US History Syllabus 2017-2018Mrs. Kurys
Office Hours- W & TH 3:00-3:20
Rm.- A 216Phone- 830-3360
Course Content & Outline
Students in grade ten study major turning points that shaped the modern world, from the late eighteenth century through the present, including the cause and course of the two world wars. Students consider multiple accounts of events in order to understand international relations from a variety of perspectives.
Unit 1 Democratic Ideals
Unit 2 Progress & Reform Movement
Unit 3 Civil Rights
Unit 4 Wars & Modern Era
Class Rules
1. Be on time.
2. No food, snacks or gum. Only drinks in a screw top lid is allowed.
3. Be prepared for class
4. Be respectful to everyone.
5. Follow all teacher directions and rules that are outlined in the handbook/agenda.
6. Do not cheat or engage in any behavior that could be construed as cheating
1. Verbal warning
2. Conference with student
3. Parent notified
4. Referral to AP
Tardy Policy & Consequences
All students tardy to class must sign in on the Tardy log located on my desk. Students have until 30 minutes before the will receive a Tardy/Truant for the period. All consequences are per the District Handbook.
Academic Dishonesty Policy
Plagiarism or presumed cheating on any project, paper, quiz or test will result in a zero for the assignment and a referral in your file. **Unless directly stipulated by the teacher, collaboration on written work is not acceptable.
Make-Up Work for Excused Absences
Per BP 6154-Students are allowed one day for each day of an Excused Absence. Students placed in “in-house” must pick up their work prior to attending in-house.
Unexcused Absences or suspensions
No Make- up work is allowed for truants or suspensions.
Homework Policy
Please see BP6154, Homework Policy Pamphlet, for homework guidelines. You should check your child’s agenda and verify it with my website every day, to ensure it is updated with what we are doing every day. Your child will likely have homework 2-3 times a week and larger long term projects.
Bathroom Policy
Unless there is a documented medical need on file in the office or in an IEP, students will be afforded two bathroom passes per quarter.
Cell Phone Use in Class
District policy allows students to use phones between classes and at lunch. Student will be allowed to use their phones to access their books, take quizzes and conduct research. Other than for these purposes it should be put away. If it is out or they are caught using it for other than those things, it will be taken with a referral written.
Recommended Materials & Supplies
- Single subject spiral notebook-For their skills notebook
- binder with notebook paper
- Smart phone, tablet or laptop (DO NOT purchase if you do not have one already or do not allow your child to have one)
- Pen/pencil
- colored pencils
- glue sticks, tape or stapler
The shift towards more common use of technology is essential for students to become 21st century learners. If they have a smart phone, tablet or laptop they will want to download the following apps:
Socrative for students
All TUSD students have access to computers and office 365 via their student portal. They will want to change their student password the first Monday of each month. This will allow them access to all of the Office 365 tools they will need for this class to include:
E-mail, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, One Drive, One Note
Grading Policy
I do weighted grades and the breakdown is as follows:
Quarter Grades:
Daily Work- 40%
Tests/Quizzes- 40%
Projects/Essays: 20%
Semester Grades:
1st Qtr-40%
2nd Qtr 40%
Final Exam 20%
Semester grades are determined by the following percentages:
97-100% A+90-96%A80-89%B
70-79%C60-69%D0-59%F Failed
**Students earn the grade they get. I DO NOT CURVE, SO DO NOT ASK ME TO CURVE UP!!!
Aeries Parent Portal Participation
I encourage you to sign up for AERIES as I do update grades as assignments are graded and entered.
TA Expectations
All TA’s are expected to attend class regularly and abide by all classroom rules (including no phones). They are not to disrupt the class in any way (such as talking to students during class). Their job is to assist the teacher in things like passing out papers, filing, and daily maintenance of the classroom, grading packets or tests as needed.
Textbook Management
Students will be allowed to leave their covered (by a brown paper bag-only no cloth/stretch covers)/labeled book in a designated class cabinet when not needed for homework at their own risk. If they choose to not cover it, then they must have it accessible for class every day.
Parent Signature Page
Dear Parents and Students,
We have a great year ahead of us! Most of you are growing to become responsible young adults and ready to take on new challenges. Whether those challenges be college, the work force, or another year at Tracy High, my goal is for all of us to work together as teacher, student and parent and help you to become the capable, responsible young people that we know you are ready to become.
The best way for this to happen is to make sure you communicate with me. The first thing I am going to ask of you is that if at any time you have an issue that comes up:
1. Students please come to me first. Often time’s issues become bigger than they really need to be because communication is unclear through a third person. The best time to do this is not at the start, end, or middle of class but rather after school when we can have a chance to really communicate and listen to each other.
2. Parents let your child be responsible for seeking out clarification and seeking a resolution to their problem. This will become an invaluable life skill in many situations that life will challenge them with in the future. My hope is that the first time I hear about an issue is not from you as a parent, but rather from your student. If you contact me regarding an issue the first thing I will do is, ask you to have your student come and talk to me. Hopefully we can resolve the issue at that point.
Parents if at any time you have a question regarding your child’s grade or safety, please e-mail me at . I do check my e-mail often. If I do not respond by the end of the day that usually means I am absent. Please give me time to respond. Also if you have any question about what we are doing in class please check out my website at
Again, thank you for giving me the opportunity to teach your child. If you have any questions do not hesitate to e-mail me.
Thank you.
Karleen M. Kurys
Student Printed NameParent Printed Name
Student SignatureParent Signature
Parent Best contact # Parent E-mail
Movies Listed on Back-Please turn over to review!
Sometimes we will show movies in whole or in part in class that are academically related to our topic or for a reward for hard work. The ratings of these movies range from PG-R. Here is a list of those movies for you to review. All choices must be circled either “YES” or “NO” If you do not want your child to view a particular movie, please make sure to circle “NO” and your child will be given an alternate assignment while the class watches that movie.
***You must circle each movie individually or your child will not be permitted to view the movie, they will instead receive an alternate assignment to be completed in the hall. ***
World Trade Center / NoYes / The Patriot / NoYesFar and Away / NoYes / All the Way with LBJ / NoYes
Newsies / NoYes / Gangs of New York / NoYes
Iron Jawed Angels / NoYes / Singing in the Rain / NoYes
Cinderella Man / NoYes / O Brother Where Art Thou / NoYes
Pearl Harbor / NoYes / Tora, Tora, Tora / NoYes
The Race / NoYes / Tuskegee Airman / NoYes
Schindler’s List / NoYes / Hidden Figures / NoYes
Flags of Our Father's / NoYes / 13 Days / NoYes
Hello My Name is Khan / NoYes / Forest Gump / NoYes
Remember the Titans / NoYes / Blast From the Past / NoYes
Glory Road / NoYes / 42 / NoYes
Last of the Dogmen / NoYes / Dances with Wolves / NoYes
Selma / NoYes / War Games / NoYes
Parent Signature Date