Minutes of the meeting of Upwell Parish Council, Monday 4 April 2016, 7.00pm at Upwell Village Hall

Committee Members: Cllr. Lester (Chairman), Cllr. Gooch, Cllr. Robinson, Cllr. A. Harrison, Cllr. Humm,

Cllr. Shorting, Cllr. Pope, Cllr. K Harrison, Cllr. Crofts, Cllr. Carr, Cllr. Melton, Cllr. Schultz, Cllr. Pugh

Those Present: Cllr. Gooch, Cllr. Shorting, Cllr. Carr, Cllr. Melton, Cllr. Pope, Cllr. Humm, Cllr. A Harrison, Cllr. Pugh, Cllr. K Harrison, Cllr. Robinson, Cllr. Crofts, County Cllr. Humphrey

Public: 3

Apologies: Cllr. Lester, Cllr. Schultz


1. Apologies

1.1 Apologies were given as listed above and accepted.

2.. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest

2.1 No declarations of pecuniary interest were made.

3. To accept the Minutes of the last meeting

3.1 It was resolved to accept the Minutes of the meeting held on 7 March 2016 as a true record of the meeting.

4. To report on matters arising from last month’s minutes

4.1 Councillor Melton to confirm to the Clerk the correct price for flail cuts at Item18.2 and 18.4.

£45.00 + VAT per cut or £55.00 + VAT per cut.

4.2  Clerk to amend the Minutes at Item 6 iv) to confirm Mr. Dewdney’s monthly rate of pay.

5. Public Forum

The three members of the public present did not wish to address the Council as part of the Public Forum as they had previously made representations during the Parish Assembly which preceded this meeting.

6. To receive reports

i) Police Report

No report.


·  Homewatch is on going.


·  The SAM2 camera had been deployed at School Road this last month recording a top speed of 75mph. Councillor Humm will revisit this site with the hand held camera to try and obtain more evidence i.e. registrations which the SAM2 cannot record.

·  SAM2 to be located along Lowside during its next visit to the parish.

ii) Borough Councillor Report

No report as one given at the Parish Assembly.

iii) County Councillor Report

No report as one given at the Parish Assembly.

iv) Parish Council Affairs/Correspondence

·  The parish council has written to Mr. Smith to confirm its support for the Upwell Tram Memento project which is to be situated at the Health Centre.

·  Mr. Gray has completed his final month as Village HandymanGroundsman (leaving 31 March 2016) and Mr. Dewdney has commenced work.

·  A Community Litter Pick is taking place on Saturday 9 April. Notice to be included on the parish council website.

7. Finance

i)  All were in favour to approve this month’s list of payments.

ii)  The reconciled cashbook for the end of March was approved.

iii)  Discussions regarding Holiday Pay to be deferred to the May meeting.

8. Correspondence

8.1 Clerk to determine for the May meeting the donation made to Magpas last year.

8.2 An email from a resident concerned with the diversion of a public footpath along Town Street was noted. Councillor Lester to action. Clerk to report fly tipping on Thurlands Drove at the end of the Mill Rigg footpath.

8.3 It was noted that Hastoe Housing had won the Norwich and Norfolk Eco Award for the development at Birdbeck Drive, Outwell.

8.4 An email from a resident was noted regarding further parking problems on the corner at Lowside. Clerk to action.

8.5 An email from a resident regarding a bridleway at Thurlands Drove was noted. Councillor Lester has actioned this.

9. Planning

9.1 The third Neighbourhood Plan Consultation meeting had taken place and was very successful with a good turnout of residents including some new faces with new ideas. The next meeting will be in Three Holes on Saturday 16 April.

9.2 It was resolved by a majority decision in principle to confirm the parish council’s support to the Upwell Health Centre with their financial application to NHS England to enable them to extend the Health Centre and employ more staff. With the recent influx of planning applications and the possible increase in local population the Health Centre will soon not be able to cope with demand.

10. To receive & discuss NCC issues inc.Highways

10.1 Clerk to confirm acceptance to Highways of the successful bid via the 2016/17 Parish Partnership Scheme for a trod at Newbridge Road. Parish Council contribution is £7,000.00.

11. To consider Village Hall issues

11.1 Clerk to circulate the 2015 2016 Upwell Village Hall Accounts and Treasurer’s report.

12. To discuss Footway lighting issues

No report.

13. To discuss churchyard/cemetery issues

13.1 Councillor Pope reported that the cemetery is looking good at the moment.

14. War Memorial

14.1 Brown & Ralph will be applying a chemical to the memorial, free of charge, in a bid to get rid of the green algae.

15. Agricultural Allotments

15.1 It was noted that the March 2016 to September 2016 invoices have been sent out.

16. Garden Allotments

No report.

17. To consider Health & Safety issues

17.1 It was noted that there are numerous pot holes along Pius Drove and March Riverside.

17.2 The hedge at March Riverside, on the right hand side, just beyond the entrance to Thurlands Drove, has still not been cut back.

18. To consider any issues for Three Holes & Lakes End

18.1 It was noted that Three Holes Village Hall Committee were very grateful for the offer of financial help with the cuts to the playing field until the end of August.

18.2 The shop at Three Holes is being refurbished and will open again soon.

19. Agenda items for the next meeting

·  Holiday pay

·  Pension, auto enrolment

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.15pm.

The next meeting will be the Annual General Meeting on Monday 9 May 2016 at 7.00pm.

Signed ……………………………………………………… Date……………..……………………

Full Council 5 April 2016 Page 2