X International film festival and workshop of film schools «KINOPROBA»
(animation, fiction, short documentary)

Providers of the festival:
The Ural branch of the Russian Cinematographers’ Union,

Ural State Academy of Architecture & Art

Ministry of Culture of the Sverdlovsk Region;

A-film studio

The festival is supported by:

Ministry of Culture of the Sverdlovsk Region

Department of Culture of Ekarerinburg

The Venue: Ekaterinburg, Cinema House.

International Festival of Film Schools and workshop "Kinoproba" is held annually from 2004 in Yekaterinburg. The form of the festival "Kinoproba" is unique: it is not just a festival-contest, festival celebration, but also a festival and workshop. The festival participants are representatives of various film schools around the world. The festival "Kinoproba" is different from other film festivals that involves not only the competitive and informative programs, but also master classes for everyone who uses animation and video technology in art, and applied to the creation of commercials, educational and scientific popular films. In addition, each year the festival program includes special projects devoted to the history of cinema, children's film and animation, cinema experiments and so on.

«Kinoproba» is the only Ural festival of an international leavel, that represents a broad palette of works by young filmmakers from all over the world.

Geography. Thru 9 years, there has been represented programs of students and graduates of film schools from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Armenia, Estonia, Georgia, France, Germany, Israel, Scotland, United Kingdom, Denmark, Slovenia, Spain, Croatia, the Netherlands , USA, Mexico, Argentina, the United Arab Emirates, Australia, India.

History. Kinoproba has been held in Ekaterinburg, Russia, since 2004. The city

choice isn't accidental - it's well-known for Ural School of Animation

and Documentary films. Ural animation is one of the most famous in

Russia and quite famous abroad. Among the most successful

representatives of it are Alexander Petrov (Oscar for "The Old Man And

The Sea"), Alex Haritidi (Golden Palm in Cannes for the film

"Gagarin") and others. There is also the unique children school of

animation directed by Sergei Aynutdinov nowadays.

In feature films Alexey Fedorchenko and Vasiliy Sigarev made their awards at national and international festivals of "A" class.

During the first three years of competition in the festival "Kinoproba" consisted only of animated films. Since 2007, the festival is expanding its borders and the program also includes a short feature film, and since 2008 - a documentary. Since 2010, in the "Kinoproba" appeared competitions for amateurs.

success of the festival, supported by the introduction of "Kinoproba" in reference Russian film festivals. The festival was opened by these new names in the world of animation, as Elizaveta Skvortsova, the author of the collection of cartoon "Lullabies of the World" (Moscow), Zoe Kireyeva, winner of numerous international awards for his debut "Sily girl" (Ekaterinburg), etc. The audience have the unique opportunity to experience with films of young filmmakers, film schools students whose work is not duplicated yet.

World-renowned filmmakers comes to “Kinoproba” as guests and jury members annually. So, in 2012, the festival jury headed by film director Andrei Zvyagintsev, in 2011, came to the festival director of the Academy of Screen Arts at Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia John Rapsy, Greg Helvi, the nominee of the youth 'Oscar', member of the Advisory Board of the Oscar in the category " Best foreign language film ", in 2010, and the creator of the studio Aardman Animations David Sproxton came as a guest of the festival.