Department of Community and Economic Development Interoffice Memo
To: J. William Reynolds, President of Council
From: Jessica C. Khouri, Housing and Community Development Planner
Re: Keystone Grant – Bethlehem Area Public Library
I would like to request that the attached resolution be placed on the August 19, 2014 City Council agenda for action. The grant application is due on October 6, 2014.
The City is working with the Bethlehem Area Public Library to submit an application for a Keystone Grant through the Department of Education. The library proposes to create a new Children’s Center at the Main Library, a program/activity room, and ADA compliant restrooms. Additional information on the program can be found at
The City would act as the pass through for the funds from the Department of Education for the Bethlehem Area Public Library.
Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information on this project.
cc: Mayor Donchez
Alicia Karner
Solicitor’s Office
Members of Council
DATE: July 28, 2014
Jessica C. Khouri
Housing and Community Development Planner
Resolution No. 2014 -
WHEREAS, the Bethlehem Area Public Library desires to undertake the following project: Room to Grow – Phase Three (including a new Children’s Center at the Main Library, a program/activity room and ADA compliant restrooms); and
WHEREAS, the City of Bethlehem and Bethlehem Area Public Library desire to receive a 2014 Keystone Grant from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Education for the purpose of carrying out this project; and
WHEREAS, one of the requirements of the grant application package is that if the municipality owns the property, the municipality must ensure the undisturbed use of the facility as a public library for 50 years or the useful life of the project to be funded by the grant, whichever is shorter; and
WHEREAS, the City of Bethlehem owns the property in question.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Bethlehem that:
1. The facility located at 11 West Church Street, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and known as the
Bethlehem Area Public Library shall be used undisturbed as a public library for 50 years or the useful life of the project to be funded by the grant, whichever is shorter.
2. The Mayor and Controller are authorized and directed to execute all application forms necessary to apply for the Keystone Grant that will be passed through the City of Bethlehem to the Bethlehem Area Public Library.
3. The Mayor and Controller are authorized to execute such other agreements and documents as are deemed to be necessary and/or related thereto.
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ADOPTED by Council this day of , 2014.
President of Council