Updated March 2009July 2010
Extent of Application...... 10
A.1.Introduction:...... 10
A.1.1Structure...... 11
A.2Organizing Committee:...... 15
A.2Organizing Committee:...... 15
A.2.1General Guidelines...... 15
A.2.2Modifications:...... 15
A.2.3Organizing Committee’s Responsibilities to TD...... 15
A.2.4Organizing Committee’s Responsibilities in Assigning Directors, Preparing Plans and Collaborating on Reports. 15
A.2.5Responsibility for Costs for Technical Delegate, Team Leader (TL) and Head Referee (HR) 15
A.2.6Race Officials...... 15
A.3Scheduling...... 15
A.3.1Compliance with Timetable...... 15
A.3.2Draft Announcement...... 15
A.3.3Final Announcement...... 16
A.3.4Event Details Announcement...... 16
A.3.5TC Database / Member and Non-Member Registrants...... 16
A.4Approvals and permits:...... 16
A.4.1General...... 16
A.4.2Official Site Composition...... 16
A.4.3Unauthorized Advertising...... 17
A.4.4Water Quality Tests...... 17
A.4.5Tolerance Limits...... 17
A.5Government details:...... 17
A.5.1Assistance...... 17
A.6Transportation:...... 17
A.6.1Vehicles for TC...... 17
A.6.2Transport for Equipment...... 18
A.7 Organiser Reports:...... 18
A.7.1Report 1...... 18
Triathlon Canada National Event Report 1 – Bid Document...... 18
A.7.2Report 2...... 19
Triathlon Canada National Event Report 2 – 6 Month Update...... 19
A.7.3Report 3...... 21
Triathlon Canada National Event Report 3 – 3 Month Update...... 21
A.7.4Report 4...... 23
Triathlon Canada National Event Report 4 – 1 Month Update...... 23
A.7.5Report 5...... 24
Triathlon Canada National Event Report 5 – Race Week………………………………24
Post Race Report…………………………………………………………………………...26
B.1Introduction:...... 43
B.1.1Technical Committee...... 43
B.1.2 Race Officials...... 43
B.1.3Duties...... 43
B.1.4 Identification...... 43
B.2 Technical Delegate (TD):...... 43
B.2.1 Site Visit:...... 43
B.2.2Site Visit Agenda...... 44
B.2.3Review Areas During Site Visit:...... 44
B.2.4Pre-Competition Duties...... 44
B.2.5During Competition Duties...... 45
B.2.6Post Competition Duties...... 45
B.3The Referee...... 45
B.3.1General Requirements...... 45
B.3.2Pre-Competition Duties...... 45
B.3.3During Competition Duties...... 45
B.3.4Post Competition Duties...... 46
B.4Chief Race Officials and Race Officials:...... 46
B.4.1Chief Race Official Duties...... 46
B.4.2Technical Officials...... 46
B.4.3Race Official Pre-requisite...... 4948
B.4.4During Competition Duties...... 49
B.4.5Post Competition Duties...... 49
B.5 Competition Jury:...... 49
B.5.1Pre Competition Duties...... 49
B.5.2During Competition Duties...... 49
B.5.3Post Competition Duties...... 49
B.5.4Jury Integrity...... 49
B.5.5Jury Room...... 5049
B.6Team Leader:...... 50
B.6.1Team Leader Duties...... 50
B.7Media and Marketing:...... 50
B.7.1Local Organizing Committee Responsibility to Media and Marketing...... 50
B.7.2Local Organizing Committee PR-Media Directors Duties...... 51
B.8Volunteers:...... 52
C.THE RACE...... 53
C.1 Eligibility...... 53
C.1.1General...... 53
C.1.2Insurance...... 53
C.1.3Age Groups...... 53
C.1.4Elite Entry into National Championships...... 53
C.2Competition Categories...... 53
C.2.1Elite...... 53
C.2.2Juniors & U2353
C.2.3 Age Group Categories...... 54
C.3.Race Entry...... 55
C.3.1Details on Entry Form...... 55
C.3.2Entry Cut-Off Date...... 55
C.3.5Entry Printout...... 55
C.3.6Corrections to Entry List...... 55
C.3.7Entry Fees and Payment...... 55
C.3.8Insurance...... 56
C.4Athlete Services...... 56
C.4.1Information Desk...... 56
C.4.2Local Address of PGB Delegation...... 56
C.4.3Pre-Competition use of Bike and Run Course...... 56
C.4.4Pre-Competition use of Swim Course...... 56
C.4.5Pre-Competition Sports Market (Expo)...... 56
C.4.6Bike Mechanic...... 56
C.4.7Carbo-Loading Party...... 57
C.5Communications...... 57
C.5.1Race Headquarters...... 57
C.5.2Course Coverage...... 57
C.5.3Emergency Services...... 58
C.5.4Public Address System...... 58
C.6Registration, Race Packet and Accreditation...... 58
C.6.1Registration...... 58
C.6.2Entry List...... 58
C.6.3Race Packet Pick-up...... 59
C.6.4Race Packet Contents...... 59
C.7Pre-Race Briefing...... 59
C.7.1Pre-Race Briefing...... 59
C.7.3Briefing Details for Age Group Athletes...... 60
C.7.4Briefing Details for Elite Athletes...... 60
C.7.5Course Maps...... 61
C.8The Start...... 61
C.8.1Markings...... 61
C.8.2Warm-up and Pre-Start Zone...... 61
C.8.3Start Area...... 61
C.9The Swim...... 62
C.9.1Swim Start...... 62
C.9.2Wave Start Size...... 63
C.9.3Wave Start Groups...... 63
C.9.4Wave Start Time...... 63
C.9.5Water Safety Support...... 63
C.9.6Power Boats...... 63
C.9.7Course Design...... 64
C.9.8Course Layout...... 64
C.9.9Course Markings...... 64
C.9.10Wetsuit Use...... 65
C.9.11Water Temperature...... 665
C.9.12Modifications...... 65
C.10Transition...... 665
C.10.1Layout...... 665
C.10.2Bike Racks...... 67
C.10.3Portable Toilets...... 687
C.10.4Security...... 687
C.10.5Medical...... 687
C.10.6Athlete Requirements...... 68
C.11 Bike Course...... 68
C.11.1Roads...... 68
C.11.2Course Guidelines...... 68
C.11.3Safety Precautions...... 698
C.11.4Lap Courses...... 698
C.11.5Age Group Course Markings...... 69
C.11.6Spectators...... 69
C.12 Run Course...... 69
C.12.1Roads...... 69
C.12.2Guidelines...... 69
C.12.3Course Markings...... 7069
C.12.4Safety Precautions...... 7069
C.12.5Spectators...... 7069
C.13The Finish...... 7069
C.14Timing...... 70
C.14.1Approval...... 70
C.14.2Equipment...... 710
C.14.3Timing at Finish...... 710
C.14.4Timing Displays...... 71
C.15 Results...... 71
C.15.1Results Display...... 71
C.15.2Preliminary Results...... 71
C.15.3Objections...... 721
C.15.4Top 20...... 721
C.15.5Results Distribution...... 721
C.15.6Final Results...... 721
C.15.7Inclusions on Final Results...... 721
DAWARDS...... 72
D.1Equality...... 72
D.2Awards...... 72
D.2.1 Awards for Age Group Championships...... 72
D.2.2 Award Presentations Protocol...... 732
D.2.3 Prize Money...... 732
D.3Awards Presentation Protocol...... 732
D.3.1 Format...... 73
D.3.2Procedure...... 743
D.3.3Award Presenters...... 754
D.3.4Award Ceremony Attire...... 754
E.1General...... 754
E.1.1Vehicles...... 754
E.1.2Vehicle Numbers...... 754
E.1.3Official Motorcycles...... 754
E.1.4Motorcycle Drivers...... 754
E.2Close Up Zone...... 754
E.2.1General...... 754
E.2.2Close Up Zone Access...... 754
E.2.3Time Allowance in Zone...... 76
E.2.4Vehicle Control Officials...... 76
FMEDICAL...... 76
F.1Introduction...... 76
F.2Staff...... 76
F.2.1Medical Race Director...... 76
F.2.2 Doctors and Authority...... 76
F.2.3Physicians...... 76
F.2.4Nurses...... 76
F.2.5Massage Personnel...... 76
F.2.6Access...... 76
F.2.7Finish Line and Transition...... 76
F.2.8Race officials...... 77
F.3Medical Requirements...... 77
F.3.1Facilities...... 77
F.3.2Size...... 77
F.3.3Additional Facilities...... 77
F.3.4Supplies...... 77
F.3.5Communications...... 77
F.4Doping Control...... 77
F.4.1Frequency...... 77
F.4.2Rules and Regulations...... 77
F.4.3Banned List...... 78
F.5Hospitals and Ambulances...... 78
F.5.1Hospitals...... 78
F.5.2Ambulances...... 79
F.5.3On-Course Guidelines...... 79
F.5.4Records...... 79
G.1General...... 79
G.1.1Aid Station Locations...... 79
G.1.2Aid Station Distribution Order...... 79
G.1.3Quantities at Aid Stations...... 80
Appendix A: Event Details…………………………………………………………………81
Appendix B: Race Announcer Protocol…………………………………………………..83
Appendix C: Elite Swim Start Protocol…………………………………………………...86
Appendix D: Entry Form Guidelines………………………………………………………88
Appendix E: Sample Waiver……………………………………………………………….91
Appendix F: Sample Schedule…………………………………………………………….93
Appendix G: Approval of Timing Company………………………………………………95
Appendix H: Gantry, Finish Transition Design & Branding……………………………..99
Appendix I: Prize Money Breakdown……………………………………………………..102
Appendix J: Television Checklist………………………………………………………….103
Appendix K: National Team Sign-Up Information ………………………………………105
Appendix L: TC Course Measurement Document ……………………………………...106
Appendix M: Transition Position and Swim Start Position Draw ………………………111
Appendix N: Run Sheet …………………………………………………………………….112
Appendix O:Event Postponement & Cancellation Policy ……………………………...113
Appendix P: Accreditation………………………………………………………………….115
Appendix Q: Paratriathlon…………………………………………………………………..116
Appendix R: Relays & Team Competition………………………………………………...118
The management and control of triathlon in Canada, including national championships, series and national team qualifying events (referred to as "Competitions", collectively or individually, as the context may require), is vested solely in Triathlon Canada (TC) as a National Federation (NF) in good standing with the International Triathlon Union (ITU). TC may do all acts and exercise all powers as may be necessary to give effect to the articles established in its Constitution, Rules, Regulations and Guidelines.
This Event Organizer’s Manual has been adopted for the purpose of the observation of minimum event management and marketing rules and requirements so that the present and future practices and procedures of all Organizing Committees (OC) selected by TC to organize any TC Competition are maintained according to the regulations and standards set forth herein.
There are five main principles of TC races:
a)Safe and fair
b)Spectator and media friendly
c)Satisfied Sponsors
d)Profitable for the Local Organizing Committee and
e)Create a legacy for the community.
Official Language:
The Official working languages are English and French. The following will apply:
a)The NF and OC will inform others in the official languages.
b)The Competition Jury will be addressed in English or French with translation services as required.
c)The pre-race briefing will be conducted in English and French as deemed necessary.
d)Communication between officials and competitors regarding penalties will be in English (as per ITU guidelines) with French translation services available.
e)It is the responsibility of the OC to provide for translation if needed.
f)Official announcers must maintain parity of information in English and French.
g)At bare minimum, the event title, registration information and event schedule must appear In French and English on all printed materials and website information for events sanctioned by TC.
All publications, including results, will use the official provincial and country abbreviation or the full correct names.
Extent of Application
This Event Organizer’s Manual (EOM) applies to all TC Championship Events and, as stated in the Organizing Committee's contract with TC, all provisions of the Event Organizer’s Manual are legally binding upon all Organizing Committees that have been awarded a Championship event. TC has supreme authority for determining what constitutes the correct implementation and interpretation of the Event Organizer’s Manual.
Organizing Committees awarded Qualifiers or other TC events are expected to comply with the provisions outlined relative to safety and fairness of the competition.
TC awards the right to hold the event to the OC. The Provincial Governing Body must approve, support and sanction all races. The OC structure will be approved by the TD.
Upon its awarding of the event, the OC must provide TC with:
a)Organizing Committee operational and mailing address
b)Organizing Committee structure, including names, responsibilities and points of contact
c)Telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address
d)Event details
The following charts are examples of Organization diagrams.
Organizing Committee
Overall Structure
A.2Organizing Committee:
A.2.1General Guidelines
a)The Host Provincial Governing Body (PGB) and OC are obliged to fulfill the standards set forth in this manual
b)Failure to adhere to the standards may incur penalties or result in cancellation of the contract.
c) Executive Board members of TC cannot be the race directors of TC events.
TC competitions will maintain or develop their own sense of individuality. When an OC wishes to deviate from the standards in the manual, they must make a written request to the Technical Delegate (TD). The ruling of the TD is final.
A.2.3Organizing Committee’s Responsibilities to TD
The Organizer must provide the Technical Delegate with communication equipment such as radio and mobile phone, sufficient ground transport (car, golf cart, scooter) and a motorcycle with driver and extra helmet OR scooter and helmet to allow for supervision of the competition.
A.2.4Organizing Committee’s Responsibilities in Assigning Directors, Preparing Plans and Collaborating on Reports.
The Organizing Committee is responsible for designating a qualified Medical Director, PR/Media Director, Technical Operations Manager etc.who must submit a preliminary plan to the TD and work with the TD ins preparation of pre and post event reports.
A.2.5Responsibility for Costs for Technical Delegate, Team Leader (TL) and Head Referee (HR)
The OC is responsible for several costs relating to the duties of the TD, TL & HR. These are noted under the contractual agreement. This includes, but is not limited to ground transportation and accommodation costs.
A.2.6Race Officials
Race Officials are assigned by the Triathlon Canada Technical Committee (TC-TC). The TD and HR will assign positions for race officials. The race officials will manage the competition from start to finish. The OC will provide all race officials with a welcome kit which includes an accreditation, event t-shirt and tickets to special events (pasta meal, awards etc). The OC may be asked to assist with billeting of officials.
Scheduling of events must be approved by TC. This includes event day(s) itineraryand heat start schedule. Submit to the TD as per Report Schedule.
A.3.1Compliance with Timetable
The Organizing Committee must ensure that the competition and scheduled events start at the exact time agreed by the TC, unless extreme circumstances prevail. The TD and Competition Jury (CJ) will be responsible for making postponement or cancellation decisions. The OC must be prepared with possible contingency plans (e.g. duathlon course instead of triathlon, alternate courses, delayed heat schedule etc.)
A.3.2Draft Announcement
Drafts of all relevant information such as plans, race announcement, entry forms, course descriptions, website etc. must be sent by the Organizing Committee to the Technical Delegate for written approval before it may be released publicly. Submit to the TD as per Report Schedule. All plans must include the Triathlon Canada Logo.
A.3.3Final Announcement
The Organizing Committee must send final copies of above-mentioned information to TC through their TD
A.3.4Event Details Announcement
See Appendix A for a template of required information. This information, once approved, should appear on the event website. Triathlon Canada will include some of the information on their website and provide a link to the event website. This information must be kept current and accurate.
Included in the race announcement will be:
a)Race name, date, venue and distance of competition
b)Organizing Committee name, address, e-mail address, telephone, fax number and web site address
c)Information concerning travel to the venue by plane, train, motor vehicle and bus, including that relevant to bike transfer, and parking arrangements where appropriate
d)Accommodation and bike storage possibilities
e)Course description, including surface type, length, topography, water type, depth and temperature, air temperature etc.
f)Guidelines for eligibility in each category and maximum number of competitors (where applicable)
g)Individual and team entry form (where applicable)
h)Entry fee and entry cut-off date
i)Place and time of registration, pre-race briefing and start. Time limits if applicable
j)Refreshments supplied
k)Prize money total and breakdown, additional prizes, awards, time and place of victory ceremony.
l)Time and place for the Elite Athlete Briefing
A.3.5TC Database / Member and Non-Member Registrants.
To facilitate communication with all PGB’s affiliated to TC, TC Headquarters will provide the Organizing Committee with the National Federation database, including mail addresses, telephone, fax and email. The Organizing Committee will treat this information with confidentiality and will use it only for the express purpose of communicating with the PGB’s for this event only. The OC may request PGB membership lists (names only) from TC in order to confirm affiliated membership of event registrants. The OC will collect $10 on behalf of TC from non-member registrants only.
A.4Approvals and permits:
The Organizing Committee must obtain approval for the use of each course and location, including all aspects of swim, bike, run, transition and all city jurisdictions from the appropriate authorities.
A.4.2Official Site Composition
The Official site includes the following:
a)Course and warm-up areas and air space for both.
b)Welcome desks/ Athlete Services Areas
c)Official Hotels for TC guests, athletes, delegates, sponsors and media
d)Broadcast and press centers and press conference venues
e)Accreditation and technical information centers
f)Organizing Committee offices
h)All areas holding events or functions that are organized or sold by the Organizing Committee
i)Parking areas
Official sites should be used and controlled exclusively by TC and/or the Organizing Committee. The Organizing Committee must supply maps or plans of all areas to TC as requested.
A.4.3Unauthorized Advertising
The Organizing Committee is responsible for keeping the Official Sites free of unauthorized advertising and the sale of unauthorized merchandise.
A.4.4Water Quality Tests
A water quality test must be submitted to TD according to the following time line:
a)One test performed during the month planned for the event at the time of race venue announcement
b)Four tests with 14-day intervals leading up to the time of competition in the year prior to the event
c)One test conducted two months before the competition
d)One test 14 days before the competition.
e)More tests, if required.
A.4.5Tolerance Limits
The samples must contain a mixture of water collected from three different locations on the swim course. Test results must not exceed the following standards:
a)pH between 6 and 9
Fecal coliform (ocean) not more that 200 per 100mls
c)b)Escherichiacoli E.'Ccoli (fresh water) not more than 25000 per 100 mils (ufc / 100ml)
d)c)Entero-cocci 35 per 100 milsnot more than 100 per 100ml (ufc / 100ml
A.5Government details:
This includes but is not limited to the guarantees to be provided by the local, provincial and national governments where a Competition is held. Special laws, regulations or decrees will be enforced with the aim of creating conditions conducive to the organization and execution of the Competition.
The Organizing Committee will use its best reasonable efforts to assist officials, media and competitors in their role with the event.
a)Personal belongings
b)Technical equipment for athletes and officials
c) Technical equipment of TV companies
d)The technical equipment of other media representatives
e)Technical material required for the production of an Official Competition video.
f)All other technical equipment necessary for the Competition organization (timing, audio/video etc)
g)Equipment for the organizers (equipment, clothing, drinks etc)
h)Equipment and material of Official Sponsor, Corporate Partners, Local and Global Suppliers in support of Organizing Committee or for publicity
i)TC print material and publications
j)TC sponsor advertising boards and connected material.
The Organizing Committee must assist TC, Official Sponsors, Corporate Partners, Local and Global Suppliers in storing and transporting materials required.
A.6.1Vehicles for TC
The Organizing Committee must provide ground transportation for the TD, TL, HR, and TC guests as required. Arrangements for transportation must be provided from the arriving airport. Drivers and fuel for all vehicles are the responsibility of the Organizing Committee. Arrangements are to be made in advance through the TD.
A.6.2Transport for Equipment
The Organizing Committee must provide and fund the local transportation for equipment at various sites before, during and after the Competition, including that required for the loading and unloading for such equipment.
A.7 Organizser Reports:
The following reports for Championship and qualifying events will be required from the Organizing Committee by the TD with the due dates to be appropriately scheduled:
A.7.1Report 1
Triathlon Canada National Event Report 1 – Bid Document
Due: Soon after Technical Delegate is assigned to the successful bid.
Submitted by :
This is a status report to be completed collaboratively with the Technical Delegate and Race Director/LOC and to be submitted by the TD. Carry any uncompleted items to the next report period. Send all reports to the TC Technical Committee c/o . Attach any plan documents received with your report submission (e.g. Medical Plan, Marketing plan etc)
All Triathlon Canada national events are required to meet the requirements of their local PGB sanctioning process.
Status: C – completed; O – ongoing; NS – not started
Information / Details / StatusA / Course Information
Map of site
Maps of course & transition
Accommodation information
B / Course Lay-out
Transitions & flow
Finish area design
Course dimensions of swim, bike & run
C / Course Control
Road Closures
Police Monitoring
Traffic Patterns
D / Draft Media & Promotions Plan / Bilingual, National
E / Plan for TD, TL, HR
F / Budget Information
Predicted revenues & expenses
Sponsorship, grant predictions
G / Sponsor Information
Ensure no potential conflicts with
Triathlon Canada sponsors
A.7.2Report 2
Triathlon Canada National Event Report 2 – 6 Month Update
Due: 6 Month prior to the Event / This report is best completed during a pre-event site visit by the Technical Delegate.
Submitted by :
This is a status report to be completed collaboratively with the Technical Delegate and Race Director/LOC and to be submitted by the TD. Carry any uncompleted items to the next report period. Send all reports to the TC Technical Committee c/o . Attach any plan documents received with your report submission (e.g. Medical Plan, Marketing plan etc)
All Triathlon Canada national events are required to meet the requirements of their local PGB sanctioning process.
Status: C – completed; O – ongoing; NS – not started
Information / Details / StatusA / Entry Form
Draft entry form
Bilingual; logos; age groups; insurance
On-line registration
Information collected for announcers
B / Organizational Chart
Chart structure
Database of committee members
C / Draft Event Schedule
Race week events
Race day schedule
D / Accommodation Information
Race hotel
E / Draft Transportation Plan
From airport
To race site, briefings, celebrations
F / Draft Communication Plan
Radios, cellular
Website / bilingual / logos
Printed materials / bilingual / logos
Athlete services
G / Timing Information
Company confirmed / contract
Mat placement
Lap verification
Video at finish
H / Draft Medical Plan
I / Volunteer Plan
J / Media & Marketing Plan
Community Relations Plan
Public Relations Plan
Media servicing / education plan
Press Conference
K / Start Area
Beach or pontoon for elite
Pre-start line
Positions marked
Marshalling area
Public Address
L / Transition / Flow, spacing / AG & Elite
Access times prior & after
M / Course Verifications / Water quality tests, swim, bike &
run course distance verification
N / Branding Plan
Agreement on space in key areas for TC and LOC
O / Special Event Information
AG Awards / Prize $ disbursement
Briefing times and venues
P / National Team Sign Up Plan
Registration Sheets printed to race kits
A.7.3Report 3