TNN Announcement
September 2, 2009
Update on LEP Exit Criteria Meeting - August 27, 2009
On August 27, 2009, the NCDPI held a webinar meeting to discuss the process of establishing new criteria for students exiting LEP status based on the ACCESS for ELLs. DPI Accountability and ESL staff met with the Testing Students Identified as Limited English Proficient members and expert reviewers in the area of LEP curriculum and testing from school systems from across the state. Robert Linquanti from WestEd and Gary Cook from the Wisconsin Center for Education Research (WCER) shared data and applicable research in gaining stakeholder input on setting the new criteria.
For the 2008-09 school year, committee members and expert reviewers from the school systems endorsed the following recommendation in defining the new criteria for exiting LEP status.
Effective with the 2008-09 school year and beyond, students must meet the Comprehensive Objective Composite (COC) as set by the state. The COC defines the attainment of English language proficiency by the student reaching an overall composite score of 4.8, with at least a 4.0 on the reading subtest and at least a 4.0 on the writing subtest on the state’s annual English language proficiency test.
Along with these criteria, the process for setting the English language proficiency target (AMAO 2) for the 2008-09 school year was also discussed. It was determined that the percent of all LEP students attaining English language proficiency would be set at 14.7 percent for 2008-09. A determination on the 2009-10 English language proficiency target will be made after another year of state ACCESS for ELLs data is collected.
The stakeholders endorsed the recommendation that AMAO 1 criteria and targets be reviewed next year when two years of ACCESS for ELLs data are available. Updates based on these recommendations for AMAO 1 and 2 have been made to SBE policy GCS-A-012 and have been sent to the SBE in September for approval. In addition, policy language for AMAO 3 was removed to add clarity to where to find information on how AYP is calculated. Attached is a copy of the executive summary and recommended policy GCS-A-012 changes that are being discussed at the GCS committee of the SBE on September 2 and voted on at the September 3 SBE meeting.
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Authors: Sarah McManus
Audrey Martin-McCoy