Update Report for Planning Committee(West): 28.01.15

Committee Planning Manager:Liz Nicholson

14/01127/OUT –Home Guard Club (including Scout Hut and Community Centre), Main Street, Tiddington
Additional Supplementary Planning Guidance (Page 24)–Town Design Statement
Additional ‘Other Documents’(Page 24)–Draft Stratford upon Avon Neighbourhood Plan. The Draft Plan is not considered to have reached a stage whereby it can be afforded any weight as a material consideration in this case.
Additional text in The Development Plan section (Page 28) - At end of paragraph 2 of section add:- “Modifications submitted by the District Council to the Core Strategy Examination in Public have amended the number of dwellings for Tiddington village over the plan period to now be a maximum of 60 dwellings.”
Consultant’s Viability Assessment (Page 31)–The Council appointed consultant comments that the Applicant has presented a viability case which concludes that it is not viable for the scheme to provide any affordable housing or contributions in lieu of affordable housing (or other S106 contributions) whilst providing a sufficiently high land value to be attractive to the landowner to generate a sale at a reasonable profit to the developer.The consultant hasassessed this case and concludes that whilst the costs of the scheme can be reduced, he does not believe that the Applicant can achieve the sales values which have been estimated. The net result of these reductions in both cost and value are that he concurs with the Applicant’s conclusions that the scheme is not viable if affordable housing or planning obligation contributions are requested.
Amended text Conclusions section (Page 31) –last line of 2nd para delete “/is not”.
Amended Condition 20 (Page 33)–add at end “and provision of sports pitches and Scouts amenity/recreation space”.
New Condition 21–“Changing and sports accommodation to be substantially constructed in accordance with Sport England/ National Governing Body Technical Design Guidance Notes.”
New Condition 22–“Approval of a Community Use Agreement including details of names of sports clubs, details of tenure, pricing policy, hours of use, access, management responsibilities, review mechanism.”
14/02660/FUL - Orchard House, Tiddington Road, Stratford-upon-Avon
Cllr Rolfe
I have now had a chance to talk to most of the residents regarding this application and I am able to confirm that I withdraw my objection(23.01.15).
Revised Recommendation:
That the application is withdrawn from the agenda and is granted planning permission by officers under delegated powers.
14/02374/FUL –16 St Gregorys Road, Stratford upon Avon
Additional Other Documents (Page 49)–Residential Character Study of Stratford upon Avon –Avenue Road Character Study
Additional Text to Impact on the character and appearance of the Conservation Area and street scene section (Page 52)–At start add “Section 72(1) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 states that special attention should be paid to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of a conservation area.”
One letter of support received raising the following points:-
-Proposed development would enhance the area
-Provides suitable accommodation for first time buyers or retired couple
-Hardly noticeable from surrounding properties
-The school already has many properties overlooking the playing fields which do not cause a problem
-Existing run down garages are unattractive
-Nearby trees will be unaffected due to use of small bore piles for foundations
-The existing communal garden, which serves all 3 existing flats cannot be described as an Edwardian garden
Amended Reason for Refusal no.3 (Page 56)–Prior to last sentence add “In addition the proposals will create additional vehicular movements to and from the rear of the site which will lead to additional noise and disturbance to residents of the existing flats.”
Amended Reason for Refusal no.4–After first sentence add “In addition it is considered that the tree in the neighbouring garden at no. 14 St Gregorys Road is also likely to suffer harm due to the digging of foundations for the proposed building.” In the next sentence change ‘tree’to “trees”. Add policy “EF.13”. Add NPPF paragraph “134”. Add as final sentence “The harm identified to the Conservation Area and street scene is not considered to be outweighed by any benefits of the proposals when considered cumulatively against all other negative aspects of the proposals.”
14/02964/FUL–8 St Gregory’s Road, Stratford upon Avon
No updates
14/02672/FUL–128 Clopton Road, Stratford upon Avon
Additional text to be added to recommendation:
That the following text is inserted at the end of the recommendation: “the wording of which is delegated to officers.
14/02502/FUL –Oak Tree Farm, Buttermilk Lane, Yarningale Common
Amended Reason for Refusal (pages 85 & 86) –within the second sentence substitute ‘constitutes a disproportionate addition over and above the size of the original building’with‘is considered to be materially larger than the existing stables’.
14/01984/FUL –38 Tiddington Road, Stratford upon Avon
Description of development amended to accurately reflect amended scheme– “Removal of existing garage and erection of a side extension with rooms in the roof linked to the existing porch canopy. Alterations to the fenestration and roofs (including the introduction of pitched roofs and 2no. roof lanterns) of the existing single storey rear projections and the erection of 2 no. single storey infill extension. The erection of a replacement rear dormer and insertion of 7.no rooflights to the main roofslope. Alterations to the entrance openings and porch.”
Amended Drawings (Revision E) received and consulted on 20.1.15–the amendment alters the guttering proposals to not overhang the shared boundary with neighbour at no.40.
Two additional letters of objection following consultation on Amendment Rev E with no additional reasons for objection to those stated in the committee report.
Additional document in Other Material Considerations section (Page 90) –Add Residential Character Study of Stratford upon Avon –Tiddington Road Character Study
Additional Constraint (Page 90) –Flood Zone 2 [Officer Note –the proposed extensions are mainly on the footprint of existing buildings and the increase in floor area is limited. Taking into account the submitted Flood Matrix and Standing Advice from the Environment Agency, no material harm is identified in relation to flooding matters.]
Amended Note no.2 (Page 94) –Should refer to “amendment E”
S106/00002/14 –Planning Site of Tanworth Garage, The Green, Tanworth-in-Arden
Additional Responses Received
1)An email has been received from Mr Tom Ross, Chairman of Tanworth Residents Association stating that there is an error in the officer report and that his comments have been submitted on behalf of the Residents Association, and not in his capacity as an individual. Mr Ross has indicated that he may also speak separately on behalf of Tanworth Parish Council. (26.01.2015).
2)An email has been received from Wilkes Partnership LLP on behalf of the applicant. The applicant has clarified that Manor Homes Limited have owned the site since 2012 and were not the owners of the land when the original obligation was entered into in 1997. The applicant has also stated that the reason for the Council’s decision not to discharge the obligation relating to engineering works was because there was concern that the garage may exercise permitted development rights to create a hardstanding for the parking of vehicles.

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