Updates from across the Balanced Options for Adults services:

The Adult Rec and AWSC programs returned to its original target group being young adults aged 18 -24 years. This opened up our books to all our school leavers and other 18 year olds in the area who have enjoyed being part of many events across Melbourne throughout the year.

The Purchased Options program is growing having provided many hours of respite support during the June/July, September and upcoming Christmas Balance break. Purchased Options has also provided support to other individuals that have combined their funding to participate in activities of similar interest, like a Mans Time group that runs a variety of different activities on Friday evenings.

We are hoping that 2015 will see more individualized Purchased Options arrangements around similar interests and passions, with the creation of similar social groups and holidays. (similar to what adult Recreation have previously provided for those participants over 25 years of age).

Lilydale Balance Sites have grown this year : With 13 new participants, mostly school leavers, joining the Lilydale site we expanded this year and now are based at two shop fronts in Lilydale. One is dedicated to the School Leavers group and the other caters for the 24+ age group.

Balanced Options also operate group based programs from Station St, Ferntree Gully, Bayswater and Enterprises, Sylvia St ,Ferntree Gully. Enterprises are a work training program site which operates a firewood and gardening business.

This year has seen many successes, there isn’t enough space to detail all from across the sites but you can view regular updates on the website; . Here are just a couple that run along different hours :

1.The Farm Intensive involves 5 participants supported by Daniel to live and work at ‘Jeff’s’ farm in Lurg for one week in four. The remaining 3 weeks are shorter days where the group are volunteering at Bayswater Primary School, involved in self defence and more. This program is not based at any one site. The locations and hours vary from the regular Monday to Friday 9-3 hours.

2.House Intensive is about learning and practicing the skills required to live independently. Five participants spend 2 days and the night in a house away from home and have Friday’s off. Just last week the families and some of us were guests at their Christmas dinner where much of the learnings were definitely showcased throughout the evening.

We will be running an Outdoor, Health and Fitness Intensive and a Communication Intensive in 2015 as well as the above two Intensives. Intensives simply mean that we are focusing the hours on a particular area of interest for a period of time instead of a range of programs.

I have seen a range of exciting programs being pulled together for 2015 in response to people’s plans. Your relevant coordinator will be the one to explain these further.

Balance service times: To ensure we get the most out of each persons day we are planning full day programs in 2015 in general. Next year we are working towards one staff supporting the same group for a full day in a range of activities/programs. This means staff can start their programs at 9am and the group can work out when and where they will break for lunch and what they need to do around the activities and programs scheduled for that day. This also eliminates the waiting around in the middle of the day for someone to return to swap buses, staff or participants.

To help everyone get the most out of their days we need your help too!! When your family member is attending a regular 9-3pm day it is very important that the arrival and departure times are as close to this as possible. Also before 9am and after 3pm staff are required to complete a range of tasks and we ask families, taxi runs and other transports respect this and arrive or pick up as close as possible to these times. Likewise if you feel your family member is not engaged from 9am onwards and may be sitting around regularly waiting for a program to start we ask you let the staff, coordinator or myself know, as it is our responsibility to ensure participants receive a full day of programs.

2015 calendar is attached; please make a note of the dates. The training days are not yet confirmed but we will let you know when they are.

Balance Holidays: This year we had many successful holidays and are planning to continue this in 2015, one holiday will be in the first half and the other in the second so do give us any destination or event ideas if you think of them.

Next year we will be welcoming 4 new participants who are leaving school. We are planning a Futures holiday for these young adults along with thisyears school leavers for the first week in February.

Individualized Services: Balanced Options support many families with ISP’s and a range of external funding to support individuals to participate in a range of roles and activities. There are to many to mention but just a few examples of how people are utilizing their individual funding is; in home personal care and respite, connecting with employment and volunteer roles or simply keeping fit by visiting the local pool or gym. Some participants involved in the Balance group sites have changed some of their Balance funding to purchase more individual supports, 1-1,to work towards a specific goal. Please remember that to do this we do require 8 weeks notice. This is actually a DHS standard and it provides enough time to put everything in place for the best outcomes. All Individualized funding must be used within the parameters set by DHS. If you wish to know more about this please let me know or ask your coordinator to email you the DHS booklet or the DHS Day Service Booklet.


Unfortunately there are always staff movements. Here are a few changes:

Sarah Wilson who is currently the Senior Coordinator will be leaving for 8 months to have her second baby. We wish her the very best. Luke Adams who currently coordinates the Futures site will be replacing Sarah, 3 days a week. Michaela Alcorn who has extensive experience with other services and Interchange will be taking on the Future’s site in Lilydale. Michaela will also continue some Individualized family coordination.

Melissa Piper from Community Balance will also be leaving on maternity leave. We are currently recruiting for this position and some other vacancies and hope to have some new staff ready to start in January.

As you can see the Balanced Options for Adults have a range of options to involve families and participants. It may be quite confusing for many so I have put together a list of the Balanced Options 2015 coordination team, their role and area they are responsible for .

Name / Role / Area of Responsibility
Ellen Clacy / Team leader / All of adult services
Luke Adams / Senior Coordinator / Assist team leader and coordinators.(3 days)
Family Coordinator.(2 days)
Deb Kennedy / Coordinator / Purchased Options Program (2.5) and Network 24+(2.5)
Peter Mc Donald / Coordinator / All 18-25yr olds Recreation Services
Cathy Handy / Coordinator / Enterprises site, Sylvia St, Ferntree Gully & Family coordination
Jackie Rawston / Coordinator / Link site, McCauley Place Bayswater & Family coordination
Lydia Webb / Coordinator / Community Site, Farm Intensive and further service development. Station st Ferntree Gully.
Ashlea Allen / Senior Staff / Assistant to Lydia
Michaela Alcorn / Coordinator / Futures Site, Clark St, Lilydale & Family coordination.
Emma Kay / Coordinator / Family Coordination at Yose St.
Carly Lee / Coordinator / Family Coordination at Yose St. & House Intensive.
Dana Moniz / Coordinator / Family Coordination at Yose St.
Lucy DePetro / Coordinator / Family Coordination at Yose St.

Although different coordinators have time off over the Christmas/January period we will have coordinators available to help with your enquiries and I will be available also. From all of us we wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas and holiday season.

Best wishes

Ellen Clacy

Team Leader