Document version: / 2017/1 / Contact person: / Madoda SigonyelaStatus: / Final / Status date: / December 2017
- Funding Type requested
A. / Start-up grant
B. / Project grant
C. / Research continuation funding
- Project Details
Project title: ______
Year(s) award is requested for (Category A and B only): ______
2. Project Leader/ Principal Investigator
E-mail address:
Staff number:
UCT appointment date:
Present position:
Date of birth:
NRF rating:
Highest academic qualification:
Year obtained:
Institution where obtained:
3. Project Proposal
3.1 Background and Motivation (300 word limit)
3.2 Goals and Objectives (300 word limit)
3.3 Overview of Intended Methodology (500 word limit)
3.4 Explain how this project is innovative (300 word limit)
3.5 How do you intend to fund this project beyond this award? (300 word limit)
4. Names and qualifications of the project team (if appropriate).
Team Member / Qualification- Postgraduate Students
Number and designation (MSc or PHD) of postgraduate students who will work on the project (if appropriate).
6. An EBE points scorecard over the previous three-year period for which information is available, indicating research outputs, students trained and the points generated.
- Where you are a co-author, count your fractional contribution. i.e. unit points/number of authors
- Where the students you supervised are co-authors, include the points generated by them in your points (pro-rated 0.67 to main supervisor and 0.33 to co-supervisor)
- Where you have co-supervised students graduated, pro-rata the points (pro-rated 0.67 to main supervisor and 0.33 to co-supervisor)
Type of Research Output
/Unit Points
/Fractional contribution
/Points earned
1 / Masters students graduated under PI supervision / 12 / PhD students graduated under PI supervision / 3
3 / Papers in peer reviewed ISI journals (as shown on IRMA) or journals awaiting ISI/DNE recognition (show evidence of application) / 1
4 / Refereed Conference Proceedings with peer-reviewed full papers published (as shown on IRMA) / 0.5
5 / Peer Reviewed Extended Abstracts in Proceedings of international conferences / 0.25
6 / Peer Reviewed Monographs / 1
7 / Patents / 1
8 / Books other than edited types or standard textbooks / 4.5
Points sub-total
Points sub-total
9 / Chapters in scholarly books / 1
10 / Book reviews / 0
11 / Editorships / 0
12 / Artistic presentations/Exhibitions [PR]. Only applicable to Architecture / 1-4
13 / Publications on personal work written by others / 0
14 / Invited Keynote Address at international conference / 0.5
15 / Awards: (subject to confirmation and evidence)
- For Projects
- Regional/National
- By Professional Bodies
- For Buildings
- Etc
Points total
7. Budget
Requested Funding:
Categories of Funding / Amount Applied for2018 / Amount Applied for
2019 / Motivation
Carry-forward from URC fund
Research / Technical / Ad hoc Assistant
Bursary top-ups
Running costs
Travel and Subsistence for field work purposes (excl. conference travel)
Equipment (only minor requests)
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