Beverley Manor Middle School

FFA Chapter

October 2012 News

Upcoming FFA Activities

Citrus Sales will end on October 31st!

It seems that citrus sales are going really well. We will wrap up our sales at the end of the month. The specialfinal order form that needs to be turned into Mrs. Shomo is attached and needs to be turned in by November 2nd .

Extra fruit will be ordered just in case you get any orders after you turn in your final order form.

CDE (Contest) Practices…

will continue on the following days in preparation for the Augusta/Highland FFA Federation Events on November 15th at Stewart Middle School. Practices will be held from 3:10 – 4:30 on October 16 and November 1. Parents will be needed to help chaperone this event. Please let Mrs. Shomo know if you can attend and help by November 1.

National FFA Convention – Indianapolis, IN – October 23 – 27…

Watch live coverage of the National FFA Convention on RFD TV. Watch on Direct TV on Channel 345 or Dish TV on Channel 231. The evening sessions are great! I really recommend that you watch the opening Session on Wednesday evening, starting at 7:00 p.m. The guest speaker should be fantastic! Maybe you will see us on TV. Watch in the evenings and all day on Saturday for the fun and excitement of the National FFA Convention! BMMS FFA members representing our chapter: Simon Liggett, jake McCall, Grant Shultz, Maggie Earhart, Seneca Graham, Kelsey Ervine, Luke Jennings, Robert George and isabelle Leonard. Chaperones for the trip include: Debbie Earhart, Sam Liggett, Scott Shomo and Mrs. Shomo.

The session where we will be featured as one of the top five FFA Middle School FFA Chapters in the Nation in Thursday, October 25 at 2:00 p.m. Keep your fingers crossed and watch if you are able! It will be very exciting for us! Simon Liggett and Jake McCall will be on stage representing our chapter!

The Convention sessions can also be found at Sessions will be broadcast live or will be available on demand.

We will be also be receiving our National 3-Star Chapter Rating on Thursday, October 20th, at the 2:00 session. Two of our members will be walking across the stage to receive this honor. Check it out!

Isabelle Leonard will be competing in National Career Development Events while at the Convention! Isabelle, a freshman at Riverheads High School, will be competing in the National Dairy Handler’s Event and the National AgriScience Event as a National Finalist. She is one of 15 members who will be in her division. This is quite an honor to be able to represent the state of Virginia, but also Beverley Manor Middle School! We wish Isabelle the best of luck! Isabelle was our president last year.

FFA Website…

I now have the FFA website updated. I hope there are parents and students looking at it from time to time! Lots of good information!

Augusta County 4-H/FFA Market Animal Show Steer Weigh-in…

is scheduled for Saturday, November 3rd at the Staunton Union Stockyards from 7:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. If you are planning on exhibiting a steer, you must weigh your animal. The suggested minimum weight for steers is 600 pounds. No steer can weigh over 900 pounds at weigh-in. Rules and regulations will be available soon and will be available online at

Next FFA Meeting will be held on November 9th.

Citrus Delivery will be on December 3rd, Monday night at 6:00 p.m. Looking for a few strong men to help move the fruit on pallet jacks from the truck into the shop. Please let me know if you are available to help. Thanks! 4-6 men are needed.

Citrus fruit pick-up will be on Tuesday, December 4th and Wednesday, December 5th from 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Mark your calendars, please!