
·  Job advert

·  Introductory Letter

·  Job Description

·  Person specification

·  School Information

·  Application Form

·  Monitoring Form

·  Application Guidance

URMSTON INFANT SCHOOL. Wycliffe Road, Urmston. M41 5AH

Telephone 0161 748 4362 email .

Foundation Stage Co-ordinator MS / UPS + TLR 2

Required for September 2015

The Governors of Urmston Infant School are seeking an outstanding, enthusiastic and highly motivated Foundation Stage teacher to take an active role in the leadership and management of the school.

We are looking for a candidate who:

·  is an outstanding Early Years teacher and who is passionate about how children learn

·  has proven leadership and management skills

·  can inspire staff, children and parents

·  can maintain and develop close links with parents and carers

We can offer:

·  happy and enthusiastic children

·  a welcoming and caring environment

·  a friendly committed staff

·  supportive parents and governors

Please contact the school for further details and an application form.

Closing date: Wednesday 18th March Shortlisting: Friday 20th March

Observations W/B Monday 23rd March Interviews W/B: Monday 30th March

Urmston Infant School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children. References will be required for shortlisted candidates and the appointment will be made subject to an enhanced CRB check.

/ Urmston Infant School
Headteacher Miss Fióna Bee / Wycliffe Road
M41 5AH
Tel. 0161 748 4362

Dear Applicant,

Thank you for your interest in our vacancy for an Early Years Leader required for September 2015.

Enclosed is an application form along with some information about the post to help you decide whether we represent the opportunity you are looking for.

Short listing will take place on Friday 20th March and short listed candidates will be informed immediately by email and telephone. They will be given full details of the on going selection process. This will include observations of teaching during the week beginning Monday 23rd March as well as interviews W/B 30th March. Confidential references will be taken up before the interviews.

If you have any questions before submitting your application please contact us by telephone or email.

The closing date for applications is 12pm on Wednesday 18th March. Please return your application by email to me at allowing plenty of time for its arrival.

Yours faithfully,

Fióna Bee.




SCHOOL: Urmston Infant School

POST HELD: Foundation Stage Leader

Foundation Stage / Key Stage 1 teacher

SALARY SCALE: Pay scale as appropriate + TLR 2

CONDITIONS OF Conditions of Employment as outlined in the School Teachers’ Pay

SERVICE: and Conditions Document

HOURS OF DUTY: In accordance with the above document and LEA policy

RESPONSIBLE TO: The Headteacher or teacher deputising in the Headteacher’s absence

RESPONSIBLE FOR: Foundation Stage based Teaching assistants.


The purpose of the Foundation Stage Leader role is:-

·  To ensure the consistent application of planning, assessment and curriculum coverage strategies within the Foundation Stage, in line with the ”Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage”, and to support colleagues in Reception and Nursery classes to ensure progression in the children’s learning.

·  To ensure all teaching staff are well informed about issues and information relating to the ”Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage”



A class teacher shall carry out the professional duties of a teacher as circumstances may require, under the reasonable direction of the Headteacher.

Teaching responsibilities

1.  To ensure the implementation of the curriculum within our legal obligations by planning, preparing and delivering appropriate educational experiences for pupils in your care within the agreed school policy.

2.  To ensure the personal, social, moral and spiritual development of your pupils by working within Trafford’s agreed syllabus for Religious Education.

3.  To monitor and assess the progress and attainment of your pupils and provide oral and written reports to parents and other teachers, the Headteacher and other relevant agencies if appropriate.

4.  To provide a safe, stimulating, secure and caring environment for pupils in your care

5.  To consult and co-operate with your colleagues to ensure a whole school approach towards:

·  The preparation and development of schemes of work;

·  Teaching and learning strategies;

·  Assessment – including Standard Assessment Tasks and EYFS Profile;

·  Record keeping and pupil Records of Achievement;

·  Resources;

·  Health and Safety arrangements for pupils, staff and other visitors;

·  Special Needs and pastoral care of your pupils.

6.  To maintain good discipline among the pupils and ensure they are safely supervised either on the school premises or during authorised school activities outside school.

7.  To attend and contribute to weekly staff meetings offering positive involvement towards the appropriate staff development and school activities.

8.  Participate in the agreed Performance Management policy of this school.

9.  Participate in arrangements for continual professional development as a teacher and in order to meet the need identified in appraisal objectives.

10. To liaise with colleagues and the Headteacher on relevant teaching programmes, materials, assessment procedures and training course guidelines within the scope of individual responsibility.


Qualities of the subject co-ordinator

As a subject co-ordinator it is anticipated that the following qualities are involved in the management and leadership of the allocated responsibility.

·  Effective leadership – to lead and support colleagues

·  Clear communication – to clarify, explain and initiate discourse in order to promote the allocated area of responsibility; to interact effectively with colleagues

·  Knowledge and understanding of the subject – to act as a positive role model in order to inform and support colleagues

·  Interpersonal skills – to develop positive relationships and a sensitive rapport with colleagues in order to liaise and consult when appropriate

The Foundation Stage Leader has responsibility for the following areas of management and leadership:-

·  Leading, managing and developing a curriculum area and to lead and manage pupil development across the curriculum

Working with other relevant teachers:-

o  Identify relevant school improvement issues

o  Define and agree appropriate improvement targets

o  Co-ordinate CPD needs and opportunities

o  Evaluate the impact of all improvement activities on the quality of teaching and learning

·  Impact on the educational progress of pupils other than the teacher’s assigned pupils

Working with other relevant teachers:-

o  Identify appropriate attainment and achievement targets within the foundation curriculum

o  Monitor pupil standards and achievement against annual targets

o  Monitor planning, curriculum coverage and learning outcomes

o  Monitor standards of pupil behaviour and application

o  Lead evaluation strategies to contribute to overall school self-evaluation

o  Plan and implement strategies where improvement needs are identified

·  Leading, developing and enhancing the teaching practice of other staff

Working with other relevant teachers:-

o  Maintain personal expertise and share it with others

o  Act as a role model of good classroom practice for other teachers, modelling effective strategies for them

o  Monitor and evaluate standards of teaching, identifying areas for development

o  Plan and implement strategies to improve teaching where needs have been identified

o  Induct, support and monitor new staff ensuring they have access to training and support when necessary.

In order to fulfil his / her responsibilities the post holder will consult with colleagues as appropriate in order to develop or adapt any appropriate schemes of work, to monitor the curriculum as appropriate, to update and review policies where this is relevant and to develop appropriate resources.

The post holder will have a key role in developing positive and supportive relationships with parents. This will begin with welcoming parents into Nursery for meetings and informal gatherings.

The post holder will regularly discuss with colleagues, both formally and informally, the implementation of the “Excellence and Enjoyment” initiative in individual classes and in the school as a whole. The post holder will work with other senior staff to monitor its impact on the achievement of different groups of children within school and after discussion will oversee its adaptation as necessary.

In order to develop and update the knowledge and skills of the Foundation Stage Leader, it is necessary for the post holder to attend any relevant courses. Significant information will be relayed to the Headteacher and his / her teaching colleagues. This may be done at times by the post holder coordinating CPD in school or leading Staff Meetings.

Entitlement to continual professional development in the course of fulfilling these responsibilities is included within the policy of the school and supports the Teaching and Learning policy.

A copy of the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document and Guidance on School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions is available in the school office.

A copy of the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document and Guidance on School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions is available in the school office.

Working Programme

It is necessary for the post holder to complete a working programme every year to list priorities, actions and the key impact and outcomes sought during the course of each year, linked with priorities identified in the School Improvement Plan.

Management time

As a teacher with leadership responsibilities the post holder is entitled so far as is reasonably practicable to a reasonable amount of time during school sessions for the purpose of discharging his / her responsibilities.

This job description may be amended at any time after discussion and consultation.

EYFS Leader

Person Specification.

Category / Essential / Desirable
Qualifications / §  Qualified teacher status
§  Evidence of continual professional development or further professional study relevant to the post / §  Specific Early Years training
Experience / §  Recent and successful experience in a Primary School including experience across the Foundation Stage (Reception and Nursery)
§  Experience of vertically grouped classes
§  Must show understanding of the overall developmental needs of the EYFS child
§  Working with and identifying the needs of SEN learners
§  Demonstrate a knowledge of how children learn and take account of a range of teaching styles
§  Experience of successful and effective team leadership and team membership / §  Experience of delivering INSET in a school setting
§  Experience of teaching in more than one school
§  Experience of teaching vertically grouped Foundation and KS1.
§  Liaising with outside agencies e.g. Support Services, School Nurse etc
Strategic Leadership / §  Ability to inspire and motivate staff, pupils and parents
§  Evidence of successful strategies for planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating the Early Years curriculum and assessment
§  Ability and enthusiasm to continue the successful implementation of the new Statutory Framework for the EYFS and the Practice Guidance
§  Ability to prioritise work load, analyse data, develop strategic plans, set targets and monitor/ evaluate progress towards these
§  Can think creatively to anticipate and solve problems
Knowledge and understanding / §  Strategies for promoting pupils’ moral, social and cultural development
§  The needs of a child with Special Educational Needs
§  Clear knowledge of assessment strategies, procedures and implementation.
§  Knowledge and experience of key issues relating to good early years practice and the new EYFS framework.
Teaching and Learning / §  A secure understanding of the requirements of the Key Stage 1 and the Early Years Foundation Stage Curricula
§  Understanding of the characteristics of an effective learning environment and the key elements of successful behaviour management
§  A secure understanding of assessment strategies and the use of assessment to inform the next stages of learning
§  Can demonstrate high quality creative and innovative classroom practice to meet the needs of all pupils
Leading and Managing Staff / §  Experience of working in and leading staff teams
§  Ability to delegate work and support colleagues in undertaking responsibilities
§  Experience of appraisal and supporting the continuing professional development of colleagues / §  Experience of working with governors to enable them to fulfil their Early Years responsibilities
§  Understanding of effective budget planning and resource deployment
Accountability / §  Understand the use of a range of evidence including performance data to support, monitor, evaluate and improve aspects of school life.
§  Ability to communicate effectively, orally and in writing to a range of audiences – e.g. staff, pupils, parents and governors
§  Ability to provide clear information and advice to staff and parents / §  Experience of presenting reports to governors
§  Leading sessions to inform parents
§  Experience of offering challenge and support to improve performance
Skills, Qualities and Abilities / §  High quality teaching skills
§  High expectations of pupils’ learning and attainment
§  Strong commitment to school improvement and raising achievement for all
§  Ability to build and maintain good relationships
§  Ability to remain positive and enthusiastic when working under pressure
§  Ability to organise work, prioritise tasks, make decisions and manage time effectively
§  Empathy with children
§  Good communication and interpersonal skills
§  Stamina and resilience
§  Confidence
References / §  Positive recommendations in professional references
§  Excellent health and attendance record.
About Urmston Infant School…
Urmston Infant School is an exciting place to be, full of outstanding children, enthusiastic, dedicated staff and lots of wonderful surprises!
We believe that Every Child Matters and learning at our school is fun and exciting, challenging and rewarding. We offer a warm and caring environment which enables children to feel safe and secure as they grow, learn and develop. The foundation of our success is happy children working hard in surroundings where they are valued and value others.
The first years in school are the most important and can shape children's attitudes to learning and school long after they leave us. We hope by the time the children leave Urmston Infant School they will have developed a good sense of self worth and a stimulated mind, so that they are happy and motivated as they continue on their journey through education.
We have a website where you can learn more about Urmston Infant School.

This Local Authority is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.