Urban expansiongeography

A student / Learns to / Learns about / Reflects on / Overview, resources, assessment
Skills / Use complex terms and concepts as they apply to historical issues and forces
Use knowledge of word origins to define specialised and abstract historical terms
Describe how language and graphic features influence how a source is interpreted
Identify and contrast different accounts of the same event or issue and give possible explanations / Immigration
Urban growth (including green belts, biodiversity, transport networks, environmental issues)
Popular culture (including symbols in a multicultural society) / Aspects of active and informed citizenship
Intercultural understanding
Ecological sustainability /


Students explore the domestic technology of Rose Seidler House and the architectural and ornamental artefacts of Rookwood Cemetery in an inquiry-based investigation of past events, lifestyles, and continuity and change from 1950 to the end of the century.


based on activities
Other printable resources:
glossary of terms and concepts
Link to existing resources:
Sites and Scenes

Assessment Activities

5.13 Uses historical terms and concepts in appropriate contexts to answer historical questions with some argument
Knowledge and Understanding
5.8 Compares and contrasts the social and cultural experiences of different people at various times
Values and Attitudes
Develops respect for different viewpoints, ways of living, belief systems and languages

Revisiting notions of citizenshipgeography

A student / Learns to / Learns about / Reflects on / Overview, resources, assessment
Skills / Ask questions to explain the meaning, purpose, context of historical sources
Make deductions about the usefulness of sources for the purpose of a specific historical inquiry
Clarify the scope of a historical investigation by defining key terms and concepts
Locate information from a wide variety of written, oral, audio-visual and multimedia resources
Use strategies to organise information from a range of different sources for different purposes / Immigration
Citizen rights (including government policies, constitutional change)
Community activism (including heritage issues) / Aspects of active and informed citizenship
Aspects of a just society
Intercultural understanding /


New Italy and Cyprus Hellene Club form the basis for students to explore cultural values in relation to heritage.
Activities involve students in considering how the interaction of citizens, government and media can influence future policies, including the future of built and natural environments.
Research activity:


based on activities
Other printable resources:
glossary of terms and concepts
Link to existing resources:
Let’s Live Heritage program
Cyprus Hellene Club museum (26/1/2001)

Assessment Activities

5.16 Locates, selects and organises historical information from a number of different sources, utilising a variety of technological processes to address complex historical problems and issues, with some independence
Knowledge and Understanding
5.2 Sequences historical events to show understanding of continuity, change and causation
5.10 Accounts for how and why the nature of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal relations has changed
Values and Attitudes
Develops respect and acceptance of cultural diversity

Voicing rights and freedomsgeography

A student / Learns to / Learns about / Reflects on / Overview, resources, assessment
Skills / Plan historical research to suit the purpose of a task with limited guidance
Locate historical information from a wide variety of written, oral, audio-visual and multimedia resources
Use strategies to organise information from a range of different sources for different purposes
Make judgements about the usefulness of materials
Select a form of communication appropriate to purpose and audience
Evaluate the effectiveness of own and others communication with greater autonomy / Citizen rights (including women’s activism)
Communism (including trade unions)
Egalitarianism (including the Declaration of Human Rights) / Aspects of active and informed citizenship
Aspects of a just society
Intercultural understanding /


Students examine competing perspectives around issues linked to Sydney Town Hall and Sydney Trades Hall. Through taking on roles, students explore citizenship and egalitarianism in Australian society.
Action-based research:


based on activities
Other printable resources:
glossary of terms and concepts
Link to existing resources:
Assessment Activities
5.18 Selects and uses appropriate written, oral and graphic forms to communicate effectively about the past for different audiences, with clear purpose
Knowledge and Understanding
5.11 Identifies various marginalised groups who have struggled for rights and freedoms
Values and Attitudes
Develops understanding of strategies for redressing disadvantage and changing discriminatory practices