Update Report for Planning Committee East 20.01.16
Committee Planning Manager:Jayne Cashmore
15/03308/FUL– Land east of SouthamRoad, Kineton- 1. During the course of the application it was identified that an area of land within the control of the applicant had not previously been included within the incidental space for the overall development. Drawing Number M1091-LE-205C ‘POS and Open Space Transfer Plan’ has been submitted, confirming that the additional space will be incorporated within the overall POS package, including subsequent maintenance provisions.
- 2. An updated materials plan was supplied by the applicant on 15 01 16
15/03920/FUL – Jaguar Land Rover, Gaydon Test Centre, Banbury Road, Gaydon
Additional Consultation response
Consultation response received from Severn Trent requesting that a condition is requested in respect of surface water drainage and foul. Officers Note: This is covered in proposed condition 6 as detailed in the committee report.
15/03934/FUL – Jaguar Land Rover, Gaydon Test Centre, Banbury Road, Gaydon
Additional lighting statement submitted by the applicant dated 18 January 2016 covering the following issues:
The Scheme
Utilises 8m high columns with 1 or 2 LED heads mounted on columns. Column spacing is approximately 30m. Layout represents a compromise between height of column, power of luminaires, quantity and spacing of columns.
The Context
Proposed staff car park is separated from the main body of the triangle by the test track, approximately an 80m gap from the rear of the main central buildings.
Views from Gaydon have been assessed.
The assessments and impacts are considered cumulatively to the existing context, as they will be perceived as an extension to the existing industrial urban setting and not a stand-alone installation within a rural location.
Baseline views from Gaydon Village have limited night time views of the overall JLR site. Existing site is broadly perceived as light presence (a glow silhouetting the top of the southern planting)
Scheme proposed Luminaires that follow best practice for the reduction of obtrusive light and sky-glow. No direct upward light and consequently light presence is largely determined by reflected light and from weather conditions. These luminaires are an improvement of some of the existing lights on the site.
Light presence not considered to be increased to a level to be considered adverse at a significant level. Lighting would be more noticeable when high level of moisture in the air but this would also apply to street lighting in the village.
Parking area may be viewed as distinct from the baseline condition from approximately 1km westwards of Gaydon or Kineton Road and in longer distance elevated views to the south east. Given the context of the site with existing development and the new dual carriageway this impact is considered to be minor adverse.
The operating hours reflect the business requirement with an early shift at 6am and considerable numbers arriving between 6am and 7am.
Currently under consideration as to how the lighting can be managed further and considering that after the peak hours (i.e. after 19:00) lighting could be dimmed depending on the usage pattern of the car park.
To reduce column heights (up to 6m) would decrease the luminaire spacing to approximately 20m resulting in a significant increase in the number of lighting columns and luminaries. Whilst lower powered luminaries would be used the relationship between the luminaire output, power consumption, and mounting light are not linear and so a reduction in height would likely result in an increased lighting load.
Motion/presence sensors have been considered but are not considered an optimal solution. Within a large open plan car park there are few clearly defined zones or routes within which the presence of and absence detection from columns can function. Frequently changing light levels would be more apparent. And noticeable than constant lower illumination.
There is a need for lighting. Full illumination cannot be avoided but the impacts can be reduced by managing the illumination levels outside of peak hours, into the evening and night.
A managed approach (to lighting levels and energy consumption) is being considered for the ongoing development/redevelopment of the site
The document can be viewed in full on the District Council’s web site.
Amendment to proposed condition 3 replacement of the word ‘submitted’ in the first line to ‘undertaken’.
Additional condition 6
Details of the proposed pedestrian bridges to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
15/02452/FUL – Land adjGaydon Inn, Banbury Road, Gaydon
- Additional consultation
- The Lead Flood Authority maintained a no objection to the application.
Whilst the affordable housing provision requirement has been included within the appropriate section within the Committee Report, it needs also to be included within the list of S106 requirements outlined under the Recommendation header.
Archaeology –condition 7
Subsequent to the writing of the Committee Report, a Written Scheme of Investigation was submitted to, and approved by, the County Archaeologist. This report was subsequently forwarded to the Planning Officer today 20/01/16. Subsequently the County Archaeologist has recommended a revision in the wording of the conditions requiring the submission of a Programme of Evaluative Work in line with the WSI, and Mitigation Strategy –wording to be resolved by proposed condition 7
15/03610/FUL – Land off Priory Lane, Pillerton Priors
No updates
15/03816/REM– 39 London Road, Shipston on Stour
Additional representations from neighbours regarding separation distances
Neighbours have commissioned someone to draw a plan of the proposed dwellings in relation to the neighbouring properties and according to this, the separation distances between the proposed dwellings at the rear of the site and the properties in Furlong Meadow are less than those cited in the report. At the closest point between the proposed dwelling in the northern most corner and No.5 Furlong Meadow, the distance measures at 17.5m.
Updated layout plan received from agent
In response to the above, the agent has submitted an updated layout plan, for clarification purposes, showing all immediate neighbouring properties plotted on the plan. The separation distances have been annotated on this plan and concur with those cited in the report.
Officer comments on separation distances
There is a small element of overlap where approximately 1 metre of the forward projection on No.5 Furlong Meadow sits in closer proximity to the rear corner of the proposed dwelling but the predominant ‘front to back’ relationship between elevations measures at 19.5m. As set out in the report, this is considered acceptable but it is proposed to condition the retention of the hedgerow in this corner of the site to ensure maintained protection between dwellings.
Additional condition
- Retention of hedgerow in the northern most corner to protect neighbour amenity
15/03905/FUL –39 London Road, Shipston on Stour
Details relating to separation distances as per above
Correction to report p.109
The scheme does not contain garaging unlike the scheme for reserved matters, but does still include 8no. parking spaces plus an additional 5no. guest bays. This is acceptable having regard to paragraphs 32, 35 and 39 of the NPPF and saved policy DEV.4 and emerging policies CS.9 and CS.25.
Additional condition
- Retention of hedgerow in the northern most corner to protect neighbour amenity
S106/03947/15 –Long Marston Storage Depot, Campden Road, Lower Quinton
No updates
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