Mrs. Shockey

240-236-7000 ext. 67076

Course Overview

Keyboarding is a course designed for students who wish to learn touch typing as it applies in a vocational business office. The course provides you with exposure to business letters, memos, unbound reports, and resumes. Major emphasis is given in requiring students to key letter and number/symbol keys without looking at the keyboard. Proofreading skills, grammar, mechanics, and word usage are highly stressed throughout the entire course

Course Objectives

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • Key letters/numbers keys by touch
  • Key numeric data by using the keypad
  • Identify typing errors by proofreading and be able to make acceptable corrections by utilizing the delete and/or backspace key
  • Space correctly after punctuation marks
  • Format business letters in commonly used styles (block style/modified block style)
  • Format reports
  • Format resumes
  • Format memorandums
  • Increase speed and accuracy through timed writings

Course Materials

Textbook – Century 21 Computer Applications and Keyboarding by Hoggatt, Shank, Robinson

In addition, we will be using resources on the Internet. You must have an Internet User Agreement form on file in order to participate in these activities.

Students are required to provide the following:

  • Binder/Notebook/Folder
  • Pen/pencil (blue or black ink) NO RED!
  • Notebook paper

Course Expectations

Throughout the course, students will be expected to:

  • exhibit proper attitudes
  • be in their seats working on the assigned daily warm-up when the tardy bell rings
  • organize work
  • respect one another, the property of others, and the property/equipment in the classroom
  • take responsibility for their actions
  • manage time and set priorities
  • complete ALL assignments on time
  • comply with computer lab rules in regard to Internet usage and food and drink

Restroom/Water Fountain/Locker

Any student who must leave class during the Block for ANY reason, must have a HALL PASS! Without it, permission to leave class will not be granted. Students are expected to complete the information on the pass and then present to Mrs. Shockey for a signature. Students are required to complete the sign in/out sheet upon returning to class. At the end of the term, each unused line on the Hall Pass will be granted 5 extra credit points

Attendance Policy/Make Up Work

Students are expected to follow FCPS policy on attendance. It is the responsibility of the student to get any missing work. Quizzes and tests must be completed after school. Students have 1 week following an absence to complete missing work. After 1 week, the work will be treated as late.

Textbooks may not leave the room as we only have one classroom set.

Late Work

  • 10% will be deducted for each school day work is not turned in

1 day late = 90%

2 days late = 80% …..etc.

  • Teacher will be available after school

The teacher reserves the right to have assignments due on specific dates at which time the late work policy will not be in effect. If absent, student is expected to turn in uponreturning toschool or it will not be accepted.

Electronic Devices

According to school policy, if a student is found using an electronic device, it will be taken and turned into the main office. The device may then be picked up from the secretary at the end of the day. Refusal to hand over the device will result in an office referral.

Honor Code

Dishonesty, cheating, and plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in an office referral and NO CREDIT on the assignment. This applies to both parties involved. Examples include: copying work from another person and passing it off as your own, sharing of files, and copying answers from another’s homework, test, and/or quiz.


Evaluation for the course will be based on a point system using rubrics. A rubric is a scoring tool that lists the criteria for a piece of work or “what counts.” Each student will receive a rubric for assignments. Students are expected to complete a rubric of their own work before submitting to Mrs. Shockey. Any assignment not submitted with a scored rubric will not be graded and returned to the student.

The following will be used in the calculation of Keyboarding grades: quizzes (both announced and unannounced); tests; warm-ups; textbook/class work assignments.

The following scale will be used:

A = 90-100; B = 80–89; C = 70–79; D = 60 – 69

F = 59 or below

Work to be Graded

  • Should be turned into the IN Box



Make-Up: indicate on this work the date of absence

  • DO NOT lay work on the teacher desk
  • DO NOT hand work to the teacher
  • DO NOT leave work in the printer

Timed Writings

The grading scales for the timed writings will change throughout the term. Acceptable timed writings should contain no more than one error per minute. The scales are shown below.

Scale I Scale II



