Update Report for Planning Committee (09.11.2016)
Committee Planning Manager: Dave Kenyon
16/02206/FUL – Land adjoining Welford Road, Long MarstonDescription of Development –
1st bullet point – Revise the term 15 houses for 15 dwellings
6th bullet point - revise the figure for the enhanced LAP from 242 sq m with 321.5 sq m (the approved LAP under phases 1 and 2 is 242sq m and the proposed development requires the provision of an additional 79.5 sq m of children’s play space)
Other Documents
Marston Sicca Housing Need Survey (Dec 2014)
Principle of Development
Page 16 – insert additional paragraph after paragraph 7 –
‘An additional Housing Need Survey has been carried out by Marston Sicca Parish Council which was published in December 2014 which identifies a need for 7 new dwellings. One 2 x bed house or flat to rent and six local market ownership (4 x 2 bed houses, 1 x 2 bed flat or house and 1 x 4 bed house).’
Page 16 – Replace paragraph 8 with the following-
‘The development has not been brought forward as a local need scheme. Whilst I give weight to the benefit of providing 5 affordable bungalows for social rent, I remain of the opinion that this would not over-ride the housing strategy of the Core Strategy and the scale and siting of the development outside the physical confines of the village would result in a conflict with policies CS.15, CS.16 and AS.10.’
Additional comment from Ward Member Councillor Barnes
2/11/2016 – Identifies that at the last Parish Meeting Cllr Brain had identified that he had been trying to get a play area in the village since 2002 and need for it had increased since 2002 with the introduction of new families within the village.
Additional third party letters received;
4 additional letters of support –
- Application has been brought forward as a result of the interest shown by a diverse selection of interested people from within and from people wishing to move to the village
- Development will meet a local need
- Development will result in a reduction in anti-social behavior in the village
- A Local Play Area is a necessity to sustain the community and improve the social inclusion of the village
A note has been sent by the applicant to all the Committee Members which lists 12 bullet points in support of their application.
16/02564/FUL – Little Hill Farm, Wellesbourne, CV35 9EB
Clarification for the officer report:
The Parish Meeting is Charlecote and not Charlescote as stated in the officer report
16/02755/FUL & 16/02756/LBC – The Coach house, Sambourne Lane, Sambourne
Additional plans received:
- Proposed south west elevation plan received.
- The addition of a roof light to the description of development.
- Further comments received from conservation officer “The harm caused to the simple curtilage listed building itself is considered to be less than substantial under the terms of the Core Strategy and the NPPF, however it is considered to be at the upper end of this definition. It is considered to also cause less than substantial harm to the character and setting of the other listed and curtilage listed structures within the former farmstead and this is considered to be at a moderate level.
- In light of the additional response from the conservation officer, officers propose the following amended recommendation:
16/02755/FUL – Planning Application16/02756/LBC – Listed Building Consent Application
In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposed single storey rear extension fails to respect the special qualities and historic context of the Grade II curtilage Listed Building and adjacent Grade II Listed Buildings that form the historic former farmstead. The extension would visually detract from the distinctive traditional and simple agricultural character of the building and would subsequently be detrimental to the character, appearance and special interest of the curtilage Listed Building and the character and setting of the Grade II listed complex as a whole. The proposal is therefore contrary to Paragraphs 129-134 of the National Planning Policy Framework, Policies CS.8 and CS.9 of the Stratford on Avon Core Strategy, Guidance contained with Appendix A of the Stratford on Avon District Design Guide and paragraphs 4.6 and 4.7 of the Stratford on Avon Advice Note ‘Extending Your Home’.