Toolkit for Urban Water Supply Projects

Module 6

Section 3

Manual for the Fabrication and Assembly of a Prefabricated Water Kiosk

Prefabricated water kiosk (Artist’s impression)

SIZE: 2500 X 2500MM
Table of Contents




B.1 Corner Stanchions (SHS 100 x 100 x 4mm) 4No. 5

B.2 Intermediate Stanchions (50 x 50 x 3mm Plain Steel Channels) 5No. 6

B.3 Front & Rear Beams (RHS 60 x 40 x 2mm) 2No. 7

B.4 Side Beams (125 x 65mm Steel Channel) 2No. 7

B.5 Purlins (RHS 75 x 50 x 4mm) 9No. 8


Preliminary Preparations 9

C.1 Corner Column Footing & Columns (4No.) 10

C.2 Intermediate Column Footing & Columns (5No.) 11

C.3 External Works 11


D.1 Corner Stanchions (SHS 100 x 100 x 4mm) 4No. 13

D.2 Intermediate Stanchions (50 x 50 x 3mm Plain Steel Channels) 5No. 13

D.3 Pre-cast Paving Slab (600 x 600 x 50 mm) 13

D.4 Pre-cast Concrete Wall Panel (1500 x 300 x 35mm Blocks) 14

D.5 Front & Rear Beams (RHS 60 x 40 x 2mm) 2No. 15

D.6 Side Beams (125 x 65mm Plain Steel Channels) 2No. 15

D.7 Purlins (75 x 50 x 4mm RHS) 15

D.8 200 x 3mm Steel Facia Boards (3700mm & 2900mm long) 2No. 16

D.9 2mm MS Roof Sheet (3700 x 2900 x 2mm) 1No. 16

D.10 Steel Door and Window 16

D.11 Shelves & Timber Platform 17

D.12 Water Tank & Steel Cage 17

D.13 Painting & Finishes 18



F.1 Prefabricated Fetching Bay 19

F.2 Drainage Pipes & Soak Away Pit 19


The prefabricated water kiosk is a closed structure 2500 x 2500mm; it comprises of a concrete substructure, superstructure of assembled prefabricated steel and precast concrete elements, a water storage tank, piping and plumbing works. This unit has been designed so that the various components of the kiosk can be transported to site, assembled to a kiosk and dismantled if the need arises.

This assembly manual gives a simplified step to step approach to setting up/erecting of a prefabricated kiosk structure as well as site safety instructions.

If you have any questions, observations or suggestions regarding this manual of the prefabricated kiosk, please do not hesitate to contact the Water Services Trust Fund. [1]

Address: CIC Plaza, 1st Floor, Mara Road

P.O. Box 49699 – 00100,

Nairobi, Kenya

Tel: +254 – (0)20-2720696

+254 – (0)715-732199


Website: www.wstfkenya.org


To reduce and prevent injuries on a construction site, the following are the basic guidelines that should be considered:

1.  Treat all electrical equipment as energised until tested and found not to be so.

2.  Do not use power tools until you have been properly instructed in the safe work methods and become authorized to use them.

3.  Electrical wiring should not be strung across the work areas and water should not be allowed to accumulate and form puddles in these areas.

4.  Workers should wear rubber gloves and boots, or substantial footwear to protect the feet and should not have loose clothing.

5.  Eyes should be protected when operating power tools or when hammering and dust masks should be worn when sanding wood or spray painting. Avoid looking directly at welding flames.

6.  Hearing protection should be worn if required.

7.  Avoid lifting very heavy items to avoid strain on your back.

8.  Scaling equipment like ladders should always be checked and maintained in good condition.

9.  Ensure that debris is not left lying around the construction site.

10.  Any equipment used during work should be carefully stored away after use.

11.  Barricade dangerous areas of the site like excavated parts; for this guard rails or perimeter cables may be needed.

12.  Carry a few tools at a time and use a tool box to store the tools.

13.  There should be a first aid kit at the site of the construction.

14.  Children and passers by are not allowed anywhere in or around the vicinity of the construction site!

15.  No unauthorized visitors should be allowed on site.

16.  Workers should wear protective work garments or aprons while on site.

17.  Any injuries that occur on site should be reported immediately to the management.

18.  All tools should be maintained well and serviced at a regular basis.

19.  There should be warning signs in the vicinity of the construction site.

20.  Workers should not carry mobile phones to site to avoid unnecessary and hazardous interruption of work.

21.  Fire fighting equipment should be provided on site.


1.  Procure the specialised steel fabricator and the various steel sections in quantities specified in the drawing and/or Bill of Quantities.

2.  Using the drawings, fabricate the following members of the steel frame.

B.1 Corner Stanchions (SHS 100 x 100 x 4mm) 4No.

1.  Cut the 4No. stanchions (2No. 2300mm for the front and 2No. 2250mm for the rear).

2.  Cut the 4No. base plates – 300 x 300 x 16mm to receive the stanchions.

3.  Mark the positions for the drilling of 4No. holes on each base plate.

4.  Drill the 4No. holes at diameters specified in drawing.

5.  Centrally hoist each stanchion in position vertically on the base plate.

6.  Weld around the outside stanchion/base plate contact while the stanchion is hoisted vertically.

7.  Cut the triangular steel haunches size 100 x 100 x 4mm, 4No. per stanchion for the base of the stanchion.

8.  Position the steel haunches centrally on each face of the stanchion bottom. Make sure perpendicular contact is maintained with both the stanchion and the base plate.

9.  Weld the steel haunches around the contact areas of the stanchion/base plate connection on each face of the SHS.

10.  Cut to size 250 x 100 x 4mm gusset plates, 1No. per stanchion.

11.  Mark the position of the 2No. holes to receive the bolts on each gusset plate.

12.  Drill the 2No. 15mm diameter holes.

13.  Position the gusset plate with half its length (125mm overlap) extending beyond the upper edge of the stanchion.

14.  Weld all round the edges of the gusset plate in contact with the stanchion face.

15.  Mark the positions for the 2No. holes to be drilled on the upper end of the stanchion to receive the bolts for the beam stanchion joint.

16.  Drill the 2No. 15mm diameter holes on each face perpendicular to the welded gusset plate face. Note the corresponding hole on each face must be at 0 (zero) degrees to the horizontal.

17.  Repeat the above steps for the 4No. stanchions per kiosk.

B.2 Intermediate Stanchions (50 x 50 x 3mm Plain Steel Channels) 5No.

1.  Cut the stanchions i.e. 1No. ST4, 1No. ST5, 2No. ST6 & 1No. ST7, each of length 2300mm. Refer to the drawings to get the specifics of each of the stanchion details.

2.  Cut the 5No. base plates – size 150 x 150 x 4mm to receive the stanchions.

3.  Mark the positions for the drilling of 4No. holes on each base plate.

4.  Drill the 4No. 15mm diameter holes on each base plate.

5.  Centrally hoist the stanchion in position vertically on the base plate.

6.  Weld around the outside stanchion/base plate contact while the stanchion is hoisted vertically.

B.3 Front & Rear Beams (RHS 60 x 40 x 2mm) 2No.

1.  Cut the 2No. front and rear beams to size, each 2500mm long.

2.  Cut 4No. gusset plates of size 200 x 60 x 4mm.

3.  Position the 200 x 60 x 4mm gusset plate longitudinally on each end of the beam with half its length (100mm overlap) in contact with the face of the beam.

4.  Note that the gusset plates must be on the same face of the beam.

5.  Weld around the edges of the of the gusset plate/beam contact.

6.  Mark the positions of the 2No. bolt holes on each of the welded gusset plate (as shown in the joint ‘B’ detail of the drawing).

7.  Drill the 4No. 15mm diameter holes on the gusset plates to receive the bolts.

B.4 Side Beams (125 x 65mm Steel Channel) 2No.

1.  Cut the 2No. side beams, each 3600mm long.

2.  Mark the position for the 2No. bolt holes 30mm from top and bottom edges of the beam (as shown in the joint ‘A’ detail of the drawing) at either side of the stanchion beam joint. The holes shall be marked perpendicular to the beam alignment and at distance 850mm from the front edge and 250mm from the rear edge of the beam.

3.  Position the 250 x 100 x 4 mm gusset plate longitudinally on each end of the beam with half its length (125mm overlap) in contact with the face of the stanchion (as shown in the joint A detail of the drawing).

4.  Drill the 4No. 15mm diameter holes on each beam.

5.  Cut 44No. angle cleats size 60 x 40 x 4mm.

6.  On one side (longer side) of the cleat centrally mark the position for 1No. hole for bolting the angle cleat.

7.  Drill the 15mm diameter hole at the position marked.

8.  Mark the positions of the angle cleats on the side beams and purlins at the spacing specified in the drawing.

9.  Mark the positions of the 1No. hole to be drilled on the side beam (as shown in the joint ‘D’ detail of the drawing).

10.  Drill the 15mm diameter bolt holes at the spacing specified in the drawing.

B.5 Purlins (RHS 75 x 50 x 4mm) 9No.

1.  Cut to size 2900mm long, 9No. purlins.

2.  Mark the positions for the 1No. bolt holes (as shown in the joint ‘D’ detail of the drawing) for bolting the purlin to the MS sheet roof at the spacing specified in the drawing. These should be 250mm from both edges of the purlin and at equidistant (37.5mm) along the cross sectional length of the RHS purlin.

3.  Drill the 2No. 15mm diameter bolt holes on each purlin.

4.  Weld the shorter side (50mm) of the 2No. angle cleats to the lower edge of the purlin at the same distances as specified above (shown in the joint ‘D’ detail of the drawing).

5.  Mark the positions of the 1No. bolt holes at both ends of each purlin for connecting to the angle cleat.


Procure and transport all the materials to site. Off-load the items as close as possible to the site and assemble them as sequenced below. Any missing or damaged items should be reported immediately to/ by the site engineer. Check that the following items are present before you begin constructing:

1.  Hardcore; 7 Ton.

2.  Quarry dust; 3 Ton.

3.  Ordinary Portland cement (50 kg. bags); 6No.

4.  Building sand; 3 Ton.

5.  Ballast; 2 Ton.

6.  150 x 25 mm formwork timber; 42m long.

7.  Binding wire; 1 Kg.

8.  Reinforcement bars each 12m long; 6No. Y12 bars & 3No. Y8 bars.

9.  Grade 8.8 M12 250mm long mild steel bolts, nuts and washers; 16No.

10.  Nails.

11.  Concrete mixer and poker vibrator.

12.  Wheelbarrow to cart away material; 1No.

13.  Excavation & hand tools like hoes, hammers, saws, plumb bobs, pegs, measuring tapes, chisels, mixing bowls, etc. as directed by the engineer.

Preliminary Preparations

1.  Acquire the site, i.e. set aside 4000mm x 4000mm for the kiosk construction.

2.  Clear the site of all vegetation, solid wastes etc. and dispose off at an authorized dump site.

3.  Gather to site all the construction tools needed and allocate a space for their storage.

4.  Excavate the top soil to a maximum depth of 150mm and cart away.

5.  Mark out the route for the supply pipeline and drainage prior to setting up the kiosk. Peg and measure the actual distances by tape.

6.  Excavate the network trench to a minimum depth of 600mm. The depth of the water pipes under the ground will be determined from site conditions.

7.  Provide a mix 1:4:8 concrete blinding for the pipe foundation.

8.  Lay the supply pipeline, backfill the laid sections and install all the pipe fittings (valves, valve chambers etc.).

C.1 Corner Column Footing & Columns (4No.)

1.  Mark out the 4No. 900mm x 900mm positions for foundation footing and excavate to a depth not exceeding 1000mm depending on the soil conditions.

2.  Provide a mix 1:4:8 concrete blinding to the foundation footing.

3.  Cut to lengths specified in the drawing the reinforcement steel for foundation footing and column and fix them in position.

4.  Provide the necessary formwork (at 900 to the horizontal) for the column to heights depending on the soil conditions.

5.  Fix in position the 10mm diameter mild steel bolts for bolting the stanchion base. (Note: the bolts should be threaded on the ends by at least 50mm to provide adequately for the nuts).

6.  Ensure the top of the foundation columns are 150mm above the ground level and at 00 (zero) degrees to the horizontal from each other.

7.  Cast the mix 1:2:4 concrete and ensure maximum vibration is achieved.

C.2 Intermediate Column Footing Columns (5No.)

1.  Mark out the 5No. 450 x 450mm positions for foundation footing and excavate to a depth not exceeding 1000mm, depending on the soil conditions.