Upper Peninsula Firefighters Association
Standardized Rules For Races
1Race Captains or Representative Meeting will be held immediately following the Association Meeting.
2If a Representative can not attend the Meeting, the host Department must be notified, so as to
Cast a proxy position draw for starting position. If no Representative is present at the Meeting and the Host Department is not notified, that Department must run all races first. If more than one Department defaults to the first position, then a drawing for positions of 1,2,3, etc. will be held.
3There will be a Captains or Representative Meeting race day at 8:30 a.m. (local time) in
Front of the Judges stand. This is for last minute questions and concerns about Race Rules and Qualifications.
4Races must start at 9:00 a.m. local time.
5Teams must compete in at least four races to qualify for prizes and points.
6At no time will any friction-reducing agents be used.
7All hose-to-hose, hose-to-hydrant, hose-to-nozzle and any threaded appliance must be hand tight or three complete turns, whichever comes first.
8Host Department supplies all coats, boots, helmets, and necessary appropriate gear for all races.
9All racers must be dressed completely for all races.
10Shoes: None Required.
Boots: High or Low. At the Host Departments discretion.
Helmet: Chinstraps are not necessary. If the Helmet falls off, immediately stop and put the Helmet back on. Exception: If it is a safety concern, example, nozzle firefighter with water coming loses Helmet. This is a Judgment call.
Coats: Three snaps on three separate individual hooks. (No doubling or tripling up).
11All racers will start with backs against the chair and hands on knees.
12There will be No throwing, dragging, or dropping of couplings. If the Judges determine this did happen, the team will lose their participation points for the races. Exception: those races, which are otherwise specified.
13Profanity is not allowed at any time. If there is a case of profanity being used, the team could be disqualified from the race being run, and or the individual using profanity disqualified from all races for the day, and or loss of team’s participation points for the races.
14Only the team captain can lodge complaints, questions or concerns with the judges. This must be done at the time the issue comes up. If the next team runs the event, the complaint is no longer valid and the issue is over.
15Hydrant caps will be off at the start of the races.
16Hoses will be drained after each race.
17Horseplay, such as spraying by-standers with hose streams, during any race event could be grounds for total disqualification from all race events.
18The team running must be at the starting line when the starter calls the team. Any team not ready will be disqualified.
19Only the starter will have the right to call back racers.
20There will be no trial runs.
21A false start is a disqualification.
22No one is allowed on the racecourse during the races other than participants in the race. (no coaches on the course)
23There must be a safetyman at the nozzle of all hose races before water comes out of the nozzle.
24The hydrant man must remain at the hydrant as a safetyman.
25The Host Department will not be responsible for any accidents.
26All starting and boundary lines will be clearly marked and observed.
27The Host Department must have someone designated as Safety Officer. They will have the final call on the safety of each race and can take any action necessary, even stopping the race, to protect Firefighters and the Public.
28The Host Department can add special rules for their races, but they cannot change the standardized rules.
29All questions must be addressed to the Association Executive Board and not the host committee prior the event.