Updated CV of Dr. S.B. SAINATH
1. Personal Details
Name : Dr. S.B. Sainath
Nationality : Indian
Date of Birth : 15-07-1980
Gender : Male
Designation : Assistant Professor
Department : Biotechnology
University : Vikrama Simhapuri University
Address : Nellore
City : Nellore, SPSR District
PIN : 524 003
State : Andhra Pradesh
Telephone : 0861 – 2352377 Mobile No : +91-9989353455
Fax : 0861 – 2352356 E-mail :
Residential Address : 6-9-1303, EWSH-9
APHB Colony, Tirupati-517 507,AP
2. Educational Qualifications
S.No. / Degree / University / Year / Subjects / Class1 / B. Sc / Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati / 2002 / Microbiology / First with Distinction
2 / M.Sc / Bangalore University, Bangalore / 2004 / Biotechnology / First
3 / Ph.D / Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati / 2010 / Biotechnology / Excellent reports
3. Projects:
PI name / Title of the project / YearDr. S.B. Sainath / Elucidation of role of ecdysteroids and retinoic acid in the regulation of growth and reproduction in selected edible crustaceans of aquaculture importance / R. No. SERB/LS-257/2014; Dt: 21-10-2014
Amount Sanctioned: 28,70,000/-
Project started from: 4th June 2015
4. Professional recognition, awards, fellowships received
Awarding/issuing Institute/Organization / YearName of the Award/Reward/Fellowships
Young Scientist Award / DST-SERB, New Delhi / 2014
Young Scientist Award / National Seminar on “Molecular and Genetics Basis of Neurological Disorders” Sri VSSC Degree College, Shar Road, Sullurpet-524 121, AP, India / 2014
Merit Scholarship (Graduation) / KMM Degree College, Tirupati / 2002
Young Scientist Award / RESEARCH FORUM
Sri Venkateswara University
Tirupati-517 502, AP, India / December 28
Award for Best Paper Presentation / 2nd AP SCIENCE CONGRESS
AP Akademi of Sciences and
Sri Venkateswara University
Tirupati-517 502, AP, India / November 16
Award of University Fellowship
(Department of Biotechnology)
Ref No. 7192/UGC-III(I)/2006-07 / Sri Venkateswara University
Tirupati-517 502, AP, India / 16-04-2007
Project Fellowship
UGC Lr No. 32-502/2006/ (SR)
Dated: 28.02.2007 / University Grants Commission
New, Delhi, India / 09.07.2007 -
Senior Research Fellowship
ICMR Lr No.5/10/5/2005-RHN
Dated :14-12-2006 / Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi, India / 22.02.2008 -
Research Associateship
DST Lr No. SR/SO/AS-0053/2008.
Dated: 16-03-2009 / Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, India / 25.02.2010 -
Post-Doctoral Fellowship
FCT Lr No. SFRH/BPD/81501/2011 / Foundation of Science and Technology, Portugal / 01-08-2012 -
5. Visits Abroad
1. CIIMAR, University of Porto, Portugal from 25-5-14 to 30-6-14
2. CIIMAR, University of Porto, Portugal from 18-07-14 to 12-10-14
6. Member
Member of Board of Studies, Department of Biotechnology, Vikarama Simhapuri University, Nellore, AP, India
7. Life Memberships
International: 02
Life Member, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Life Member, European Federation of Biotechnology
National: 02
Life member, Society of Biological Sciences of India: Reg No: SBSI-431-2012 Dt: : 3-09-2012
Life member, Indian Society for Comparative Animal Physiology Reg No: 1704 Dt: 5-11-2012
8. Number of M.Sc. dissertations guided : 09
6. Number of Ph.D students
Completed : --
Working : 01
S.No / Name of the Research Supervisor / Name of the Research Scholar / Topic1 / Dr. S.B. Sainath / P. Prathima / Animal Biotechnology
9. A. Details of professional training and research experience, specifying period
The PI obtained Doctoral and Post-Doctoral training in Prof. Reddy’s Lab, Department of Zoology, S.V. University, Tirupati, India and CIIMAR, University of Porto, Portugal. He joined as a Ph.D Scholar (2006) under the guidance of Prof. P. Sreenivasula Reddy who is well recognized and one of the finest scientists in the areas of Aquaculture Biotechnology, Mammalian Molecular Endocrinology and Toxicology. S.B. Sainath obtained Doctoral degree (2010) from Department of Biotechnology, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, AP, India. He obtained Post-Doctoral training in Prof. Reddy’s lab (Feb’ 2010- July 2012), S.V. University, Tirupati and CIIMAR, University of Porto, Portugal. In Prof. Reddy’s lab, he worked in two challenging areas like Crustacean Endocrinology and Mammalian Reproductive Toxicology where he got an opportunity to understand the aminergic regulation of ovarian maturation in crustaceans and toxic effects of endocrine disruptors on mammalian reproduction in rodents as animal models, respectively. In CIIMAR, he worked on modulation of nuclear receptor signaling pathways by endocrine disrupting chemicals: invertebrate insights.
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Foundation of Science and Technology Fellowship, Portugal
(August 1st 2012 to December 17th 2013)
Research Associate, Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, India
(February 25th 2010-July 27th 2012)
Senior Research Fellow, Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi, India
(22.02.2008 - 25.02.2010)
Junior Research Fellow, University of Grants Commission, New Delhi, India
(09.07.2007 - 22.02.2008)
University Merit Fellowship, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, AP, India
(17.07.2006 - 16.04.2007)
B. Details of employment
Presently working as Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Vikrama Simhapuri University, Nellore-524 003, AP, India from December 30’ 2013 to till date
Details of Books/publications
A. Books published: 3
S.no / Book Title / Recognition / Cost of Book1 / P.S. Reddy and S.B. Sainath. 2011. Growth and Reproduction of South Indian Fresh water edible crab: manipulation by selected biogenic amines. Lambert Academic Publications, GmbH & Co. KG, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-8454-7812-8 / International / € 79.00
2 / P.S. Reddy, C. Harini and S.B. Sainath. 2011. Prenatal exposure to progesterone suppresses reproduction in male mice: Partial recovery of reproduction by testosterone. Lambert Academic Publications, GmbH & Co. KG, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-8465-0104-7 / International / € 59.00
(Rs. 4103.40)
3 / P.S. Reddy, G. Pushparani and S.B. Sainath. 2011. Arsenic-induced reproductive and metabolic toxicity in mice: Protective role of thiol compounds. Lambert Academic Publications, GmbH & Co. KG, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-8443-2614-7 / International / € 79.00
4 / Kodali Vidya Prabakar* and S.B. Sainath*. 2015.
Basic techniques in Biochemistry and Nanotechnology (A practical book for UG and PG students). Shri Param Hans Education & Research Foundation Trust, New Delhi. ISBN No. 978-1-329-08562-6.
*Equal Contribution and editors of the book / National / --
C. List of publications during last five years
1. P. Sreenivasula Reddy and S. B. Sainath. 2008. Effect of retinoic acid on hemolymph glucose regulation in the fresh water edible crab, Oziotelphusa senex senex. General and Comparative Endocrinology 155: 496-502. (Citation: 4) (IF: 2.823)2. P. Sreenivasula Reddy and S. B. Sainath. 2009. Hyperglycemic hormone in fresh water prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii: purification from eyestalk nervous tissue and quantification by ELISA in hemolymph following various stressors. Aquaculture 286. 290-295. (Citation: 3) (IF: 2.009)
3. C. Harini, S.B. Sainath and P. Sreenivasula Reddy. 2009. Recovery of suppressed male reproduction in mice exposed to progesterone during embryonic development by testosterone. Reproduction 137: 439-448. (Citation: 3) (IF: 3.55)
4. C. Harini, S.B. Sainath and P. Sreenivasula Reddy. 2009. Progesterone administration induces preimplantation embryonic loss in mice. Fertility and Sterility 91: 2137-2141. (Citation: 2) (IF: 4.174)
5. S.B. Sainath and P. Sreenivasula Reddy. 2010. Evidence for the involvement of selected biogenic amines (serotonin and melatonin) in the regulation of molting of the edible crab, Oziotelphusa senex senex Fabricius. Aquaculture 302: 262-264. (Citations: 2) (IF: 2.009)
6. S. B. Sainath and P. Sreenivasula Reddy. 2010. Effect of selected biogenic amines (dopamine, serotonin and melatonin on ovarian maturation in the fresh water edible crab, Oziotelphusa senex senex. Aquaculture 313: 144-148. (Citation: 2) (IF: 2.009)
7. S.B. Sainath and P. Sreenivasula Reddy. 2010. Melatonergic regulation of hemolymph sugar levels in the fresh water crab, Oziotelphusa senex senex. Journal of Experimental Zoology 313A: 201-208. (Citations: 3) (IF: 1.5)
8. P. Sreenivasula Reddy, P. Ramachandra Reddy and S.B.Sainath. 2010. Cadmium and mercury-induced hyperglycemia in the fresh water crab, Oziotelphusa senex senex: involvement of neuroendocrine system. Ecotoxicol and Environ Safety 74: 279-283. (Citation: 2) (IF: 2.294)
9. M. Reshma Anjum*, S.B. Sainath*, G. Suneetha and P. Sreenivasula Reddy. 2011. Lead acetate induced paternal mediated reproductive developmental toxicity in male rats. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 74: 793-799. (Citation: 2), *Equal Contribution (IF: 2.294)
10. S.B. Sainath, R. Meena, C.H.V. Suneel Kumar, P. Kalapana, K.N. Swetha, N. Syamala Devi and P. Sreenivasula Reddy. 2011. Embryonic exposure to octylphenol induces changes in testosterone levels and disrupts reproductive efficiency in rats at their adulthood. Food and Chemical Toxicology 49: 983-990. (Citations: 3) (IF:2.99)
11. S.B. Sainath, R. Meena, C.H. Supriya, K. Pratap Reddy and P. Sreenivasula Reddy. 2011. Protective role of Centella asiatica on lead-induced oxidative stress and suppressed reproductive health in male rats. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 32: 146-154. (Citations: 2) (IF: 1.46)
12. P. Sreenivasula Reddy, G. Pushparani, S.B. Sainath, R. Meena and Ch. Supriya. 2011. Protective effects of N-acetylcysteine against arsenic-induced oxidative stress and reprotoxicity in male mice. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 25: 247-253. (IF: 1.683)
13. C.H. Swetha S.B. Sainath, P.R. Reddy and P.S. Reddy. 2011. Reproductive endocrinology of female crustaceans: perspectives and prospective. Journal of Marine Science Research Development S3:001. (doi:10.4172/2155-9910)
14. N. Giribabu, S.B. Sainath and P. Sreenivasula Reddy. 2012. Prenatal di-n-butyl phthalate exposure alters reproductive functions at adulthood in male rats. Environmental Toxicology. (doi:10.1002/tox.21779) (IF: 2.407)
15. S.B. Sainath, T. Sowbhagyamma, P. Madhu, K. Pratap Reddy, B. P. Girish, P. Sreenivasula Reddy. Protective effect of speman on cisplatin-induced testicular and epididymal toxicity in mice. International Journal of Green Pharmacy 5: 286-291. (IF: 0.5)
16. S.B. Sainath, C.H. Swetha and P.S. Reddy. 2013. What do we need to know about the melatonin in crustaceans? Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A. 319. 365-377.
(IF: 1.5)
17. S.B. Sainath, C.H. Swetha and P.S. Reddy. 2013. Elucidation of role of biogenic amines in the regulation of ovarian maturation in the fresh water edible carb, Oziotelphusa senex senex. ECTOB, Organized by Department of Aquaculture, S.V. University, Tirupati-517502, India. Pp: 108-135.
18. Ch. Swetha, S.B. Sainath and P.S. Reddy. 2014. Mode of action of dopamine in inducing hyperglycemia in the fresh water edible crab, Oziothelphusa senex senex. J Exp Zool. Nov; 321(9):531-9. doi: 10.1002/jez.1884. Epub 2014 Jul 30 (IF: 1.25)
19. J.A. Pradeepkiran*, S.B. Sainath*, K. Kranti Kumar, M. Bhaskar. 2014. Complete genome-wide screening and subtractive genomic approach revealed new virulence factors, potential drug targets against bio-war pathogen Brucella melitensis 16M. Drug Design, Development and Design. 9. 1691-1706. (IF: 3.08)
*Equal Contribution
20. P. Harish, P. Prathima, Y. Nanda Kumar and S.B. Sainath*. 2014. Aluminium-induced oxidative stress in kidney tissue of rats: protective effect of vitamin E. Proceedings, National Seminar on Recent Trends in Life Sciences organized by Dept. of Zoology, TRR Degree College, Kandukur, Prakasam Dt, AP, India (in press).
21. Ramesh B*, Sainath S.B*, Anjaneyulu O, Karuna R, Sreenivasa Reddy et al., effect of commiphora mukul gum resin on polyol pathway and intestine disaccharidases enzymes of insulin deficient and fructose fed insulin resistant rats. Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 4 (12), 5898 – 5908. (IF: 1.25). *Equal Contribution
22. J.A. Pradeepkiran*, S.B. Sainath*, K. Kranti Kumar et al., CGMD: An integrated database of cancer genes and markers. Nature Scientific Reports (Accepted). (IF: 5.2).
Name/Title / Organized by / Duration / Year
Bridge course on Modern Techniques in Molecular Biology / Department of Zoology,
S.V. University, Tirupati-517502, AP, INDIA / 30 days
(16th May – 14th June) / 2007
National Seminar on Applications of Bioinformatics in Genomic Research / Centre for Bioinformatics
Pondicherry University, Pondicherry / 3 days
(13th February 15th February) / 2008
National Workshop on Advanced Methods of Studying Brain and Behaviour / Department of Zoology,
S.V. University, Tirupati-517502, AP, INDIA / 3 days
(15th February 18th February) / 2011
Training Program in Mass and IR spectrometer in Food Analysis / CFTRI, Mysore-570 020
India / 3 days
(11th June –
13th June) / 2012
10. Workshops/Training courses attended and participated
B. Oral/poster papers presented in National conferences/seminarsTitle of the conference / Organized by / Title of the paper / Year
23rd National conference ISCAP on frontiers in applied sciences / Department of Zoology,
Shivaji University
Kolhapur-416 004
India / Effect of 17α-hydroxy progesterone in the regulation of ovarian maturation in freshwater edible crab, Oziotelphusa senex senex / 2006
National Seminar on Advances in Aquatic Biology / Department of Zoology,
Acharya Nagarjuna University, Nagarjuna Nagar-522 510, AP, India / Effect of steroids on ovarian growth in the fresh water rice field crab, Oziotelphusa senex senex / 2006
National Biotechnology Conference / Department of Postgraduate Studies And Research In Botany,
Sanatana Dharma College
Alappuzha, Kerala, India / 17α-hydroxy progesterone induced ovarian maturation in freshwater edible crab, Oziotelphusa senex senex / 2007
National seminar on Environmental Biotechnology: Opportunities and Challenges / Department of Zoology and Microbiology
Thiagarajar College
Madurai-625009, AP, India / Cadmiun and mercury-induced hyperglycemia in the crfab, Oziotelphusa senex senex: involvement of neuroendocrine system. / 2007
National Seminar on Pharmacy and Biotechnology Prospects and Perspectives / Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy and CHIPS
Guntur-19, AP, India / Dimethoate-induced alterations in reproduction in male mice / 2007
2nd National Conference on Biotechnology for Industrial and Rural Development (NCBIRD 2008) / P.G. Dept. of studies and Research in Biotechnology,
Gulbarga University, Gulbarga-585 106,
Karnataka, India / Isolation and characterization of peptide hormone regulating growth in the giant fresh water Macrobrachium rosenbergii / 2008
24th National Conference of the ISCAP on Biotechnological Strategies for Biodiversity Conservation / Department of P.G. Studies and Research in Applied Zoology and Microbiology, Kuvempu University, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India / Adriamycin induced alterations in male reproductive performance in mice / 2008
AP Science Congress 2008 / AP Akademi of Sciences
and Osmania University
Hyderabad-500 007 / Effect of melatonin on ovarian maturation in the fresh water crab, Oziotelphusa senex senex / 2008
National Seminar on the Role of Biotechnology in Human Welfare / Dept. of Biotechnology
JB institute
Kavali, AP, India / Arsenic induced alterations in the male reproduction of mcie / 2009
National conference on Recent Trends in Animal Physiology / Dept. Of Zoology
University Of Mysore
Mysore-570 006, India / Effect of melatonin on ovarian growth in the fresh water edible crab, Oziotelphusa senex senex / 2009
2nd AP Science Congress / AP Akademi of Sciences
and S.V University
Tirupati-500 007
AP, India / Testosterone cannot activate suppressed male reproduction in rats exposed to progesterone during embryonic development / 2009
National seminar on Emerging Trends in Biotechnology / Dept. of Botany
SKBR college
Amalapuram, E.G. District, AP, India / Aminergic regulation of ovarian maturation in the fresh water edible crab, Oziotelphusa senex senex / 2010
National conference on innovations in Biotechnology / Dept. of Biotechnology
SRM University
Chennai / In utero exposure to octylphenol alters male reproduction in rats at their adulthood / 2010
National Seminar on Aquatic Toxicology and Biodiversity / Dept. of Zoology and Aquaculture
Acharya Nagarjuna University, Nagarjuna Nagar-522 510, AP, India / Effect of melatonin and serotonin on ovarian growth in the edible crab
Oziotelphusa senex senex / 2010
National seminar Emerging Trends in Animal Biotechnology / Dept. of Zoology
Kakatiya University
Warangal, India / Effect of lead on male reproductive performance in rats / 2010
National seminar on Sustainable development on Biotechnology / Dept. of Biotechnology
JB institute
Kavali, AP, India / Elucidation of Dopamine serotonin and melatonin in the regulation of ovarian maturation in the fresh water, edible crab, O.senex senex / 2010
National Conference on Emerging Trends in Advance Biology. / Dept. of Zoology
Adikavi Nannaya University, Rajamundry
AP, India / Effect of retinoic acid in the regulation of ovarian maturation in the crab,
Oziotelphusa senex senex / 2011
National Conference on Modern Innovations and Approaches in Biotechnology / Dept of Biotechnology
SPMVW, Tiurpati
AP, India / Effect of selected biogenic amines in the regulation of ovarian development in the fresh water edible crab, Oziotelphusa senex senex / 2012
National Conference on Biotic and Abiotic Molecules- Their Health Effects and Therapeutic Applications / DST-Purse
S.V. University
Tirupati, AP, India / Speman ameliorates cisplatin-induced repro-toxicity in male mice / 2012
C. Oral/poster papers presented in International conferences/seminars