rights was that
Under popular sovereignty, the decision whether or not to allow slavery in a territory was madeby…
50. In 1860 and 1861, seven southern states seceded from the Union in protest of the…
51. The Civil War began with the…
52. How did the book Uncle Tom’s Cabin affect American society in the 1850s?
53. The phrase “Manifest Destiny” refers to the belief that the United States…
54. What did the Fugitive Slave Act specify?
55. The decision in the case Scott v. Sandyford protected the rights of…
56. By attacking the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, John Brown hoped to…
57. Secessionists believed that they had a right to leave the Union, because…
58. Which of the following was an advantage the North had over the South?
59. In the Gettysburg Address, Lincoln…
60. Which of the following was an advantage the South had in the Civil War?
61. The single greatest cause of death of Confederate and Union soldiers was…
62. During the early part of the war, Lincoln’s main goal was to…
63. After the Emancipation Proclamation, many African Americans
64. At Ford’s Theater on April 14, 1865,
65. Which was a major success of Reconstruction in the South?
66. The goal of the Freedmen’s Bureau was to…
67. Reconstruction came to end when…
68. Which of the following made possible the American industrial growth of the late 1800s?
69. The government contributed to the building of the transcontinental railroad by…
70. Which of the following revolutionized American communications in the late 1800s?
71. The goal of the Sherman Antitrust Act was to…
72. According to the theory of Social Darwinism, the government should…
73. How did industrial growth affect the distribution of wealth in the United States?
74. The expansion of American industry was sparked mainly by…
75. During the late 1800s, children often worked in factories because…
76. Some workers, upset by the gulf between rich and poor, embraced socialism, but many more turned to…
77. The Interstate Commerce Act was passed to…
78. As American settlers moved west in search of land, many Native American nations…
79. The Massacre at Wounded Knee resulted in the death of…
80. What created the mining boom that started with the California Gold Rush?