Board Meeting: September 2014 / Agenda Number: 12 (xi) / File Ref: CS0010


Business Paper


Drinking Water Quality System


The NSW Public Health Act 2010 and Public Health Regulation 2012 require drinking water suppliers to develop and adhere to a quality assurance program, or a Drinking Water Management System (DWMS). Under the NSW Private Water Guidelines 2014, this is to be in place by 1 September 2014.

The Drinking Water Management System consists of documented procedures and supporting information for the safe supply of drinking water.

This applies to the Board where the Board owns or operates any premise that supplies drinking water to the public. It also applies to commercial premises supplying water to the public.


Board staff have been in discussion with NSW Health since late 2012 regarding this requirement.

Due to workload, other priorities and a relatively well performing public water supply system, no work has been carried out to prepare the Board’s DWMS and the deadline will not be met. NSW Health is aware of this situation.

Quotes for preparation of the document have recently been received from consultants and a contract has been awarded. The document will be available for submission to NSW Health in late September.

The DWMS will include water supplies at:

·  Ned’s Beach shed

·  Co-Op area

·  Liquor Store (ice machine)

·  Backup water supplies and delivery methods

·  Hospital

·  Jetty

·  Airport

·  Research Facility

·  Hall

On 3 occasions each year, Board staff currently collect drinking water samples from 24 sites across the Island, 6 of which are sent to the NSW Health laboratory for analysis. If advice is received that the samples do not meet the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, disinfection via chlorine is typically undertaken and advice provided to the public regarding the specific water supply. The site is then re-tested and once an all clear is provided, the public advice is removed. Due to regular and targeted maintenance from Board staff, typically the water supplies perform very well and there are rare non-compliances.

The document will also be made available to commercial premises as a template for the development of their own DWMS, as it is unlikely that any of these premises will be compliant on 1 September.

The $12,000 cost for the Plan will be funded by deferring roof repairs for the Depot Shed.


It is recommended that the Board note the above information and support the budget adjustment.

Prepared ______Andrew Logan Manager, Infrastructure & Engineering


Endorsed ______Penny Holloway Chief Executive Officer