Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday September 20th 2016 7.30 pm. in Hickman’s Residents sitting room by invitation.
Present:Mike Doe(chair), Adrian Harford (minutes), David Vowles, Steven Mitchell, Malcolm Nickolls, Graham Aylett, Cllrs Sims and Russel (later).
Apologies: Adrian Jackson.
- Matters arising from the minutes of the July 19th meeting.
- No progress to report on churchyard maintenance issues.
- Bus Station Air Quality. GA received letter from Cllr Mark Shaw – now clear instructions to all operators to switch off engines – currently this is being obeyed. New notices and spot checks to be made.
- Environment issues.
- No new issues.
- Planning Issues
- Vale of Aylesbury Plan. AH had submitted DV comments. Now wait for published plan – hearing in 2017.
- 18 Temple Street restaurant 'change of use'. Approved with conditions on extraction. Now advertising for tenants.
- Bellita's – despite agenda comments this is still open.
- Flats in Waterside North proposal. Submitted objection to lack of car parking provision. AH to copy to Aylesbury Society.
- Parking and Traffic Matters
- Pay and Display consultation. An experimental scheme will be introduced for Aylesbury TC – bollards will now be in 'locked mode' in George St. Some additional resident parking in Rickfords Hill overnight – but need to seek daytime shared use also.
- Market Square to be closed to through traffic- need to prevent exit into Market/Bourbon street.
- Kingsbury should be closed to through traffic, with access via Buckingham St roundabout.
- Abuse of parking rules after 6pm due to lack of warden is widespread should press BCC for enforcement improvement.
- Cllr Sims and Russel support changes which they have walked through.
- Can we get a speed monitor in Castle Street – need to look at MVAS system available through ATC.
- Events
- AGM date is Nov 15th. Suggest Cllr Mark Shaw
- Xmas dinner location – Temple Street Wine Bar booked for Dec 6th.
8. AOB
- GA raised 'non-action' by Police over Maurice Cousins accident in George St. - GA would draft a letter which has to come from MC.
- DV explained on that his proposal to place 'Aylesbury standard' street name plates throughout the Town Centre had been accepted in principal by the Town Centre Steering Group. Committee gave their support to this proposal.
- AT Centre update meeting would be an occasion to press for action on publicity for TC now that Tourist Info Office closed – could one be hosted in St Mary's?
9. Next Meeting
7:30 pm is Nov 15th (AGM). AH/MD to action £20 contribution for tonight.