Updated ULPC Form – August 2007, Final
Every academic year, University Life awards grants for programs that impact the quality of campus life at George Mason University. Funding priority is given to grant requests received by the following dates:
8 weeks in advance of the program(s) for grants $1000 or greater
2 weeks in advance of the program for grants under $1000
University Life Programming Committee (ULPC) grants are awarded to programs which: build community; promote faculty/staff/student interaction; celebrate cultural diversity; use the institution's technology resources; increase collaboration across units within the university; and are coordinated and aligned with the calendar of University Life events.
In making its decisions, the ULPC considers: significance of the project and its overall prospects for success, involvement of faculty and staff across the university, project’s or program's immediate and long-term impact on a well defined target audience, which may and generally should include the university community at large, and the relationship of the project to the goals and priorities of University Life.
Because University Life Programming Grants are funded with student fee money, programs with a primary audience of students are given priority. Proposals reflecting academic collaborationsand those explicitly linked to specific academic classes where faculty have agreed to assign or otherwise encourage student attendance with be given the highest consideration. Additional consideration will also be given to those proposals that find ways to integrate the Arlington and Prince William Campuses into program ideas.
For Faculty
As a new element of the ULPC process for the 2007-2008 academic year, faculty that request funding for program ideas may also request the advisory support of an expert event planning consultant who can guide faculty on all necessary elements for the successful execution of the proposed event. This consultant will not plan the event.
Previous Grant Recipients
A listing of previous grant recipients and the programs that have received ULPC funding in the past can be viewed here: Previous University Life Programming Grant Recipients.
Grant Application
Requests for ULPC grants can be made using the online form below and should reflect consideration for the mission and grant evaluation statements above.
If you complete the form offline, please limit submissions to no more than 2 pages.
Questions regarding the approval process, or forms completed offline, may be directed to:
Ms. Alissa Karton
University Life Programming Committee
MSN 2C4, Johnson Center, Room 239E
Phone: (703) 993-1438
Fax: (703) 993-2117
Application Form
General Information
Program/Event Title:
Name of Sponsoring Organization or Faculty Member:
Name of Co-Sponsoring Organization or Faculty Member:
Contact Person (First and Last Name):
Contact Phone Number:
Contact E-mail Address:
Who Will Be the Person “In Charge” At the Event:
Is this An Annual or One-Time Program:
Program Details & Rationale
Program Description (150 words):
Date(s), Time(s), and Location(s) of Program:
Is the location confirmed through the Office of Events Management: Yes/No
Describe the Target Audience and the Expected Attendance:
Describe the Connection Between this Program and the Program Grant Mission (link back up to mission):
What scholarship/body of literature, if any, informs this grant proposal?
What will attendees learn from this program and how will this learning occur?
What forms of advertising will be used to notify the campus community of this program?
What specific academic connections, if any, will be made for this program?
How will the success and learning outcomes of this program be evaluated?
For Faculty: Will you require the assistance of an expert event planning consultant from ULPC in order to advise on the execution your proposed idea? Yes/No
To Date, Please List Efforts Made For this Program:
Budget Information
Please list all anticipated funding sources and amounts for this program:
Please enter the amount budgeted for each of the following categories:
Entertainer/Speaker Fee:
Events Production (A/V & Technology):
Food & Beverage*:
Other (please specific):
*If using Mason catering, a signed Food & Beverage Authorization Form will be required prior to the event.
Admission Price/Ticket Fee:
Anticipated Revenue:
How will any revenue generated be used:
Total Program Budget:
Total Amount Requested from ULPC: