To: WSBF club representatives
Re: Proposal of a 3 tournament challenge circuit
With the growing number of Bass tournaments being held each year with the number of circuits increasing, it is getting harder to schedule everybody to be on the water they would like to hold a tournament on. I have also noticed that at the club level, the basis of tournament fishing has changed, it has become more competitive and less of a focus on the basics of teaching more people to be successful. Personally, I would like to have all of our tournaments on the same bodies of water as everybody else, but with permitting requirements that is not always an option. I think I have an idea that would make the permitting process and get more clubs on the more favorable bodies of water every year.
I propose that each club has 3 of their tournaments on the same body of water as another, or even 2 other clubs in a head to head format. I see it going like this:
Instead of 8 clubs applying for 3 permits each totaling 24 permits, in the head to head format there would only need to be 12 permits max total.
For instance:
April Club A & Club B go head to head at Banks Lake
Club C & D go head to head on Moses Lake
Club E & F go head to head on Potholes
Club G & H go head to head on Lake Washington
MayClub A, C, and G go head to head on Roosevelt
Club B, D,& E go head to head on the Columbia at Tri-Cities
Club F & H go head to head on Moses Lake
JuneClub A & H go head to head on Potholes
Club B & C go head to head on Lake Washington
Club E & G go head to head on Banks Lake
Club D & F go head to head on Roosevelt
In this scenario there was only 11 permits used, and each club can still apply for 4 additional. If clubs agree to this there will be set months that they don’t pick their permits, the bodies of water and their head to head opponent will be picked randomly by a drawing. Each club can still keep track of their own weigh-ins to keep individual standings, but the head to head tournaments will be club vs. club. Determining a weekend winner will be based on lbs per angler, which should entice the clubs to work together to help everybody catch more fish. This will also spawn more relationships between clubs in friendly competition. There can be a trophy awarded to the top club at the end of the year based on lbs per angler. I don’t think basing it on total weight would necessarily be right, if a club draws Moses Lake, Potholes, and Lake Washington they could have a decisive advantage on total lbs against a club that might draw Tri-Cities, Banks, and Lake Washington.
When the names are drawn there will be a HOME team and VISITORS, purely for the basis of weigh ins. Visitors runs weigh in on Saturday, but blasts off first. Home team does Sunday and goes out first.
This is just a brief outline of how I see it working, there can be more discussion if people are interested.
Gerald Dunn
Puyallup Hawg Hunters