The regular meeting of the Island Heights Planning Board was called to order by Vice-Chairperson Woods at approximately 6:30pm. Following the flag salute roll call was taken and present were: Richard Woods,John Bendel,Anne Garvin,Florence Kernaghan (at 6:35pm), Al Gabriel,Elizabeth Leahey, Richard Morrison,Kevin Nelson (at 6:33pm), Robert Ellis, Esq., Frank Baer, Engineer and Wendy Prior, Secretary. Absent:Garrett Joest, Bill Doherty, Karen Kier, and Michael O’Donnell. Vice-Chairperson Woods then read the Open Public Meetings announcement.
Motion to approve voucher from Mr. Ellis for November meeting attendance was made by Mr. Gabriel second by Ms. Garvin.
Roll Call Vote:
Mr. WoodsYesMr. GabrielYes
Mr. BendelYesMs. LeaheyYes
Ms. GarvinYesMr. MorrisonYes
Mr. Nelson present at 6:33pm.
Motion to approve the minutes from the Oct. 10, 2007 meeting was made by Mr. Gabriel second by Mr. Bendel.
Roll Call Vote:
Mr. WoodsYesMr. GabrielYes
Mr. BendelYesMs. LeaheyYes
Ms. GarvinYesMr. MorrisonYes
Mr. NelsonYes
Ms. Kernaghan present at 6:35pm.
Mr. Ellis read the Resolution for Block 27.01, Lot 8. Motion to approve the Resolution for Block 27.01, Lot8 was made by Ms. Kernaghan second by Mr. Morrison.
Roll Call Vote:
Mr. WoodsYesMr. GabrielYes
Mr. BendelYesMs. LeaheyAbstain
Ms. GarvinYesMr. MorrisonYes
Ms. KernaghanYesMr. NelsonYes
Vice-Chairperson Woods read the Resolution for Ellis, Block 38.03, Lots 27 and 28. Motion to approve the Resolution Ellis, Block 38.03, Lots 27 and 28 was made by Mr. Morrison second by Mr. Gabriel.
Roll Call Vote:
Mr. WoodsYesMr. GabrielYes
Mr. BendelYesMs. LeaheyAbstain
Ms. GarvinAbstainMr. MorrisonYes
Ms. KernaghanYesMr. NelsonAbstain
Vice-Chairperson Woods read into the record the letter from O’Donnell, Stanton and Associates for the Orth Subdivision, Block 54, Lot11. Mr. Kukfa introduced himself and is representing Mrs. Orth for this application. Brief explanation given that this Subdivision application was approved on August 13, 2003, and an extension given on May 3, 2006 which has now expired. It was determined that in order to obtain a clear title the application should be resubmitted. Mr. Ellis stated that in O’Donnell’s letter the provisions of paragraph 3, a through c is not applicable for this application since the garage has since been removed. Jim Lenox was sworn in by Mr. Ellis. Mr. Kukfa went over the review comments from Mr. O’Donnell’s letter with Mr. Lenox. Vice-Chairperson Woods opened the public portion for questions and then comments. There were none. Motion to approve the subdivision application was made by Vice-Chairperson Woods second by Mr. Morrison.
Roll Call Vote:
Mr. WoodsYesMr. GabrielYes
Mr. BendelYesMs. LeaheyYes
Ms. GarvinYesMr. MorrisonYes
Ms. KernaghanYesMr. NelsonYes
Vice-Chairperson Woods read Mr. O’Donnell’s review letter into the record. Mr. Coronato, representing the Petricko’s, was introduced. Vice-Chairperson Woods stated that there is a problem with notification of residents within a 200 foot radius. Explanation was given that since TomsRiver residents were not notified the application could not be heard by Mr. Ellis and Vice-Chairperson Woods. Mr. Ellis stated that notification to the TomsRiver residents would be necessary for the December 12th meeting but not for the IslandHeights residents. Mr. Coronato stated that he would do that and re-publish in the newspaper.
Mr. Ellis stated that he received correspondence from Mr. Rothstein seeking extension of time to file building permit with reasons why and that they would like to seek modification to original plans. Mr. Ellis responded that since the modifications are of substance that they would need to submit a formal application for the modifications along with a request for the extension. The secretary was directed to contact Mr. Rothstein and inform them that if they are seeking an extension only they can just appear at the next meeting but if they want the modifications then they must file an application.
Mr. Swain, representing Mr. Hatami, stated that he recorded the subdivision for Block 46, Lot 1.03 via deed. Mr. Ellis explained that the deed was not submitted to the Board for necessary signatures and as a result the subdivision approval time has lapsed. Mr. Ellis stated that extension of time needs to be granted by Resolution for subdivision filing and waiver of limitations that are required. Motion to approve the extension for filing of the subdivision and waiver of required limitations was made by Vice-Chairperson Woods second by Ms. Kernaghan.
Roll Call Vote:
Mr. WoodsYesMr. GabrielYes
Mr. BendelYesMs. LeaheyYes
Ms. GarvinYesMr. MorrisonYes
Ms. KernaghanYesMr. NelsonYes
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made byMr. Morrison, second by Ms. Leahey. Unanimous Voice Vote.
Respectfully submitted by Wendy J. Prior