US History Industrial Revolution 19th and 20th Century

Students should know the following:

Part I

What is it? When does it take place? Where does it take place? Who is involved?

Industrial Revolution in the US begins in 1800’s

The IR is the process of transforming the American Economy from Agrarian to industrial

Industry- means to produce goods using mechanization/factories

Factories produce goods

Industrialization causes cities to grow

Industrialization causes immigration

Industrialization causes profits, poverty, power

Factories need a product, natural resources, workers, machines, people to buy goods…

Part II Effects of Industry

Industrialization brings positives effects:

Inventions are created-More products--produced faster-- produced cheaper

Jobs are created--- people have money to buy more goods-economy gets better for everyone

Rich people get richer-- create more factories or businesses -- create more jobs--economy gets better for everyone

Immigration-when jobs are available------people move to the location of jobs-industrialization causes immigration--

Factories are built where people live------cities grow

Industrialization brings negative effects:

Industrialization causes--pollution-air, water

Industrialization causes---poverty- government doesn’t protect workers at first- workers compete with other workers for low skill jobs- workers work long hours- get low pay- unsafe working conditions

Poverty is so bad-children need to work

Massive wealth is created by factory owners- causes corruption- business owners use money to influence government officials

Part III Effects of Industry on Labor Movement and Political development (Progressives)

Unions develop because of negative aspects of industrialization

Reform movement of the Progressives develop because of negative aspects of industrialization

Week 1
Part I
What is it? When does it take place? Where does it take place? Who is involved?
Chapter 6
Week 2

Part II Effects of Industry

Part III Effects of Industry on Labor Movement and Political development
Chapter 7 Immigrants and Urbanization
Week 3
Part III continued
Chapter 9 The Progressive Era

Marx and Smith

Union role play,

Basic Questions:

What is industrialization?

Why is industrialization important to a country?

When does industrialization take place in America?

Where does industry develop in the United States?

What are the elements or main parts of industrialization?

What are the effects of industrialization?

Why do cities grow during industrialization?

How is immigration associated with industry?

What people are associated with America’s Industrial Revolution?

Why do the Progressives develop and what changes do they want in Government?

Day One:

"One of the most important factors in the history of modern society is the Industrial Revolution."


11.2 Students analyze the relationship among the rise of industrialization, large-scale rural-to-urban migration, and massive immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe.

Chapter 3 section 4 The Market Revolution Pg 139-143

  1. Cornell Notes for each of the following:
  2. Make a list of changes in the way things are done (produced, bought, sold, transported…)
  1. What is meant by the term “Market Revolution?”
  1. What were some of the Inventions and Improvements developed?
  1. How does the “Market Revolution” transform the nation?
  1. Why are goods made faster and more efficiently?
  1. List 5 facts related to The Lowell Mills. (example of the Factory System)
  1. Did the Girls at the Lowell Mills like their jobs?
  1. How did workers Seek Better Conditions?
  1. Were the workers successful? Why?

Pay attention to the key terms:

  1. Market Revolution
  2. Free Enterprise
  3. Entrepreneurs
  4. Samuel F.B. Morse
  5. Morse Code
  6. Erie Canal- What is it and why is it important?
  7. Alexander Graham Bell
  8. Lowell Textile Mills
  9. Strike
  10. Immigration
  11. National Trades Union
  12. Commonwealth v. Hunt
  1. Marconi Radio
  2. Robert Fulton
  3. Locomotives
  4. Steam Engine
  5. Rural to Urban Migration
  6. Lowell Textile Mills
  7. Strike
  8. Immigration
  9. National Trades Union
  10. Commonwealth v. Hunt

Chapter 5 Section 3 Farmers and the Populist Movement Pg 219-223

  1. What were the problems facing farmers in the late 1800s?
  2. Banks
  3. Railroads
  1. What kind of kind of action did farmers take in response to the Railroads?
  1. Look at the Political Cartoon on Pg 220. What is the meaning of the cartoon?
  1. Who were the Populists and what did they want?

Key Terms:

  1. Grange
  2. Farmers Alliance
  3. Populism

Chapter 6 “A New Industrial Age” Pg 228-251

Chapter 6 Section 1 The Expansion of Industry Pg 230-235

Section1 Expansion of Industry:

Define the following terms:

Natural Resources


Thomas Edison

Bessemer Process

Alexander Graham Bell


  1. Name three Natural resources identify where they’re located and why they’re important for the Industrial Revolution.
  2. List some of the most important inventions in this period. Which invention had the greatest impact on society?
  3. If the US had been poor in natural resources, how would industrialization have been affected?
  4. Look at the timeline on page 232, why are so many inventions identified in the late 1800’s?

“Industry Changes the Environment”

Read pages 234-35, what do we learn about the Industrial Revolution from these pages?

Chapter 6 Section 2 The Age of Railroads: Pg 236-240

  1. Read pages 237-239, Why do you think common people both hated and loved the railroad companies?
  2. Check the map on page 239 Read the map key. What do you notice about this map?

Use details from this section to support your thesis.

Terms to know

  1. Granger Laws
  2. Munn v Illinois
  3. Interstate Commerce Act
  4. Credit Moblier
  5. George M. Pullman

Chapter 6 Section 3 Big Business and Labor: Pg 241-49

  1. Explain how Carnegie made his millions.
  2. How is Darwinism related to business? Explain:
  3. How did Rockefeller take control of so much oil?
  4. Why does Carnegie say: “It is a mistake to shoot millionaires.” Do you agree?
  5. Why doesn’t the South experience industrial boom?

Labor Unions:

  1. Why were/are unions attractive to some workers?
  2. What is the connection between socialism and the union movement?
  3. Summarize the 1877 strike, the Haymarket Affair, the Homestead Strike, and the Pullman Strike. What do they all have in common?

Key Terms to Know:

Andrew Carnegie
Vertical Integration
Horizontal Integration
Social Darwinism
John D. Rockefeller
Sherman Anti-Trust Act / Samuel Gompers
American Federation of Labor (AFL)
Eugene V. Debs
Great Railroad Strike 1877
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
Haymarket Affair
Homestead Strike / Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

Chapter 7 Immigrants and Urbanization Pages 252-271

Answer the following questions on a separate piece of paper.

Chapter 7 Section 1 The New Immigrants Pages 254-279

  1. Between 1870-1920 20 million Immigrants came to the US, why?

Make a chart of Push/Pull factors that relate to immigration:

PUSH = things that push people out of their homeland / PULL = things about America that make people want to come here.
  1. Make a chart listing the new immigrants compared to the Old Immigrants(include dates)

New Immigrants / Old Immigrants.
  1. Analyze the chart on page 255, US Immigration Patterns 1900.
  2. Where did the greatest number of Italian immigrants settle?
  3. Where did the most Japanese and Chinese people settle?
  4. Where did most Mexican people settle?
  1. List important information about Chinese and Japanese immigration to the US.
  1. What was life like in the “New Land” page 257-258
  1. Make a list of the way people viewed New Immigrants page 259

Define the following :

  • Chinese Exclusion Act
  • Gentlemen’s Agreement
  • Nativism

Chapter 7 Section 2 The Challenges of Urbanization Page 262-266

  1. List the reasons immigrants decided to settle in Cities.
  2. Read the Section Urban problems and describe problems related to the following:
  3. Housing
  4. Transportation
  5. Sanitation
  6. Crime
  7. Fire
  8. How did reformers try to change society?
  9. How is Jane Addams and Social Gospel related?

Define the Following:

  1. Settlement Houses
  2. Urbanization
  3. Americanization Movement
  4. Tenement

Chapter 7 Section 3 Politics of the Gilded Age Page 267-271

  1. What are Political Machines and how do they work?
  2. Draw the pyramid of the Political Machine, at the top is the City Boss, Ward Boss, Precinct Captain, precinct worker, voter
  3. Why do immigrants like the Political Machine?
  4. Boss Tweed was a famous City Boss, how did he get rich?

Define the following:

  • Civil Service
  • Graft
  • James Garfield
  • The Pendleton Civil Service Act

Chapter 9 The Progressive Era

Section 1 Origins of Progressivism

Section 2 Women in Public Life

Section 3 Teddy Roosevelt’s Square Deal

Page 326-27 The Muckrakers

Section 4 Progressivism Under Taft

Section 5 Wilson’s New Freedom
Terms to Memorize

  1. Market Revolution
  2. Free Enterprise
  3. Natural Resources/Raw Materials
  4. Lowell Textile Mills
  5. Assembly Line
  6. Mass Production
  7. Interchangeable Parts
  1. Erie Canal
  2. Transcontinental Railroad
  3. Panama Canal
  1. Morse Code
  2. Marconi Radio
  3. Steam Engine
  4. Locomotives
  5. Airplane
  6. light bulb
  7. Automobile
  8. Model T
  9. Telegraph
  10. Telephone
  1. Ellis Island
  2. Angel Island
  3. Graft
  4. Political Machine
  5. Chinese Exclusion Act
  6. New Immigrants
  7. Immigrant Neighborhoods
Rise of the City
  1. Urbanization
  2. Rural to Urban Migration
  3. How the Other Half Lives
  4. Settlement House
  5. Tenement
  6. Nativist/Nativism
/ Business Development
  1. Adam Smith
  2. Laissez Fair Capitalism
  3. Entrepreneur
  4. Corporation
  5. Shares of Stock
  6. “Robber Baron”
  7. “Captain of Industry”
  8. Vertical Integration
  9. Horizontal Integration

43.Credit Mobillier

44.Standard Oil

45.Carnegie Steel


Labor Movement

  1. Labor
  2. Union
  3. Strike
  4. Collective Bargaining
  5. Knights of Labor
  6. American Federation of Labor (AFL)
  7. Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
  8. National Trades Union
  9. Commonwealth v. Hunt
  10. Pullman Strike
  11. Haymarket Riot
  12. Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
  1. Social Darwinism
  2. Communist Manifesto
  3. Socialist
  4. Social Gospel
  5. The Jungle

Government and Industry

  1. No Government intervention in business
  2. Interstate Commerce Act
  3. Sherman Antitrust Act
  4. Assassination of President Garfield
  5. Pendleton Civil Service Act
  6. Pure Food and Drug Act
  7. Food and Drug Administration


  1. Samuel F.B. Morse
  2. Adam Smith
  3. Alexander Graham Bell
  4. Eli Whitney
  5. Robert Fulton
  6. Henry Bessemer
  7. Thomas Edison
  8. Alexander Graham Bell
  9. George Pullman
  10. Andrew Carnegie
  11. Boss Tweed
  12. Horatio Alger
  13. Henry Ford
  14. Herbert Spencer
  15. John D. Rockefeller
  16. Karl Marx
  17. Samuel Gompers
  18. Eugene V. Debs
  19. Wright Brothers
  20. Jacob Riis
  21. Jane Addams
  22. Upton Sinclair
  23. Emma Lazarus

What are the essential elements of a factory?

What do you need to create a factory?

What do you need to produce a product?

What goes into a factory?

What comes out of your factory?

What are the good things associated with a factory?

What are the bad things associated with a factory?

Worksheet Industrialization

1.What is industrialization?

2.Why is industrialization important to a country?

More goods are produced cheaper--

More jobs-better economy- standard of living improves

Technology improvesbetter goodsmakes life easier

Self-Reliance of the countryfor goods -> Oil?

Industrialization = power war tanks bombs

3.When does industrialization take place in America?

4.What are the elements or main parts of industrialization?

5.What are the effects of industrialization?

Imagine you are an industrialist in the period between 1850 and 1920.

Using a piece of poster paper

Create a factory:

Include a visual image of the factory.

Address the following

  • Where will the factory be located and why?
  • What is the product?
  • How will it be made?
  • What is it made out of?
  • How will it get to market?
  • What resources are needed?
  • Who will make the product?
  • How much money will they make?
  • Where will workers live?

What is industrialization?

Process of transforming society’s economic focus from agriculture to factory or industrial production

Why is industrialization important to a country?

In the modern period industrialization drives the standard of living for the people.

Industrialization provides prosperity and new products.

Industrialization creates jobs and improves society.

Industrialization creates strength for a nation.

When does industrialization take place in America?

Begins strongly 1850-

By 1920 US is a leading industrial power in the world.

What are the elements or main parts of industrialization?

Natural Resources page 231 Natural Resources Map – and steel


Sources of Energy


Support of Government for Business

Growth of cities- helped for cheap labor and markets (a place to sell goods)




Capitalists - Investors


Sales techniques

Labor Unions


What are the effects of industrialization?

Mass production
More Inventions
New Products
Cheaper goods
More jobs
Pollution / Exploitation of workers
Large Businesses
Profit for owners and investors
Increased transportation networks
Poverty for workers
Labor unrest / Labor Unions
Government Intervention in business

Industrial Revolution Timeline:

Make a timeline of the Industrial Revolution

Period 1826------1920

See Pages 228, 229, 232, 247, 274

Label and briefly describe the following:

See Page 232 include all inventions

Oil is pumped using steam power

Bessemer Process is widely used

Transcontinental Railroad Completed

Bell invents the Telephone

The Great Strike

United States restricts Chinese immigration

Edison invents the light bulb

Haymarket Riot

Sherman Anti-trust act passed

Pullman Strike

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

See the Chart on page 247 show when Union Membership was highest.

Brooklyn Bridge is completed

Henry Ford makes the Model T

Theodore Roosevelt is Elected President

William H. Taft Elected President

Woodrow Wilson Elected President

World War I begins

US Enters World War I

World War I ends

Eighteenth Amendment passed

Nineteenth Amendment Passed

How is the poem by Lazarus appropriate for the new immigrants to America?

The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,

With conquering limbs astride from land to land;

Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand

A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame

Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name

Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand

Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command

The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she

With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


  1. Imagine you are a teenager in the time period. Choose one invention and describe how it has changed your life. Or
  2. Imagine you are a worker, write a letter to your friend and tell them how you like or dislike the assembly line.
  3. Make a chart of positive and negative effects of the Industrial Revolution.

Adam Smith or Karl Marx> Editorials

Capitalist, Marxist, and Unions Role Play

  1. Students interview their parents about Unions.
  2. Political Cartoon - Create a political Cartoon or other image displaying a point of view of the workers, a capitalist, and how they view government.

Test Question:

How did Society Change with the Industrial Revolution?

How is the Industrial Revolution significant important to the strength of the United States?

Industrial Revolution Essay:

Due December 16, 2005

Review your notes on the Industrial Revolution:

Industry, factories, industrialization, effects, new products, inventions, workers, immigration, big business, transportation, resources, positive-negatives, urbanization…

Write a 5 paragraph essay.

How did the Industrial Revolutionchange the United States?


Thesis: The industrial Revolution between 1850-1920 changed the United States in many ways.

(Choose three topics to explain and give examples of changes brought by the industrial revolution, one topic for each body paragraph.)

Body Paragraphs:

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3

Paragraph 4


The Industrial revolution changed America.