OCTOBER 13, 2011


The Supervisors of the Upper Chattahoochee River Soil and Water Conservation District met on Thursday, October 13, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. at the Cumming Fairgrounds in Cumming, Georgia.

Supervisors present were: George Lyons, Charlie Tatum, Leonard Ridings, E. H. Reid, Gilbert Barrett, Tracy L. Grizzle,David Sills and Edsel Nix. Supervisors absent were: Morris Fradyand Kenneth Beasley. Others present were: Robert Amos, Louise McPherson,Russell Biggers and Josh Crozier.

Chairman Ridings presided and gave the invocation. The minutes of the September meeting were approved on a motion by Nix and seconded by Tatum. The motion passed.

Ridings gave the treasury report. A motion was made by Tatum and seconded by Sills to approve the report as mailed. The motion passed.

Regional Representative Amos gave the State Conservation Commission report. Amos reported that the Group II Summer Meeting held September 8, 2011 at the White County Ag Center went well and he asked the supervisors to let him know of any changes they would like to see made to the meeting to make it better. Amos also reported that the GACDS Annual Meeting will be held January 6-8, 2011 at the Chateau Elan in Braselton, Georgia and he reported that per diem payment will now be made as direct deposit.

Erosion and sediment control plans were reported as follows:

ForsythCounty – 34 plans submitted for ratification. The plans were approved on a motion by Nix and seconded by Reid.

HabershamCounty – 2 planssubmitted for ratification. The plans were approved on a motion by Barrett and seconded by Sills.

WhiteCounty – 1 plan submitted for ratification. The plan was approved on a motion by Nix and seconded by Sills. The motions passed.

District Conservationist Biggers gave the NRCS report. Biggers reported that the signup for EQIP ended September 30, 2011 but they have not been notified how much funding will come to Georgia.

UpperChattahoocheeRiver SWCD Minutes

October 13, 2011

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Chestatee-Chattahoochee RC&D was give by Crozier. He reported that the Mud Creek 319 project has approved six (6) contracts. Crozier also reported that there will be a full council meeting on October 26, 2011 in BanksCounty. He stated that he is submitting a 319 proposal and would like a letter of support from the Upper Chattahoochee River District. A motion was made by Lyons and seconded by Nix to send the letter. The motion passed.

In other district business: Ridings read a letter from Safe Dams concerning the district performing inspections on the watershed structures. The group discussed the obligations the district has, being an easement holder on the structures. After discussion the supervisors agreed to hold the district’s Christmas meeting at Baby Land General in WhiteCounty. They agreed to invite Cross Time to provide entertainment at the Annual Affiliate Members Meeting.

The next district meeting will be Thursday, November 10, 2011 @ 6:00 p.m. prior to the District’s Annual Affiliate Members Meeting at the White County Ag ScienceCenter in Cleveland, Georgia.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

submitted by,


Robert Amos

10/19/11Regional Representative