Update on ISIS 2.0

Update on ISIS 2.0

Update on ISIS 2.0 Implementation(MAY 4TH, 1997)

Over the weekend, there were a number of enhancements made to ISIS and a number of implementation milestones:

Opening Categories

Opening Category conversion - all openings that were still blank or were not updated after the original ISIS release date of April 9th were updated with an appropriate opening category code.

For further details on the opening category conversion logic, please refer to opencomm.doc located on the following FTP site: branches\Business Design\mof_internal\!publish\isis\imp_20.

Note: Openings or blocks that have reverted to the Crown through Code section 70.1 may have to be manually converted, by districts, to opening category 22-1a with a funding source stating “GFS” for Forest Stand Management Fund.

There were a number of issues surrounding data conversion. Districts are advised to refer to the documentation for details on how conversion was completed.

Compliance Reporting

All compliance reports are now operational with changes as follows:

-a new report providing Not In Compliance Detail Summary Report;

-use of different trigger dates for compliance reports based on different opening category codes (22-1a, 22-1b, 22-1c, 23-1)

-inclusion of an opening category code and a compliance date value for the soil, regeneration and free growing detail reports

-in the soil compliance report, inclusion of logic to assess for reportable standards based on the SP Approval dates - note that if No SP Approval dates are entered, the report will be assessed for Permanent Access Structures and Max. Soil Disturbance.

Compliance Handbook

There is also an updated version of the Compliance Handbook: complc9.doc on the BDB FTP site under branches\Business Design\mof_internal\publish\isis\busprchb with the following changes:

-documentation of the use of SP Approval Date for soil compliance

-incorporation of the new report Not In Compliance Detail Summary Report into the text

-incorporation of the Opening Category Conversion in the Appendix

-incorporation of a matrix detailing the key trigger dates used for soil, regeneration, and free growing compliance reporting in the Appendix

- changes to the SP Soil Conservation Screen - Site Disturbance Limits has been modified to reflect the wording changes of Max. Soil Disturbance and Max. Soil Disturbance Pre-Rehab.

-Editorial changes to reporting protocols, to emphasise that the legislation requires a complete and accurate report submitted to the Chief Forester.

Fixes and Enhancements:

Following the release a number of enhancements, and bugs were identified. We have fixed/incorporated them into this release:

1) A screen has been created for viewing SP amendment history.

You may now view your amendment history on-line in ISIS. To get there, choose menu pick 6(Amendment History) off the SP menu.

This will help you track which sections of the SP have been changed or amended. It will not track the individual changes(eg. x changed to Y); you will have to refer to the opening file to see the actual record of the changes.

When ISIS 2.0 was released, a report was developed to track amendments. This screen provides the additional flexibility of viewing the results instead of just reporting them.

2) “When updating the (Surveys)ATU details screen, one gets the message stating that unprocessed changes exist”

This would happen after you've entered everything on the surveys detail screen and were trying to PF12 back to the ATU scheduler.

This has now been fixed.

3) Have added the ability ‘on-line’ to update the ‘Original Approval/Put into Effect by DM Date’, on the ‘Approve SP’ Screen. This is essentially the same date as the ‘SP Approval Date’ on the Opening screen.

This updating can only be done by users with access security level 5 and it is not the same date as the ‘Approved by’ date found lower in the ‘Approve SP’ screen.

This allows users with access level 5 to go into the ‘SP Approve’ screen and change the original SP approval date. This ability will help when the original approval date has been entered incorrectly, or been updated erroneously with the pre-ISIS2.0 functionality.

It is important to have this flexibility since much of the ISIS compliance reporting is hinged off the SP approval date and many of the original SP approval dates in ISIS are inaccurate, and require updating.

4) “When attempting to delete from the Opening Inquiry(which DID work before the ISIS 2.0 release) the error displayed is-’Sp must be in Dft status’"

This has been fixed so that the opening must be in DFT, AMD, or AMD A status to be deleted from ISIS.

5) “Attempted to update a backlog of amendments, by giving them to a contractor who has level 4 authority. Then wanted to re-approve with level 5 in the district. Contractor was getting the msg 'must be draft to update' when trying to update”.

This has been fixed, so ISIS level 4 access can set the opening status to AMD, update the ISIS SP information and then allow the district to re-approve the SP.

ISR/SIA Update:


All ISR reports(flexible and pre-defined) are now fixed and in production. Most have had tenure information removed. Those that still have tenure use a UNION statement that pastes two queries together. These types of queries are liable to ‘blow up’ displaying a ‘Query too Complex error’ message when a lot of selection criteria is used.

The reports that do not have Tenure, have ecology information from an Ecology on the opening. These ecology related numbers are usually fairly close but don't ‘bet the farm’ on the results. Note that ISR Reports with Land Status or Ecology could possibly lose rows if no ecology or Land Status exists for the opening. Requesters should only use reports with Ecology, LandStatus, or tenure if they need that in the report.

Reports with Tenure: OPN001,3,5,8, PAG2,6, RAC2,4,5

Ecology: OPN007, PAG004,5,8, RAC001,3

LandStat: OPN003, PAG001,3


We are working on getting SIA up and running in about 3 to 4 weeks time.

A contractor has been hired to get this implemented within this time frame.

ISIS User Guide and Handbooks

The full compliment of ISIS handbooks and the accompanying User guide are almost complete. We have posted the documents on the following FTP sites. As noted in the earlier communiqués, hardcopies of each document will be sent to districts/regions.

ISIS Handbooks

You may view the completed ISIS handbooks on the following internal MOF FTP site:


-opening2.doc (Openings)

-atus.doc (Planning and scheduling activities)

-project2.doc (Projects)

-hand-rac.doc (Record Activities)

Since Silv Rx is to be delayed a couple of weeks, and we wish to incorporate a better description of the ISIS SP component with the Silv Rx application, we have decided to release the SP handbook with the Silv Rx release(approx. 2 weeks).

ISIS User Guide

You may view/print the various chapters in the ISIS userguide. We are attempting to link the document so you may view it as an entire document, and utilise it as a ‘pseudo’ on-line help by using the normal searching tool in word documents

In the meantime, you can view each chapter individually by referencing the document names on the Table of contents document.. Each district will be sent a user guide and it is envisioned that additional copies may be ordered or printed off the FTP site. When printing, it is strongly recommended that you use double sided printing as it is a huge document, and/or chapters. Also note that it is a word 6 document, so you will have to utilise a Word 6 viewer if you only have Word 2 on your PC.

The user guide chapters are located on the FTP site:

Branches\Business_Design\Mof_internal\!Publish\ISIS\us-guide\ under following file names and descriptions

toc.doc(table of contents)
using.doc(How to use the manual)
chapt_01.doc(Introducing ISIS)
chapt_02.doc(Learning the Basics)
chapt_04.doc(Routine Tasks)
chapt_05.doc(Managing Openings)
chapt_06.doc(Silviculture Prescriptions)
chapt_07.doc(Scheduling and Planning Activities) / chapt_08.doc(Managing Projects)
chapt_09.doc(Recording Activity Results)
chapt_10.doc(ISIS Reporting)
chapt_11.doc(Managing District Tables)
append_b.doc(Authorization to Use ISIS) - Security levels
append_c.doc(Code Tables)
append_d.doc(ISIS quick reference guide)