Temple Christian School Junior High English Syllabus

Eighth Grade ● 2016-2017

Teacher: Mrs. Smith


"Inspiring the passion to learn, the courage to lead, and the commitment to serve."

Middle School Language Arts is the forum where students build a firm foundation in grammar. The course builds on the skills that students developed in grade 7 and is designed to meet the needs of all students. This program provides structure, a community learning experience, and support for all students. As the class focus is heavily weighted on grammar, a portion of time will be spent on composition in order to apply all grammar skills learned. Students will study literature, poetry, and vocabulary. Students will master the basics in order to equip them for freshman English.

Course Objectives:

Students will be able to:

  • demonstrate an ability to correctly use proper grammar and mechanics in all forms of writing.
  • identify literary elements in various pieces of literature.
  • write essays with well-developed thesis statements.
  • build upon vocabulary through literature, discussion, spelling and word study.

Classroom Rules

  • Be responsible and bring all supplies to class.
  • Be seated with homework turned in (if applicable) and bell work material ready when class begins.
  • Respect others when they are sharing their views, asking or answering questions, their space and belongings.
  • Be kind to others and build relationships with all fellow students. We will be mindful of Proverbs 21:21, “Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor.”

Discipline Plan

We must all be responsible and follow all classroom rules; however, if a student chooses to break a rule stated above, the following consequences will occur:

  • First offense: Verbal reminder
  • Second offense: Contact parents
  • Third offense: Contact principal.
  • Fourth offense: Student meets with teacher, parents and possibly principal.

Grade Breakdown and Policy

Grades are broken down into two categories:

-Daily grade: This is 50% of the course average. It is comprised of classwork, homework, quizzes, bell work, and group work.

-Major grade: This is 50% of the course average. It is comprised of tests, projects, notebook, and essays.

Grading Scale

A= 100%-90%

B= 89%-80%


F= 69% and below

Late Work

Students who do not complete homework by due date will be referred to office for 11th hour and receive 20 points off the assignment. Long-range projects such as research papers will have 20 points deducted the first day late and begin at a 60% for second day late. (Please see TCS Policy and Procedure Manual for more details.)

Classroom Procedures

Students will come into class and turn in assigned homework into their class tray. Students are to be ready to begin the “Bell Ringer” assignment with all materials ready. Class will transition into grammar, literature or spelling after Bell Ringer. Students are asked to follow all class rules.


Cell phones and tablets are to be turned off and put away during class unless given specific instruction or permission to use them. Students who have their textbook on their device will absolutely be allowed to use phone/tablets when textbooks are required.

Food and Drink

Texas is hot! I am more than happy to allow students to drink water during class. All bottles/cups must have lids. No other food or drink will be permitted during class.

Tutor Times

Students needing extra time or clarification on any assignment are more than welcome to come in for one-on-one work with Mrs. Smith. Due to our Temple athletes afternoon practice schedules, tutoring will be held every Monday, Thursday and Friday beginning at 7:00 am. After school tutoring is always available for all students. Students who desire morning tutoring should sign up in class the day before.

Honor. Because of the power of the cross, Temple Christian School seeks to honor God and others by striving for growth in five key relational areas: Respect| Responsibility| Reliability| Relationships| Righteousness.