INFOTEH-JAHORINA Vol. 8, Ref. E-I-3, p. 356-360, March 2009.
Dalibor Sekulić, Faculty of Tehnical Sciences, Novi Sad
Miljko Satarić, Faculty of Tehnical Sciences, Novi Sad
Abstract - Due to the huge power consumption and expensive fabrication methods required, down scaling silicon devices to sub-100 nm dimensions is becoming very unattractive. On the other hand, it is easier to build electronic circuits using molecules since they are small and their properties can be tuned. In this review, we first discuss the building blocks of molecular electronics. We then describe how these building blocks can be used to build single molecule based digital logic such as AND and OR gates. The distinction of these molecular electronic building blocks is that for first time, (i) the Tour wires are used as the conductive backbone for the rectifying junctions, (ii) donor/acceptor principles are implemented in the molecular wire itself and (iii) the logic gates are realized using molecular rectifying diodes embedded in the molecular conducting wire itself.
Keywords: molecular electronics, molecular diode, molecular RTD, logic molecular gates.
The fast paced developments in the field of semiconductortechnology in the recent past have proved withoutdoubt that the efforts to miniaturize the transistors will reachthe physical limits earlier than anticipated due to the laws ofquantum mechanics and limitations of fabrication methods [1]. Scaling down silicon devices to sub 100 nm and packingmillions of them in a chip will not be an attractive idea asthese systems consume huge power and will become veryexpensive to fabricate. Therefore, we need to look beyondsilicon to make ultra-high density electronic systems and it isimportant that alternate methods such as using molecules tomake devices at the nanoscale are explored and exploited [2]. Silicon devices operate based on the movement of alarge number of electrons n bulk matter while moleculardevices take advantage of the quantum mechanical effectstaking place at the nanometer scale. The building blocks ofmolecular electronics are single or small packets ofmolecules. While efforts are on to replace the conventionalwires and semiconductor devices with molecules, whatwould be desirable is to build molecular architectures withaddressable electronic properties [3, 4]. The main advantageof molecular electronics is the lower cost, compatibility withflexible substrates and simpler packaging when compared tothe conventional inorganic electronics. A number ofmolecular electronics based digital circuits have already been
reported [5, 6]and larger scales of integration (up to 864switches per circuit) have been realized in clocked sequentialcomplementary circuits [7].
Since molecules are small, their functionality can be tuned because of their special properties. Either synthesis or self-assembly processes can be used to manipulate the molecules. The most important molecular backbones are: 1) polyphenylene-based chains and 2) carbon nanotubes. Unlike in the case of silicon technology, the bottom-upapproach of manipulating molecules is expected to be not only cheap but also will result in higher speeds of information processing with less power. Making electronic rectifiers using molecules was first proposed by Aviram and Ratner [8]. There are two types of molecular diodes: rectifying diodes and resonant tunneling diodes which can both be used in realizing monomolecular digital logic circuits [9]. In addition, we also need molecular wires [10-12] to connect the molecular devices into a complex circuit with specific applications [2, 6, 13]. In this paper, we will first discuss the above building blocks of molecular electronics and based on two recent inventionsexplain their application in realizing important molecular digital electronic gates such as AND and OR gates. The distinction of the above two inventions lies in the fact that for the first time, the Tour wires are used as the conductive backbone for the rectifying junctions and the donor/acceptor principles are implemented in the molecular wire itself. In addition, this invention also reports for the first time the realization of simple logic gates using molecular rectifying diodes embedded in the molecular conducting wire itself.
There are two types of molecular diodes – rectifying diodes and resonant tunneling diodes. In both these devices, when the applied voltage exceeds a critical value, electronsare driven through one or more potential barriers.
2. 1 Molecular Rectifying Diode
A diode or a rectifier, which conducts only in one direction,is the building block of any three terminal semiconductor electronic devices such as a bipolar transistor or a fieldeffect transistor. Diode based logic circuits using AND/ORgates are well known for building logic families by using therectifying diodes at the input and connecting a resistorbetween the supply or the ground. A molecular diode toocontains two terminals and functions like a semiconductor pnjunction and has electronic states which can be clearlydistinguished between highly conductive state
(ON) and lessconductive state (OFF).
The seminal work of Aviram and Ratner in 1974 led toseveral experimental attempts to build molecular diodesAviram and Ratner have suggested that electron donatingconstituents make conjugated molecular groups having alarge electron density (N-type) and electron withdrawingconstituents make conjugated molecular groups poor inelectron density (P-type). According to them, a noncentrosymmetricmolecule having appropriate donor andacceptor moieties linked with a σ-bridge and connected withsuitable electrodes will conduct current only in one direction- acting as a rectifier. They showed that in this D-σ-Amolecule, the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO)and highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) can bealigned in such a way that electronic conduction is possibleonly in one direction making it function like a moleculardiode. Asymmetric current-voltage characteristics for a σ-bridged system were first reported in 1990 [14, 15].
The structure of the mono-molecular diode is shown in Fig. 1and its schematic representation isshown in Fig. 2. This diode is based on a molecularconducting wire consisting of two identical sections (S1, S2)separated by an insulating group R. Section S1 is doped by atleast one electron donating group (X e.g. -NH2, -OH, -CH3, -CH2CH3) and section S2 is doped by at least oneelectron withdrawing group (Y e.g. -NO2, -CN, -CHO). The insulating group R (such as -CH2-, -CH2CH2-) can be incorporated into the molecular wire bybonding a saturated aliphatic group (no pi-orbitals). To adjust the voltage drop across R, multiple donor/acceptorsites can be incorporated. The single molecule ends areconnected to the contact electrodes e.g. gold.
Fig. 1:Structure of molecular diode integrally embedded in a
poly-phenylene based molecular conducting wire.
Fig. 2:Schematic representation of the molecular diode.
The banddiagram of the mono-molecular diode under zero-biasconditions is shown in Fig. 3. We notice that there are threepotential barriers: one corresponding to the insulating group(middle barrier) and two corresponding to the contactbetween the molecule and the electrode (left and rightbarriers). These potential barriers provide the requiredisolation between various parts of the structure. Theoccupied energy levels in the metal contacts and the Fermienergy level EF are also shown. On the left of the centralbarrier all the pi-type energy levels (HOMO as well asLUMO) are elevated due to the presence of the electrondonating group X and similarly on the right of the centralbarrier the energy levels are lowered due to the presence ofthe electron withdrawing group Y. This causes a built-inpotential to develop across the barrier represented by theenergy difference ΔELUMO. For current to flow electrons mustovercome the potential barrier from electron acceptor dopedsection (S2) to electron donor doped section (S1) and thisforms the basis for the formation of the mono-molecularrectifying diode. The energy band diagram under forwardbias conditions (left hand contact at higher potential than theright hand contact) is shown in Fig. 4. Here, electrons areinduced to flow by tunneling through the three potentialbarriers from right to left causing a forward current flowfrom left to right.
Fig. 3:Orbital energy diagram of the polyphenylene monomolecularrectifying diode under zero bias conditions.
Fig. 4:Orbital energy diagram of the polyphenylene monomolecularrectifying diode under forward bias conditions.
The band diagram under reverse bias conditions (lefthand contact at lower potential than the right hand contact) isshown in Fig. 5. As a result, electrons from the left contactwould try to flow towards the right contact which is at ahigher potential. However, conduction is not possiblebecause the there is still an energy difference between theFermi energy EF of the left contact and the LUMO energy ofthe electron donor doped section. It is assumed that both theapplied forward and reverse bias potentials are identical. Fora higher reverse bias, however, it is possible for the Fermienergy EF of the left contact to come in resonance with theLUMO energy of the electron donor doped section causing alarge current to flow in reverse direction and this is akin tothe breakdown condition in a diode.
Fig. 5:Orbital energy diagram of the polyphenylene monomolecular rectifying diode under reverse biasconditions.
The above mono-molecular diode can be used as abuilding block for realizing molecular digital logic circuits.
2.2 Molecular Resonant Tunneling Diode
Resonant tunneling diodes or RTDs are well known [16]and have been studied widely because of their potential invery high speed/functionality circuits [17]. The RTD hasbeen intensely researched in last three decades as apromising nanoelectronic device for both analog and digitalapplications [18, 19]. RTDs have been fabricated using thesemiconductor heterostructure epitaxial techniques to realizethe peak current-voltage characteristics that are typical oftunnel diodes but without the associated problems of largejunction capacitance.
The structure of a molecular resonance tunneling diodebased on a molecular conducting wire backbone is shown inFig. 6. In this structure, two aliphatic methylenegroups (CH2) are inserted on both sides of the benezenering. Since aliphatic groups act as insulators, they createpotential barriers to the flow of electrons in the molecularconducting wire. The only way for the current to flow in thepresence of an applied voltage is when the electrons areforced to pass through the benezene whose width is onlyabout 0.5 nm. The operation of the molecular RTD can beunderstood using the band diagram shown in Fig. 7whichshows (i) potential barriers due to the two aliphaticmethylene groups, (ii) energy levels in the benzene ringthrough electron must traverse and (iii) the orbital energylevels in the molecular conducting wire.
In the presence of an applied voltage across the molecule,the molecular RTD will not conduct any current or willremain in OFF state since, as shown in Fig. 7, the kineticenergy of the incoming electrons is different from that of theempty energy levels in side the benzene ring sandwichedbetween the twothin potential barriers. However, bychanging the appliedvoltage a resonance situation can becreated i.e. the kinetic energy of the incoming electrons canbe made to match with one of the unoccupied energy levelsinside the benzene ring.The device will now turn ON sinceelectrons can traverse through the wire Fig. 8. Themolecular RTD shows a negative differential resistance withtwo operating points following the standard mechanism of asolid state resonant tunneling diode.
Fig. 6:Structure of molecular resonant tunneling diode.
Fig. 7:Band diagram of the molecular RTD showing the ‘OFF’state.
Fig. 8: Band diagram of the molecular RTD showing the ‘ON’state.
The above discussed molecular diode and molecularRTDcan be used as the basic building blocks for synthesizingasingle molecule exhibiting simple Boolean logicsuch as AND and OR gates. By building larger singlemolecule structures using the above building blocks, we caneven realize more complex digital circuits such as HALF andFULL adders and their derivatives.
As an alternative to silicon device miniaturization, in therecent past, significant research efforts are going on in usingmolecular devices such as molecular diodes, molecular wiresand molecular transistors to build basic digital buildingblocks such as the logic gates (AND, NOT, OR, XOR, etc.) [20]. Building complex integrated circuits at the molecularlevel still remains a technological challenge because of theinherent presence of defective components in any chemicallyassembled molecular circuit due to the imperfect yield of thechemical reactions [21]improving the yield is important forrealizing future nanoprocessors and molecular computers.Unlike in the case of conventional electronics, the molecularelectronics devices and logic circuits operate based on differentmechanisms such as acid/base reactions, conformationchanges, photoinduced electron and energy transfer mechanisms,photoinduced isomerizations, redox processes (basedon chemical species whose oxidation number, and henceelectronic structure, can be changed reversibly) [22] andsupramolecular chemistry. Any of these mechanisms can beused to efficiently establish the signal communicationbetween molecular switches and logic gates. We describe below examples ofmonomolecular logic gates (AND and OR) formed forthe first time using monomolecular rectifying structuresrealized using selective doping of the molecular conductingwire.
3.1 Realization of Diode Logic Molecular AND Gate
The circuit representation of a diode logic AND gate isshown in (Fig. 9) and the schematic representation of thediode logic molecular AND gate is shown in (Fig. 10). Theschematic of the exemplary poly-phenylene diode logicmolecular AND gate is shown in (Fig. 11) and uses thepreviously discussed rectifying wires as the building blocks.The molecular AND gate consists of two inputs A and B andone output C connected to the respective contacts. Thisstructure exhibits the classical semiconductor AND gatebehaviour. As shown in (Fig. 10), the single molecule ANDgate consists of (i) two conducting wires each having adonating section (with at least one electron donating group)as well an accepting section (with at least one electronaccepting group), and (ii) a respective insulating group Rinserted between the accepting and donating sections. The
Fig. 9:Circuit diagram of the diode logic AND gate.
Fig. 10:Schematic representation of the diode logic molecularAND gate.
Fig. 11:Schematic of the exemplary poly-phenylene diode logicmolecular AND gate.
central barrier height can be increased by using more numberof donor and acceptor sites. A conductivity enhancingsubstituent ω can be utilized to improve the conductivitybetween the molecule and the contact pad. Both theconducting wires of the molecular diodes are joined togetherforming a common node Q to which an aliphatic chain canbe attached. Another conducting molecular wire is connectedto this common node so that it can be attached to a contactpad forming the output C. This completes the formation ofthe larger single molecule. This entire construction of themolecular diode AND logic (or other complex logic gates) ina single molecule can be accomplished using the standardinsertion and substitution techniques or other techniquessuch as scanning electron microscope or nano-probes.
What is important about the above molecular AND gateis that it is extremely small measuring only 3 nm x 4 nm inarea which is at least a million times smaller than the gatesrealized using conventional semiconductor technology .
3.2 Realization of Diode Logic Molecular OR Gate
The circuit representation of a diode logic OR gate isshown in (Fig. 12). The schematic of the exemplary polyphenylenediode logic molecular OR gate is shown in (Fig.13) and uses the previously discussed rectifying wires as thebuilding blocks. The molecular OR gate consists of twoinputs A and B and one output C connected to the respectivecontacts. This structure exhibits the classical semiconductorOR gate behaviour. As shown in (Fig. 13), the singlemolecule OR gate consists of (i) two conducting wires eachhaving a donating section (with at least one electrondonating group) as well an accepting section (with at leastone electron accepting group), and (ii) a respective insulatinggroup R inserted between the accepting and donatingsections. The acceptor sections of the conducting wires arebonded together forming a conducting node to which aninsulating aliphatic group is connected and extended by aconducting wire such as the polyphenylene based wire to actas the output C. A conductivity enhancing substituent ω canbe utilized to improve the conductivity between the moleculeand the contact pad. This completes the formation of thelarger single molecule functioning as the classical OR gate.Just as in the case of the monomolecular AND gate, theabove single molecule OR gate size is only 3 nm x 4 nm.
Fig. 12:Circuit diagram of the diode logic OR gate.
Fig. 13:Schematic representation of the diode logic molecular ORgate.
The complete set of single molecule structures (diodes,RTDs, conductors and insulators and the logic gates basedon these) can in fact be used to build more complex Booleanfunctions. For example, by combining the molecular ANDgate and molecular XOR gate, a single molecule HALFADDER can be built. By combining two molecular HALFADDERS, a single molecule FULL ADDER can be built.Using the above approach, it is also possible to build anelectronic switching device with power gain by adding a gatestructure to a molecular diode forming a single moleculewhich functions as a three terminal transistor similar to the aconventional silicon field effect transistor. As a result, itis now possible to realize in a large single molecule toprovide molecular inverters with power gain, a possibilitywith immense applications in digital circuit design.
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