We are pleased to be able to offer organic milk or water and a healthy snack each session. This may include bread, pitta bread, crackers, cheese, cereal and fresh or dried fruit. We try to involve the children in the preparation of the snack wherever possible. We also introduce food from different cultures.

Please provide your child with a named water bottle for them to access each day.


On special occasions, we do cooking with the children. They usually take their creations home at the end of the session.


All additional hours cost £4.00 per hour. If your child is staying between 12.00pm – 1.00pm, whether as part of their funding or if you are paying £4.00, then you are required to send in a packed lunch and drink in a lunch box with your child’s name on it. At pre-school we focus on keeping healthy. Please try to reflect this in your child’s lunch box by limiting the number of fatty / sugary items you provide – thank you.


Please label your child’s coat, shoes, wellies and any other item of clothing likely to be removed. T-shirts with our logo are available in navy, light blue, lime green, apple green, pink, red, teal or purple and cost £6 each. Daps or indoor shoes are required to be worn at pre-school and willies must be provided daily. Please do not let your child walk to pre-school in them as they will become dirty. We provide your child with a book-bag when they start. Please ensure your child brings their book-bag to every session, this enables us to send home any art work, newsletters etc. Please also provide a pair of named wellies and spare set of clothes in case your child goes outside or gets wet.


Illness and infections spread very quickly at pre-school. To prevent this from happening, we ask that any infections are reported to the staff and the child kept at home until they have fully recovered. Children who have sickness / diarrhoea should not return to pre-school until 48 hours after their last attack.


Revised October 2017